I don't care if monday's blue

I don't care if monday's blue
thursday sunday whoop de doo

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Thursday I don't care bout you
It's time I take a dump

sa-tur-day oh way
i am just a slightly gay cause friday i'm my glove

Stop making fun of my favorite song meanies :'(

Is there a studio version of Nothing can ever be the same?

Looks just like Chris Chan

Far too many drugs

god just imagine how bad his hole smells

*it can never be the same

He doesn't deserve this he's a sweet guy youtube.com/watch?v=-1LAtC4W1Fs

For the longest time I thought this song was by some gay 80s band like Modern English and then I found out it was by the cure and I started liking the cure less

even though he looks terrible i'm glad he still has the ridiculous hair and shitty makeup. it would just be weird without it.

>shoop da whoop

>some gay 80s band like
>the cure

The Cure isn't gay though, friday i'm in love is just a gay song. its literally flaming

is this how infp's age?


whoa the early 80s really were a different time.

wtf Sup Forums is picking on robert smith

this place has gone too far now

This made me laugh harder than it should have

its a nice inoffensive pop tune



tasteless and childish

i dont care if monday stinks,
dont care what morrissey thinks

>The Cure isn't gay though

Good one user

Modern English is great and not gay