What's his endgame?

what's his endgame?

Other urls found in this thread:


forgot the link

Is he /our guy/?

we're his

just scraping out the bottom of the barrell

whatever he'll grow up. Let's make him buy some Swans.

guess we found the guy who's been samefagging the entireity of Sup Forums

hes so ironic LOOOL!!!!! so random!!!!

Pretty solid satire to be honest family.

Except it's not at all

It is.

someone please explain this 'endgame' meme

I always knew you were a retard hampus


I like him, but I don't trust him

>tfw this board is filled with kids like him

is not

You guys just shit on this band because they're popular



I don't see a problem here



At least explain your opinion, you're just being childish here.

berceuse you're ugly

french fag spotted

Fuck you man I have a better opinion just shut the fuck up newfag

Hey don't steal my name

You're too busy dickriding outdated hipster shit and dadrock to give some new guys an honest chance. Just don't get surprised if they end up being the most celebrated band of this decade.

>doesn't like very track on blurryface
he's not

>to give some new guys an honest chance

I don't think you know what you're talking about.

nah imma use hampus from now on bud

Don't or I'll get you banned. Proofs that this board is full of newfags. They don't even know who I am.

How would I not know who I'mself am?

Because you're schizophrenic, stop talking to yourself.

Okay. You will.

Use a tripcode then, newfag


dubs thread?

dubs thread.

plebs thread

u mad faget???

you faggots were little betas when you were his age
you will never be as alpha as he already is

>ywn be as patrician as that 14 year old
why live?

his itaots review is too good

check these

sorry, but I'm the dubs guy here

What's his actual name? Isn't it something like Brian DeStefano?

that so?

so close

>Brian DeStefano?
ouch my stomach

Anthony Fantano


>Those shots fired at Marcel


I love sucking dicks teehee :^)

He posts here doesn't he

He's in this thread isn't he


check em

i like this kid, be nice. he has his moments of sincerity, like on the glow pt 2 album review

>african americans on the moon review next boys

Which one's the real Hampus????????????????????

I think it's you.

He's pretty meme I like him