I have hidden Harambe cards across b over the past hour. Find them all and get a prize

I have hidden Harambe cards across b over the past hour. Find them all and get a prize.

I found them, they're hidden in the picture you posted.

What do I get?

Harambe frowns upon you.

That's a dumb prize.

Harambe wishes so fucking hard to smite you right now. But being a merciful omniscient being, he will give humanity one more chance to play a simple easter egg hunt.

Yes, as I already said, I found them here.
But the prize is bad, so don't bother playing.

Fuck it. Trump wins the presidency. WWIII begins two days later. The rapture begins 2 years after that. Less a lone mortal can redeem humanity by finding all the other cards in all the other boards in the next 24 hours.

Also Harambe's going to call up his good buds Cthulhu and Azeroth and let them do super freaky kinky things to the Earth. Prepare your anus's.

are those threads still up at least?

Got one

Two have already been pruned/deleted. If the other three or found. The missing two will be reposted. Time is running out!

got another

The 3 missing have been pruned/deleted. Repost will begin soon.

The 3 are back in the shuffle. Go find them bitches.


found l. leg

the legend says he has once but never lived to survive the ZOO RIFLE.


You a lya less you post it bra

i'm not gonna post it here


now combine all pieces together and summon Harambe

got you

HOLY SHIT! its close enough!

What the shit, we actually did something?