So an employee at the Sprint store in Waterford Lakes town center in Florida, called my fiance a nigger. Openly...

So an employee at the Sprint store in Waterford Lakes town center in Florida, called my fiance a nigger. Openly, audibly, and with no regard of her or me. When he did, she took my hand and took me out of there before I could get anti-social with him, what should I do now, Sup Forums?

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Get rid off the nigger

Formally file a complaint with Sprint's corporate office and write an email to your local newspaper. Racially charged incidents are all the rage.

She's no 'nigger'. friend; she's my future wife and she's pretty rad. You'd like her, and you don't like anyone!

>Sprint customer
>Marrying a nigger

Kill yourself.

Sue, get money, spend it all on the nigger, get cucked by real men, live in chastity, post pics to Sup Forums.

Wrong place, friend. You misspelled Tumblr.

I am waiting for corporate to get back to me now, but this letter to the paper business seems promising. Any additional advise is welcome, thanks!

I don't understand why it's a big deal when people say that niggers are niggers. I'm a firefighter. I don't get upset when people say I'm a firefighter or deny it and cry.

Nahw, I'm great, guy. Why would I rob the world of me?!
What grounds would I sue on here. Also, she's Mexican-- get it right, essay.

What a niggery thing to do.


Mexican? So she's a chink. Not a nigger.

Which part, like; the whole thing, or...?

People ask if she is Asian ALL the time, it's crazy!

No you piece of shit she's a beaner, a chink is asian

Nice I used to live in that area and would go to the town center all the time, small world

It's actually a very civil thing to do. A niggery thing to do would be to go beat the guy's skull in with a brick.

Hopefully there are other eyewitnesses. If you can get anyone to corroborate the story the paper will run with it. Headlines like, "Employee shouts racial slurs at customer" are a free story for a writer and a damn easy article to write. Were you and your fiancé present? Try and go over exactly what happened to lead up to them saying it. If the story is plausible you may be able to get something out of it.

shame on you, monkey lover

This guy really took that easy bait.

fucking nigger lover

When I was in 4th grade I gave an oral presentation in front of the class about why Native Americans shouldn't be offended by the name "Redskins' because the Cleveland Browns bear Paul Brown's name and he considers it an honor.

I was an moron then just like you are now.


>calling some random shitpost bait
Oh gee top bantz

A four year old could come up with better bait.


Right on! I live close to Full Sail now. You still in Florida?
Thanks man! I'll see what we can do.

>on B on friday night
>has gf

I don't believe you have a gf, pics or it didn't happen.

you are the biggest faggot on here, be a real fucking man and confront him


Nah ended up moving to Oviedo for a year, then eventually came back to Jersey, where I am now. I miss Florida and the area but definitely not the heat , that shit wears you down

Naw kid. You see my beard and such? I got them sweet skillz; they with the 'z' 'cause they be so smooth. I needs me that fine ass of hers to keep me in line and junk. Kid's got no idea!

>get it right, essay.
Kys ese.

you're a sack of shit hipster

Oh fuck OP... I really do respect your plight and you should get the guy fired... and I'd probably bang your future wife if I wasn't also engaged. But holy shit I lel'd at this one.

This response is the epitome of old school Sup Forums... Telling you to an hero for being a sprint customer before marrying a minority.


She's out having a girls night with her friends, I'm home because I'm not feeling well. What's your excuse, guy?
I haven't fought in five years, she hates violence. Stop being an asshole.
Well, I hope you're finding something rad there. Maybe you can visit the Secret Stash? The heat is fucking moist and gross, good call.

I was invoking Poe's law before this post... OP is troll

Calm down, term paper. Don't get crinkled about it.
What? How am I a hipster, or a sack of shit. Back it up, guy.
Fair enough, I guess...

Yer Mammy.

omg i got my phone fixed in that store!!!! good bunch of guys

stop trying to slander them


Kill yourself you spineless nigger loving rat faggot.

Im jerking off at home because my cumdumpster is out of town and my fb is being all "you have a gf" AND there are no good parties. Plus I haven't gotten to level 70 in season 7 yet and I have to work in the morning yay overtime.

should be happy a nigger is the worst you were called

Ah dude, whatever. I'm typing of what happened; that's about it.
Never used it, man. Any reason I would type of this there?
Call it what you want, I'm just easy go lucky, is all.

Bwhahaha the basement dwelling autists got triggered by this thread.

Gather up the rest of her family. And go into the store when he's working make him really uncomfortable.

Found the nigger

Like, nahw. Totally, factually, for reallies, ain't gunna.
Well gross, but who the Hell am I to judge. I mean, fun is fun, right? Have fun.
Oh guy, are you voting 'trump'?

It's a fuckin' rager in here, right? We're having that good time.

Kill yourself for fucking a nigger.

Spotted the autist.


That depends. Is she actually a nigger, or was he just slandering her?

He was being an asshole, man. Like, just saying it because he felt he could.

So what I'm hearing is: A guy called a nigger a nigger and you want to know what to do about it?

IDFK say: "Good job."?

grow the fuck up. the world is not your safe space. people wont always be nice to you. now fuck off.


There he is again

well hes right so

nevr said fight did i m8? i said CONFRONT HIM, like a man you sorry excuse.

>called my fiance a nigger
>am mad
how long have you been with her and you just found out now that shes a nigger?

I mean, it was rude of him to call her that but maybe he is a person of lesser mind whom imagines all black people to be niggers. You cannot fully blame him - I find that about half of the black people I encounter are basically just animals in clothes, and will act as such. Maybe he had bad experiences with some actual niggers and it made him think that 'all black people are the same!'

That said, there's no reason to randomly insult anyone, but I cannot encourage you to drop down to his level and resort to violence - Especially not since your clearly quite intelligent black woman lead you out of the store, implying she did NOT want you to punch the guy. That was the right call. Why don't you take care of your girl and do as she wishes, hmm? She sounds like a keeper to me.

OMG hes for real folks...bro, you look like a malformed fetus and youre a gutless turd. Also your gf is a brown chipmunk...youre both useless.

Really? Science disagrees

seems like that site is more your speed, is all.

Get the fuck over it and move on. Sticks and stones. You pussy

The sad thing here, is you know how played out that shit is, right? Like, you see how many people are posting shit like this and it's like you feel like you're part of some group or something when you post similarly; but it's a group of fucking losers. You wanna be a loser, you just 'trump' your way to it.
Yeah, it's MY fault. What was I thinking?!

Jesus christ, this thread is like the Twilight Zone faggotry episode.


People on here are saying it to be assholes because they can, are you tattling on them too?

Just charming there, big guy. I bet you hear 'big guy' a whole, REAL lot. You earned it! Now go eat away some pain.
This is how I'm getting over it, fuckface. Sharing it here; putting it into the world, getting advice. How is THIS not getting the fuck over it?

I want your name and to speak to your manager's manager! I'm gunna give em' an earful!!

getting over it is finding something better that trying to get Sup Forums to fuel your rage boner

You sure its not because niggers are scientifically inferior to all other races, except abos?

Don't listen to them. Get advice elsewhere my friend, but id collapse his wind pipe and while he's gasping for beath gao him by the hair or neck, and whisper something in a calm voice, such as, "if I ever hear you say that word to someone again, ill kill you"

Sure you would. Now I have just one question, If blacks aren't inferior, why do your kind get offended when called such?

Never said they aren't. But all ladies should be treated in a respectful manner unless they are being overly aggressive or something in that nature. Self defense

Which is funny because the Klan said that Trump is saying what they've been saying for years.

And I'm not African or African American, I'm Caucasian.

>throwing away 60,000 years of evolution
>brown children
Shame on you

Ayy I'm late as fuck but I live like 10 mins away from Waterford and I've been to that exact store. I drove past it today.

I guess... don't have a fiance that's a nigger? Really you shouldn't let words get to you. They are just words.

Were they shitty to you too?

No, last time I was in the store was when I was in middle school. So they've probably cycled through employees a lot since then.

Get over your jungle fever and get a real woman.

Op, she's fat as fuck. I wouldn't go out in public with her.

why the fuck did your dumb ass not get the manager

here, I just saw the picture of you and your fiancee lmao why did he call her a nigger when she looks white/asian.

Don't you see that they are both fat as fuck?

2 22's in 2's!