Hi Sup Forums, you are my only friends tonight

Hi Sup Forums, you are my only friends tonight.




I didn't want to feel any shittier but yeah, mostly always. I hate how little I care in the world.

I'm here for you op

It alright user

I guess we can only have each other at this point

It'll get better user. Just gotta wait out the shitstorm.


Every user should get a free VR

I wish there was more of a way I could help you out buddy. Things'll get better. Trust me, get outside for a little bit. Go to a farm or something, meet people. You'll be happy one day

I was born in this shitstorm. I'm sure I'm going to die in it.

I just took a big shit and it felt nice coming out

You trying to cheer me up is the best way you can help me user, thank you

Like I said man, things will get better. In life, there are many ups and downs. There's things you think you won't get through but hell, you're here now so what's stopping you from going? You just gotta push through man. You'll make some friends, I believe in you.







i think i hate people then i get lonely, sorry user, drink some beer and get high and listen to some tunes or something.

OP I love you. I will be your friend. Everyone on here needs a friend. Like me...



Wanna play some vidya and talk and stuff? You on steam?





Can't use the PC till the 1st. Need to save money on the electricity bill. Thanks anyway user.



you're fucked dude... go get a 40 oz. fuck the electricity bills....

Well maybe some other time then. What state are you in?

>its a trap

does fml stand for fuck my life or for my lose



soooo... you have no friends then...