Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:



Copied from last thread
I see the 4 who I work with and everyone else is either Asian or raghead.
Its an equal tie between Megumin, Kongou, Tomo, Asuka, Rem and Yuno.

Yeah. Gets hard to follow sometimes.
Well... Depends how you count. I think the single waifu that i've seen the most people go through is Megumin, if i had to guess. Almost all of them switched off later though. I think there's 3 ex-Megumins around, and one active Megumin.
Tomoko might be more popular though. I'm not the oldest poster around here.



Prepare to hate me then

Don't one you guys play WOT as well?


Technically I think that goes to Shit.

Since a lot of waifu in these threads are shit.

But seriously, I think she might be. I don't count seasonal waifu since those children switch waifu.

Could be worse. You could have to deal with the North American Nigger. I mean, I hear the abbos are pretty shit, but at least they don't roll around in ESKALAIDS with their MAC10s and GATS.

I trust me, I don't need preparation.
S-mug plays WoT
I play Warframe

Hachikuji is here!

Wendy Marvell


implying Dva isn't best overgrill

Hmm alright then

Nah. The lebo population just roll around in pumped up shitty Falcons / Commodores and load up all their mates so the lowered suspension scratches the speedhumps. Then walk up to order with a phone in their ear, a cap on and sunnies over their eyes. Disrespectful cunts.
Widowmaker >Dva :^)


D.va is a shit

still here


i play wot yes

Greetings friend!

D.va is a meme.
>But she's cool too
>Mercy Best Gril tho.

Has that S always been there?

Harambe is best waifu

Yep. Can confirm as me and Shinoa were the reason behind it.
>we asked for smugs and Tomo had none

objectively no

nice opinion

not wanting a 19-year old korean military gamer model girl

hello bitter
about a day or 2 after i joined threads yes.

*Unsheaths longsword (not katana cuz im not a weeb)* you are all discusting and if I ever see any of you little weeb bites in public I shall slice you down

you may not see yourselfs as weebs but I see you as blood on my blade

Stop shitting up my board and I may forget about your autism weebs like you dont belong here

>Disrespectful cunts
Truth be told anyone can be this, but niggers seem to go out of their way to be disrespectful.

Harambe is a shit meme.

kraken mistress is best

I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.

Well atleast its a original shitpost

welcome to the thread

*unsheathes katana*
*teleports behind you*
*stabs through belly*
'psh. nothing personell kid'
*teleports away*

Pic related

First time ever seeing it

That's a smart idea

He's very consistent with his first post per thread.

Good choice. But im a kikimora guy

Shinoa claimed ',:)

>Mfw Prison Architect Cheat Mode
>Mfw now I don't have to wait for shit to build
Dead Memes Die Hard.
I mean, true but, what about
>Cute blonde who heal you and touch you sensually.
Honestly, I prefer redheads but blonds are a close second.
>Stop shitting up my board
>my board
is where you belong friend.

Smugz ^^

Lebanese. A good 50% of the Arabic population have no respect for anyone not Muslim. And they are as bad as niggers. At least we have gun control laws to jeep them from going full chimp.
Tomo also made this for me. He a real G.

>Megumin, Kongou, Tomo, Asuka, Rem and Yuno.
Ehhh i don't think so.
Pretty sure there's only been two Kongous. Asuka isn't around anymore, but i think there was only two frequent posters at any one time anyways.
Rem was killing it for like, a week, but then most of them left. I think there's only one now.
And Yuno has two claimers who tend to be on at the same time, but i'm not aware any other frequent posters have taken her.

sup smugs

its always been there
its still horrible

Best girl

I figured that out pretty quick, but I never noticed the S till just now ha

He seems to be a pretty cool dude


gotta say the swiss blonde milf is a close second for best grill
she has a redhead skin btw


>Redhead skin


Im stealing your's to make my own

Hello shino

Whatcha up to smugger?

>Muslims only respecting Muslims

Yeah, I somewhat know that feeling. Believe it or not, Texas has a Muslim community. And it is basically the same way. As a costumer they always try and get a "bargain" or negotiate a "better price" like they are trying to buy a car, but it's for something retarded like Bananas or Grapes. And if you tell them no it's like you went full racist. Hold on. I need to vent this.

>work in a pharm
>have a particular costumer
>Arabic/Muslim in his upper 40s
>every time
>every single time
>Your Rx is X dollars, just like it has always been for always
>No. I have proof that you did not
>proceed to show him
>No problem
>he comes back for a refill
>Same price, same always
>Shows me a shitty Excel Spreadsheet looking breakdown of fake Rx Prices
>Sir. I can tell this is fake, everything we print from the pharmacy has a watermark, and this has no watermark
>throws a shit fit
>demands to see Pharmacist
>he tells him the same thing
>calls him a racist
>storms out
>His Muslim Doctor calls us
>Says we have been scamming his patients
>laugh him off the line

Seriously. Fucking seriously. I wish I was making this up. I really do. But this is 100% legit.

Hey there cutie. What're you up to?

Never saw it till now, no joke

Nerf or nothin'

A smugger is a big ole smirker

thats ok it is rather small

Playin me some Prison Architect
>I am a fucking ruthless monster
>Prisoners live in fear
>In 2 by 3 cells
>Surrounded by people who are just ITCHING to shoot them in the face at a moment's notice.
My prisons are things of nightmare.

Because half their posters all left or switched.
>one Kongou was a Megu before switching to another waifu
They claim once or twice before just leaving.
You still put effort into it.
I still have this made by an anonymous person.
Its in their culture to haggle. They believe everything is marked up. Even if we say its not. And yeah, we have very similar.
>be me
>cook in a kitchen
>muslim kitchen hand comes in
>shows sous chef piece of paper
>his rich ass dad just bought him our equivalent certificate to be a commercial cook back in pakistan
>look look im a chef
>legit proud of it
>sous is tattooed, 6 foot and huge
>sous rubs his eyes
>listen here you shit
>until you have put in at least 5 years in kitchens
>until you have spent nights having dreams of the docket machine
>until you show me you can actually wash the dishes
>you are not a chef
>i will not respect you until then
>once you have done that
>then i will call you chef
>paki goes from beaming to scared asf in minutes
I love working in kitchens sometimes

Claiming Felix

Shit-skinned-Jews is all they are. Truly.

Right I need to get to sleep, orientation is in... holy shit 7 hours lol. Have a good night guys.

Either way it's a good trademark

My, my, that's sounds like fun.
Eeh, for you, I mean. I'm not sure if the prisoners are having as much fun~.
I just play WoT occasionally nowadays.

Have fun :^]


Food wars. You?

>420 check
Slash with a sword and you'll never be bored

Still envy you

Ikaros claimed.

Welcome. Stay a while and listen.
Really no need to. I think this was just before you joined thread.

it still looks really bad
its not trademarked

hello! reply to this post or your waifu will die in her sleep tonight. i'm sure a couple mods lurk these threads, so ban me faggot. i know your trigger finger is just itching

World Of Tanks?
I play a lot of stuff, I jump between games often, like Starbound, KF2, lotta Siege, and sometimes I play Prison Architect and TF2
>I have 99 games installed though. Kek.
Prison Architect
>Earlier I burned some CDs like it was the 90's
>My car doesn't have an audio jack but it has a CD player and it works really well
I hope you get aids :^]

What are you up to?

Sigrun. you really into redheads huh?

tfw they buffed it

Kek, this was a good anime.


Kill (You)rself.

M'hm, that's the one. I like the USSR tanks, they're neat.
I want a decent computer so I can play more CS:GO and Siege. Boo.
TF2 is definately a fun game, no matter what the Overwatch master race faggots say.

Meant symbol or indicator I guess

Only because both share same va

How long have you been on thread?

Name the prison black gates or belle reve

>sounds nostalgic and aww. Plan on getting it foxed soon?

Watching food wars. You?

Yeah :^)

Redheads are my favourite
>Hence Penny. Aside from that she's a cute bookish nerd with a bit of a shy side
>But she knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for it.
I have more fun in TF2 when I play with a buddy or when I pick sniper and quickscope everybody with my Awper.
Prolly just gonna get a new one in two years or so.
>Its not worth getting a new radio
>The car has almost 300k miles on it.



kill yourself trap :)

Now, now, don't trigger me by bringing up my most hated class, right next to Pyro.

Thats going a ways back. Heres my first pic.
April 4th. Not too far then.

>very seriously
Ikaros is mine and I can handle her.
she knows I'll be a good master.

yes. it is nice.
playing games?
not nice mavis

I hope he found 2D heaven.

>Since his death, his parents have burned his Ikaros-related goods, and called for the censorship of anime and manga because of its alleged ability to destroy lives by inciting sex and morbid actions.

Thankfully I don't have to have to distinguish myself from anyone else

>Mfw Engie Main who pockets sniper/pyro

Wew lad. Get the a purple lamborghini for this as new car lol. How old is it?

My first pic coming to thread
Thanks for the QOTT

Playing some LoL with friends. Never seen food wars, heard it's good though

Greater forces have tried and failed on easier targets.

Well, that is stupid.
Ikaros doesn't care. Neither do I.

yeah. might be nice

>triggered because of flashbacks of terrible engies on my team when i'm a heal slut


anime, destroyer of lives


QOTT: whats the first pic you posted here?

Filename is different though


It is for the most part but watch me jinx myself

Pic related

Its actually not that old, 2003 Chevy Blazer
>Its just poorly maintained.
>It works just fine, gets shaky around 60mph though
>Also the Parking Brake doesn't function properly, you can start driving with it on.
>It works well when the engine is off though.
>Its just not gonna hold up much longer than two years.
Prolly just gonna get a newer used car tbh
>Tfw I'm a great engie who always protects the intel
I actually spent an entire game in my Rancho Relaxo with just my nest protecting the intel against just about everything except for spies.
>I see a spy, I get up and beat him viciously.
>I renamed all my filez tho ^^


I woke up :(

Remember when a bunch of Christian fundamentalist managed to get d&d banned for its alleged connection to satan?
Oh, or how about the time violent video games got outlawed for their link to mass shootings?
Me neither.

Don't know. Didn't give it too much mind. Was too busy trying to half lurk and see who people were.
>Still don't have all the names down
Might have been this one though.



my husbando

guess which one...