Who remembers Joe Fister, former king of Sup Forums?

Who remembers Joe Fister, former king of Sup Forums?

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I do. Felt bad for him because people from here were trying to fuck with him and make fun of him.

i like how his whole band basically has birth defects

Elementalist RIP also this deformed girl I went to college with likes them on Facebook. I wonder if they have the same condition

The guitarist posted a picture of his hand on Facebook recently, check it out.

Has there been a nuclear reactor leak in that town or something?

Hipster Fister


what's the story with this guy? genuinely interested

I want to die


just a guy in a band. Sup Forums made fun of him for a while cuz of how he looks

Here's the original thread:

For a few weeks at least this guy was a meme. It was just funny to see this little goblin-looking guy playing in a metal band with these kids.

i know him personally, p cool guy. don't like his music but has talent and is a nice fella.

Who remembers ol'hampy?

Of course.


The guy is likely a victim of several generations of inbreeding. Making fun of him is pretty fucked up.

Most autistic tripfag of the entire history of Sup Forums

teeth are beyond fucked

/r/ing more pics

sure, fucking autist
is gorespammer still around?

>is gorespammer still around?
No why would he be
Climaxia doesn't post anymore. Thank God.

Never met anyone more condescending in my life, be it on the internet or irl. Would have loved to have fought him and just knocked him senseless.

>gorespammer still around


what was the name of the trip that spammed the silent hill ost? forgit its name. also the aliceposter from 2012/2013.




Didn't he snag one of the BoC promo 12" for Tomorrows Harvest?

I doubt Warp would have bothered selling them in Sweden
