Being a drone is better than being alone

>Being a drone is better than being alone

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>mercury rev

literally just flaming lips for contrarians

Mercury rev is like the flaming lips but good

He meant it would be better to be a team player with the rest of the band, rather than to be fired for being an asshole.

Oh wait.

How so?

Mercury rev took psychedelic music to levels never seen before. And after for that matter. While the flaming lips were writing shitty pop songs about bad days (i.e. proto-Daniel Powter core) Mercury Rev was getting thrown off lollapalooza for being so loud they were drowning out the mainstage bands and blowing up Sony's mastering equipment

While wayne coyne was drawing polka dots on steven drozds face david baker and jon donahue were shooting heroin laced with LSD straight into their assholes.

there is exactly ONE (1) good Flaming Lips song from the 90s. It's called Unconsciously Screaming. Guess who played guitar on it?

Fuck the flaming lips and their cookie cutter spongebob cartoon soundtrack "psychedelic" snoozefest.

It is better to live a life with no intrinsic meaning, without a particular degree of awareness of your actions nor a true, absolute power over them than it is to reach a "superior" level of conscience or thought, or even to have a real influence on your life, if you are to live it alone

>Mercury rev took psychedelic music to levels never seen before.
Already been done by Pink Floyd
>While the flaming lips were writing shitty pop songs about bad days
That was 1995. Are you retraded or just have no concept of time?
>Mercury Rev was getting thrown off lollapalooza for being so loud they were drowning out the mainstage bands and blowing up Sony's mastering equipment
Sounds unprofessional and amateurish.
>david baker and jon donahue were shooting heroin laced with LSD straight into their assholes.
Wow so amazing
>there is exactly ONE (1) good Flaming Lips song from the 90s. It's called Unconsciously Screaming
What about Frogs or Five Stop Mother Superior Rain or Hit Me Like You Did The First Time or Mountainside or God Walks Among Us Now or Deathporn Blues or One Million Billionth of a Miliscond or...

>Fuck the flaming lips and their cookie cutter spongebob cartoon soundtrack "psychedelic" snoozefest.
Guess you haven't heard any Mercury Rev within the last 15 years?

It means if you like this album it's only because you saw it on Sup Forums or scaruffi's website

>Sup Forums existed in 1998

>What about Frogs or Five Stop Mother Superior Rain or Hit Me Like You Did The First Time or Mountainside or God Walks Among Us Now or Deathporn Blues or One Million Billionth of a Miliscond or...

all absolute garbage. You don't like psychedelic music and that's fine. But don't come into these threads.

Wayne coyne always had one foot in the door. The flaming lips were always a compromise of something masquerading as authentic. Which was why Donahue left them to begin with. He was a more genuine artist, and remains a more genuine artist to this day, as unlistenable as their music has been post-2001. He never ever lied about what he was or what he was trying to convey. Wayne Coyne on the other hand was and is releasing elevator psychedelic music for house moms and presenting his quirky personality as artistry. It's a farce. Some of us can see right through it. Most of you can't. Ignoring all of that, their music is about as interesting as Chipotles food.

Mercury Rev dropped psychedelic rock and fully embraced pop post-See You on the Other Side. They didn't want to do it anymore, and they made it very clear.

The Flaming Lips never wanted to do it. So the end result was some sloppy half assed nonsense. From the start of their career to present day. They're frauds.


>all absolute garbage
Nice b8

They are all in the same vein of Unconsciously Screaming. If that is NOT garbage, why are all the others garbage?
>The flaming lips were always a compromise of something masquerading as authentic.
How can you measure authenticity? how "le noisey XD" your guitars are?
>let's hang our guitars from the rafters! Yeah so artistic!
>Which was why Donahue left them to begin with
No, he got a record deal for Mercury Rev and couldn't devote time to it.
>oh they purposely started sounding like shit! I swear!


wayne coyne this and donahue that who gives a fuck if the music is "authentic" or not. I don't like flaming lips at all that much honestly but thats a really retarded reason to not like them.

When you're ready to have a discussion instead of acting like a little kid, let me know. My thinking is that you don't know enough about music to do that. It would certainly explain why you consider the Flaming Lips listenable

Til then get fucked, cause as it stands right now I have zero respect for you or your stereotypical bullshit Sup Forums posting style.

The reality is if you ever made yourself known to me in public I would beat you into a coma and spit in your mouth.


>When you're ready to have a discussion instead of acting like a little kid
Ooops you meant to quote Sorry about that!
>My thinking is that you don't know enough about music to do that
Chart out Hi Speed Boats. right now. I bet you can't.
>The reality is if you ever made yourself known to me in public I would beat you into a coma and spit in your mouth.
No you wouldn't. I bet you are a shy and depressed 19 year old who heard about Mercury Rev from Sup Forums. I would be surprised if you ever left your moms basement

The fact is both bands have very similar sounds and aesthetics. The differences do not really make or break either of them. If you are truly the type of person to worship one but shun the other, you are listening to both for the wrong reasons to begin with.

Hey look at the Tame Impala fan clawing and grasping after getting embarrassed in a Mercury Rev thread

Shame his gay father raised such a cunt of a boy.

>h-he must be a Tame Impala fan for making an argument that scares me!
Full on damage control

>The reality is if you ever made yourself known to me in public I would beat you into a coma and spit in your mouth.

weird and unnecessary edge

Damage control from what?

You acting like a cunt?

Nah I don't think so.

Go post in a Tegan and Sara or other Flaming Lips type artist thread

yeah i mean i think hes pretty retarded too but i mean like the main reason you dont like flaming lips is because its not "authentic" enough ? i mean i think flaming lips & tame impala are pretty whatever to straight bad but yeah its even more stupid to care about what the members of those bands do in real life & not being able to separate the artist from their music.

No I already explained why I don't like The Flaming Lips music. It sounds neutered and cleaned. It's complacent and run of the mill.

>yeah i mean i think hes pretty retarded too
Why? Both bands are great.

>It's OK for me to act like a cunt, but not you!
Are you David Baker by chance?
>Go post in a Tegan and Sara
Feel free to keep posting artists I don't like that are not relevant. It only makes you look more childish.

Last time i talked shit on this album here 7 people flogged me. how did you do it?