/filthy fred/

Is this the beginning of post-rap?

Other urls found in this thread:


I liked ironic rap until I heard this

Its a fucking shit album
Literally a 4/10

4/10 is incredibly generous given the good majority of the album consists of uninspired, unfunny filler tracks

Anyone who likes this should go back to Sup Forums and or reddit

this is way better, ff is pop-meme rap for losers


There are a small handful of good tracks on this and the rest is complete shit.

Nickelodeon Girls is a legit good track

Pink Guy was better in every way

actually made meme laugh out loud this song

Remember to sage and report.

So good

She's So Nice has a nice chorus and it keeps me coming back

this image is going to be 10000x10000 by 2018

there's literally nothing wrong with mosh and jonathan cena memes

You're right its really a 2

By the way most arab rappers produce tracks like this and they start doing so by the early 2000's ,
So , NO , Filthy Frank is still worth shit

no fun allowed.png

it needs that robbie rotten lazytown shit added

Get off your phone before your teacher takes it away kid

>implying idubbbz isnt post comedy and isnt the funniest of the trio
>implying jontron's movie reviews arent top tier
>implying an occasional h3 skit or interviews arent good
>hating baneposting when it is pure chan culture
>implying tosh was ever bad