Bring them back

Bring them back.

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Actually don't they look like shit

hahaha fuck off with these

nobody wants to pay $70usd for shit you cant even wear to work

I used to fuck so many bitches that were so turned on by these things, they would literally beg me to tie them up and fuck them when they saw me walking around the mall in these things


yeah man, power ON

oh look the pant all the cutter loved to wear as they talk about how misunderstood they are

Goddamn that is horrible.

I'm trying to imagine what my dryer would sound like drying those fuckers. It's like throwing a cup of quarters and bolts into a can and kicking it down a hill.

>clean your lint trap
>there's a chain link in there

i seen a guy try to run from a dog in a pair of these. he fell and the dog bite the fuck out of his leg and hands as he tried to get away

You just don't understand. They were comfy af, especially when combined with flame shirts.

Yeah, but I am not white trash. I also don't require special attention to breathe.

No one really bought these, they got handed down by older kids to us .

A DRYER? You dum bitch, if you own a pair of these, then you barely have money to own a washing machine, let alone a dryer. YOu are too busy RAVIN or whatever. Your argument is invalid. Go call your girlfriend, bet she gets fucked rn by a dude in these PANTS.

>especially when combined with flame shirts.

what difference does the design of the shirt make if feel more comfy or not?

Go home Natasha, you're drunk you fucking cunt.

Went to school with a guy that wore these so fucking long ago.
He jumped in front of a train.

You've not worn one of these before, have you?

Kek. To BUSY being a JUGGALO famalam

my god. you took jnco's and turned them into fago's.
and then you turned your emo shit into like...faggo shit.

your shit is so faggo they named a brand of soda after how fucking gay you are just to keep your ass awake at night thinking up new ways to be gay.

fucking die slow.

>No one really bought these, they got handed down by older kids to us .

... You are not the brightest tool in the forest, are you?

what are those stripes / chains / cuffs for ? if its only decoration its gay

nope can't say that i have seen to many guy get shirts like that ripped off of them while in fight did not want to spend the on money on them to have them fucked up like that

Those were lame af and most of the faggots who wore those were morons who thought they were br00tal af while listening to Slipknot and goddamned Disturbed.

These pants say: "I want to shoot up a school, but I'm a faggot and I don't have the balls"


its only decoration

it was the jnco/pipes group that took it to the neu metal scene and used slipknot and manson to make their pieces of flair to make them gay...then yes they built these faggotry devices to wear and handed them down to their pleb next gens since most of these people are trailer trash dog shit inbred faggots.

You need extra room to hold needles and baggies of meth, or heroin. The chain/rope cuff acts as a form of circulation restriction so you can get a fat vein to inject.

Also, all those pockets means more work for the cops to check. Haha!!! Fuck the system. #whitetrashantiauthority

Oh the 1990s. Was a good time to be young.

Fucking trips confirmed.
And legit. Can confirm. I was there. 1986 fag reporting.

only retards that listen to icp wear those, so no

These pants say: "I listen to disturbed AND the insane clown posse! Now, please kick my skull in"


Girls would always fuck guys that wore them. I had a pair they are very comfy.
Tripp is way better than royal bones

90s!!! I don't fucking think so, punk!!!

i swear man every icp fan has like 7 or 8 pair of these in there closet along with four case of faygo

Then, at least where I am from, it was adopted by "cyber goths". One of my very good friends fell into this scene... he's ashamed. As he should be with his weird af fake neon green dreadlocks. Oh lawd.

fucking trips and the truth.

this was how it was and how it came to be.

fucking get down on your knees.

No Kys

You are not wrong, but I assure you that plenty of people bought this crap after it became 'famous fashion' - Even if it was the older generation, which then handed them down to younger ones afterwards, someone definitely bought them in the first place. Selling useless crap to attention-craving faggots is truly easy.

Yes kys

I like icp and never see bitches in these. The clown ain't down with this you fools!

Jnco jeans, malls, that's the 90s. Maybe early 2000 if you're behind the trend. These things went out with k-mart and the discovery zone.

These pants say "I got beat up by a bunch of jugalos, now I think I AM one!

This is not an icp related thing. Shit brain

one faggots trash is another faggots ....faggot.
yeah i know how it went. it's not hard to see. its a fucking pair of pants. can trace its history.

>can't wear to work

lol, I used to have a pair of these specifically for work, I was a maintenance guy at an old folks home and the straps were pretty handy for holding tools and shit.

Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate 90's. I grew up in the 90s and we didn't wear this faggot shit. Then again I was a wigger...

No please stop getting your info from your ass this is a goth thing. Icp had no fucking influence

let me reword that then. all the icp fans i knew from school had 7 or 8 pair of these

Maybe in the US. Shit was alive and well in Europe for a certain scene. Raving and clubbing was so great... why did people have to go and make shit weird.

>one faggots trash is another faggots faggot

It Has Been Spoken

Holy shit. It was neither. It came from mid 1990s skateboarding culture. Christ. Let me guess, you all were prepubesent in the 1990s.

i remember when i walked into my sophomore year in the upper midwest wearing faggot all black shit like this with all black hair and white skin. fucking blackballed left and right but got to go to some of the best concerts. met all the neu metal bands from manson to soad. i saw some of the best modern music before the shit tier generation and i lived the scene.

Gwen stefani Don't speak
In her music video she is wearing tripp pants. This means icp is copying her

This user is right - It was an early version of these pants and DC shoes that all the Skaters wanted.

Das Boot?

following a trend even when disagreeing with it? only seemed fitting to represent the neu metal scene of the 90's-early 2000's

congrats you and your samefag are faggots. some corporation sold you on a theme and lead you to believe that was the origin. you don't know shit about shit. when this shit was invented people who skated were beaten the fuck up. it's known as the dark years for skaters...pre tony hawk and post skating prime. there was no 'this modern shoe company made it' you are fucking retard cuck, learn to read a thread...and learn to know trends if you want to pretend you ...fucking know them. jesus fucking christ. go fucking shoot up a school you worthless faggot.

I was asking if the screenshot was from the movie Das Boot. What the fuck are you talking about?

Emo kids.

fuckkkking soad touring in america before their prime...wearing jnco's all black with fucking wallet chains and spikes on my head and neck...

I can't say I donned flame shirts. If I did, I don't recall. Dragon shirts were my thing.

soad was a good band, but yeah...

I wasn't into that scene... but fuck yeah, SOAD. Still jam the fuck out to them.

Uppermidwest fag reporting

>pre Tony Hawk
so like the 70's? lol

And I'm gone help every fag out here:

See the part where this style evolves out of ... 80's underground modifications. Fuck you, all good night.

More of a Spiders guy, myself. This was my shit.
Holy fuck.

SOAD was a great fucking band.
fuck your pants.

no pre tony hawk 900. u have to admit skating dipped off if you followed it. im talking pre return...aka video game aka household name. fucking don't get smart with me. you oldfag...go watch rodney mullen if you are so fucking oldfag elite. fuckin hipster.

fuck off tristan.

>rodney mullen
fucking power of the darkslide.

These pants were the best.
Always be pulling in bitches that were dtf and at least 7/10

dubs and trips confirm
your pants are gay, the era was great but u know nothing about it.
consider killing yourself to be nearly as cool otherwise...
go back to call of duty you faggot you only have one weekend before school starts.

and yes it's been said but i'll repeat it
congrats you got some replies
and yes SOAD is one of the greatest modern bands around.

nothing else to see here folks move along.
but i guarantee this nigger repeats the OP for his ego tomorrow. or in a few hours. fuck you 5chin.

yes. bring back doc martens
i get it now

probably the only worthy thing worn by the pic. i too noticed those docs. but i prefer the khaki brown or at least camel...but black? that's fucking emo shit unless you work in a fucking metalcraft factory or industrial paint.

this is now a SOAD thread
fuck you early 2000's and your bullshit
love you serg and darren

work with a guy that wears a black pair all the time.

can confirm im fornicating jell-o

and L2 era

ill bet he talks a lot of shit and acts legit.
probably sucks a lot of dick...but it's cool m8.
just don't picture his boots when you masturbate.

Kickwear pants

Fuck. I remember hating the top countdowns on MTV when they were on the end of their playing music vids...I hated this fucking song by System of a Down for like 5 years until I heard a few other songs by them and I realized they were not this. Damn I hated that era in my

Song was about abortions m8. SOAD did some fucked up shit. So much so they don't tour in the US because not white with modern white hate culture in america.

Trump would exclude these GEMS from playing. Just a thought.

fucking illegal immigrant importing pants. thank god this shit was limited to the upper midwest and east coast...anyone that followed was so trailer trash they couldn't even fucking illegally import a fucking chromosome.

Honestly, I would take raver kids from my youth in Kikwear and trip pants over the stupid shit i see them wearing now, also,
>H.T.I.D. mutherfuckers

Yeah, they started to really fall off. I suppose it was good in its own way... I guess.
I don't know. I didn't approve, that's for sure.

you'd take anything if a girl that wasn't fat and a piece of shit told you to take it.

you'd also take anything some faggot in prison told you to take after you get snagged for possession.

so telling us what you'd take right now means just about jack shit...because you're a few steps away from taking a big aids infested dick.

kindly fuckoff m8.

What do they wear now?
Not that I'm too old to go clubbing anymore, but I'm too busy being a productive member of society to really get back into it.

Wasnt the Tesco pants the illigal imported ones?

Fuck everyone here. I'm at work and I forgot about system of a down for like 10 years. I just spent a few hours listening to this shit with my coworkers and I never..ever once thought I'd thank a b thread..but fuck..

Thank you and your shitty jeans nigger. This thread was fun and lead me to gold.

Turn them inside out and remove parts attached simply with a clip

Wtf are you even talking about nigger?
When i say "take" i mean "I would rather deal with and put up with"


>i hit that kid with my train

What's wrong with some regular tapered jeans. These look like external 90's grunge fashion abortions.

29 minutes...a few hours...i guess who can say when you're at work. fuck bro work sucks. ever think of killing everyone there with a semi automatic rifle? i know i have.

Glad you rediscovered it, man. Its a band I also occasionally rediscover and lose my mind over.

angry faggot confirmed. can we get some faggot dick in here to heal his wounds? possibly some extra HIV infected cum to make him feel okay with being wounded on the interwebs? also can we get someone to just fuck his mom and breed a better child to show him how to live even if it is black? because he needs this. this is a public service announcement.

I wish I could surf Sup Forums at work.
I'd probably go to jail if I tried.