Mexithread putos

Mexithread putos




Mexican are gross




Two beef tacos with beans and rice. But only after you mow my lawn and take out out the trash you subhuman border bunnies.



Alguien tiene su fb? la quiero agregar bien cabron

http //www poringa net /posts/ imagenes/2897516/Gabriela-Ferreiros-chava-de-la-UVM-Lomas-Verdes html


Mi ex es esa


si we? pruebalo

¿Alguien de aquí ya se la ha cogido?

La migra puto peredore.

Yo la conozco, pero no me la he cogido no soy el wey que dice que es su ex) La conozco de la uni. ¿Alguien más la conoce?


si tienen su nombre de fb o su direccion para hallarla ponganla... a favors


No tengo que probarte nada nigga


No, no tienes que probarme nada, pero yo si la conozco, si fuiste su ex, dime algo que me permita saberlo, podemos intercambiar cosas chidas de ella we.



Más y como?




Nel. Ya llégale con tu "puerquecito" en pijama, wey.

No me quejo pero porque siempre son las mismas fotos? Somos siempre los mismos o que?








Sound the TRUMP-ETS



Get out of our country you smelly oily fucks

I hope you have strong hands, You're the one building it.




porfa chavales, no sean mierditas

trump thread lets go boys


Once the wall is built and you realize you have no clean water because you shit where you drink.







Whos with me?











is a dead mexican



when border patrol finds you












Still better than drumpf. Stay mad, albino. Kekkling

asi quiero a mi vieja... con un culote y lavando trastes...

Who /anchorbaby/ here?

Sponsor Taco Bell to get em out.



You gonna finish my lawn now border bunny third world piece of shit slave?



Hi, my name is (insert typical white name) and I'm a sophomore in high school. I live in the suburbs and only date skinny skeleton white girls that cheat on me with black guys. I hate beaners because no girl without a melanin deficiency would ever give me the time of day so I come here to get angry and be edgy in hopes that someone will find me funny. I hate my stepdad Pedro. He's the worst.

Seriously, give it a rest kiddo. Even your precious daddy trump prefers women from outside our boarders.

You know he's opposed to illegals only, right? That's sure as Hell why I'm voting for his ass.



