ITT: Artists with no bad albums


Statistically one of theirs has to be bad.

Statistically yes but the fall are a miracle



Yeah, they have no bad studio albums (though Are You Are Missing Winner and Reformation TLC are pretty meh IMO), but they have a habit of releasing loads of side albums of mediocre or worse quality.

This cutie

The worst she did was still a 7/10 (lionheart)





>tfw you start to see how repetitive mu is

>tfw you start to see how repetitive mu is
So you've been here a whole three days?

How did you not see this from the beginning you pleb?

Been here less than a year, got some good stuff from here (not just mu core) but the amount of people who don't even try to move past mu core has only recently started to bug me

Sup Forums has been consistently samey for it's entire life

Been on and off here for years
never changes, it's why we all love it

The only people who actually think this haven't listened to all of their albums.

Name a bad one

Cerebral Caustic
Light User Syndrome
Are You Are Missing Winner
Ersatz GB
Sub Lingual Tablet

Some of those are not only bad, but fucking terrible.


It's not that I haven't ventured more, it's that the artist I posted is the first one I thought of that has NO bad albums.

Other artists I love tend to have one dud, just not the one I posted.


what the fuck? the fall is currently on a 3 album streak of bad material. don't even get me started on about half of their 90s material


It's alright man, which one did you post?

I posted Bjork. I had other 'contenders' but they had at least one bad album.


3 might have been a bit weaker, but still very decent


two or three near masterpieces and two or three good ones with some filler. Nothing close to a dud, though.
Another good example of a short and sweet career

ma boiz



Agree with all of these.

Though that's not to say I think all of their releases are great. Just that none of them are "bad".

I would've included Kate Bush if not for Lionheart


They probably have never done a truly bad album, but they still have a lot of lackluster ones in their large catalogue (most of The Fall records released in the last 25 years)

Not only are they all not bad, they are all at least rather good

both Lionheart and The Red Shoes are less than 6/10.


ZERO bad albums

this :^)

For the longest time I thought that was Colin's hand on Andy's leg for some reason.

That XMAS MIXER is pretty bad.