Cringe thread guys

Cringe thread guys

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I've seen this picture a thousand time but I've just now noticed his shirt. 10/10


this kid looks like him, maybe it IS him

At least make the letters even fucking stupid piece of waste of air

The guy is at least 30

i meant when he was a kid, or maybe his son



That dude looks like a straight pimp ass boss



I don't know why but the thought of this fat guy sitting his bare ass in pudding makes me laugh




>2.1 GPA
>Guaranteed job at Walmart
fucking lost

That's gonna be one tear soaked fedora


Oh my fucking god, for real her face scares the fuck out of me


nice trips




epic troll

Who would do this to their mother?

When tendie stories are real


>Bathtub of pudding
>That goblin face and body

Fuck my life now I'm more salty then nixons dick!


This guy deserves it
Moms may be assholes, but god damn, not even terrible ones deserve that


Dont worry, shes probably really ugly.

>*its a hologram*

Bamboozled again, sephiroth


That dude looks like something off spitting image.





this isn't YLYL

>its a hologram

Lost my shit for some reason

WHY IS HIS HEAD SO FUCKING SMALL?! Explain this gremlin!


"high school degree"

Thats not cringe, thats pure fucking romance. You may just buy your SO tampons and pads or whatever but this man, this fucking legend, will without a doubt wear the fucking pads with her hell he may even shove a tampon down his urethra just to make her feel not alone.

Makes me glad that I have no sex drive whatsoever. Why do people care if they are virgins when the are like 16? I haven't had sex and im 20. Jesus just give it time, retards


>expoct us

this is alpha as fuck


Big Smoke?

Haven't seen this in a long while

>ywn have a demon spawn roastie orbiter

why live?



>That trigger discipline

Why is that cringe, they're obviously happily married and it's their choice not to fuck like rabbits even though the urge is still apparent.

not cringe

Evan reifman?


I can't believe you actually find this romantic.
I am outraged.

>Im killing myself
>Im moving to louisiana

louisiana confirmed for worse than sudoku.

holy fuck

These kinda women are the reason we have nukes on this planet.


I wonder if he even got one member, and how many people came up asking if like jerks it to animals or whatever




agree with user
what the fuck
>too bad you're straight
>says the girl
>no worries I'm gay now love me



Wearing a pad is the only thing this nigger has to offer, how the fuck is that a perk?





he doesnt look that bad AND he has a point,

not cringe, fuck off newfag

thats an onion post article..

What in the fuck are those sheets in the background?
Why does it say "Wolf attack" in crayon right above them
Why the fuck did he board his window shut?
What is this man?