I bet she fucking hates you guys

I bet she fucking hates you guys..

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please write grimes in title

B-but we love her so much...

doesn't make you entitled to anything you little shits


We know she does. She especially hates when people here call her "waif" but humorously she forgot a letter.

I get off on knowing that women are repulsed by me because I know they'll never be attracted to me desu senpai

Hi. New grimes fanboy here.

And what is your evidence of this statement?

>Grimes is VERY generous with her fanbase, from providing her first 2 albums for free, to making videos for free (the last bunch of videos was made for artistic purposes, her label didn't pay a cent for them). Add also her Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook accounts to keep her fans up to date all the time. Add also meeting fans after gigs and the tons of photos & interviews with her. Add also her always thanking the audiences of her shows.

>Say what you will about her, but she's not mean to her (often annoying) fanbase. Her fans are super-spoiled by her. She could be a bitch easily, but she's still down to earth and nice.

the only thing i hate about her are her eyebrows.

If the mods would stop pushing these shit threads maybe people would stop shitting on her. Same with Lauren Mayberry. I got banned for 3 days because I made a negative comment about her. Fuck you mods.

do you think she pretends they make her look like cara

She's perfect.

>. Add also her Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook accounts
none of those mention Sup Forums
she hates every creep who posts on Sup Forums

user, she's openly re-posted original content from /mu because she thought it was funny.

>tfw when she only likes Chads and other girls.

I've been listening to "realiti" and "flesh without blood" non stop.



I'm hooked on Grimes.

You people are fucking aggressively autistic

New, since when?



You're aggressively autistic for not letting other people post about the artists they like. Stop it.

How that happened? Post your story

Shut the fuck up, retard

>stop disliking things I like

I was browsing YouTube for music and grimes up.

I watched "realiti" and got instantly hooked. Then I started browsing her videos, found "flesh without blood" and I've been listening to those 2 almost non stop.

i don't care, i would just listen to her music and i'd love to fuck her but also i cannot see her eyebrows. Just sayin'

I don't give a shit because I don't worship her

>being this mean and stupid

>being this much of a defensive sperg fuckstain

Cool. Did you listen to any other songs of her? e.g. Be a Body, Oblivion, Genesis, Weregild, Rosa,.........

I will in time, definitely. I'm going to buy art angels next week.

AA is a treat, better be prepared to listen to it many, many times. Her previous album Visions is even better IMO.

>be a boring forced quirky tryhard
>attract equally boring forced quirky tryhards
>get mad at them



Salty. I like her.

i like grimes but i hate her fans on here
they are the Sup Forumstards of music

user, stop describing yourself

Hating yourself is bad desu.