ITT we post pics of girls we know and others say what they would do to them

ITT we post pics of girls we know and others say what they would do to them

you first

hand her my jacket and see her home safe


Pick 1



Fuck her hard in the ass right on this beach, then cum on her face and push her face in the sand

no thanks





>OP is a fag who gets off to the fantasies of other guys
Fucking weekend Sup Forums










I would have the sex with her.

also sex


sex sex sex



no sex for u

back to sex now

three way


Lol do u kno her?

Do u have kik? We can talk about her haha





Eat her pussy and ass, then proceed to work my hands into both of her holes. Once I make her ass swallow my hand I'd punch fist her and gape her open, telling her to push her now gaping hole inside out.

Realistically: Offer her a massage and then offer her oral if I made it that far.


luk at me so funneh imma oldfaggots



How fucking foreveralone do you have to be before this colossally sad faggotry becomes your best option?

Take your meds, Billy.



I'd fuck her under that crudely constructed carport.

What the hell happened to r4r? Come on faggots, get your shit together.

I'd bend her over that railing, tear off her swimsuit and jam my cock in her ass. Then I'd fuck her silly and cum on her face.

>implying anything can stop the Cringe Train once it pulls out of Foreveralone Station


Lol wats wrong with her shes hot lol

I'd make her gag on my cock than use her drool to titfuck her and cum all over her face

Fuckin' Jenny Hay

>lol's twice in once sentence
>alpha male detected



pls poast moar fb pics
im so lonely

>this entire thread

>we need a child model for this product...can we find one that looks batshit insane?
>I know just the kid.


Rip her clothes off. Shove my face between her legs and eat the fuck out of her pussy and ass, pushing so hard that I'm picking her little feet up off the ground as she tries to hold balance against that rail.

Turn her around and continue from behind, before shoving her rolled up bikini bottoms into her mouth. Start wrapping my hand around locks of her hair and proceed to fuck her against the railing with her legs on my shoulders and she'd be using her arms trying to keep her from falling over.

Finish inside her.
Continue to fuck again, and again, and again. Would probably live life like a movie couple that is just always wanting to fuck each other's brains out and can't get anything done in a reasonable timeframe.


I'm sure she can't wait to have your cheeto-stained fingers fumbling awkwardly over her body.

Gtfo faggot

Have u seen her sis zena? Fk there both amazing






You heard your dad beating your mom again this morning, huh?



And why are you here?






Get out you filthy homstucker

This is my gf what you you do?

Push him against that mirror, and hear him groan in agony while I adore the look on his face because he knows he's about to miss his shift at Walmart.

Pull his white briefs to the side and tell him to spread his fat ass and show that beautiful butthole that he's been hiding from the world. Proceed to lick the shit off the rim because he hasn't perfected his ass wiping skills yet. I tongue fuck it.

Gargle his unshaved cock while he looks at me pitifully from above with his hoodie still on. He tightens the drawstrings and tightens the hood around his head, causing it to scuffle around his fat chin.

I dont even touch my cock before I start cumming like a firehouse all over his Siamese cat that just wanted attention and happened to walk in front of me.

That's a dude.

>my gf

This is not your girlfriend. You're a lonely teenage retard who jerks off to facebook photos. You're a loser, kid. You know it. I know it. And if the girl in this picture has ever had the misfortune of meeting you, she knows it, too. Fuck off with this cringe.

>Full Event

You can say that again!

My sister

Why are you so edgy and autistic today, user?


>Using stock images.

Fuck right off.


>he saves all these images so he can lash out on Sup Forums everyday because he's so unhappy
Whatever happened to you, user. I'm sorry.



>Samefagging all the criticism posts this hard.

It's like you can't into fantasy fiction.



He's like the lonely kid in school that was annoying everybody and thought that he was funny but everybody hated him.


i bet they poked it with sticks beforehand to get the perfect photo first time

This was hot.


Suck his dick.

SPOILER: You're posting facebook pictures of 15 year old girls and hoping to jerk off to poorly-written sexting by teen boys.

But I'm the lonely one.


I'm right here for you, buddy.
If you need to talk.
I'm here.

>mfw imagining him strapped in and 4 or 5 guys standing around him, poking him with pointed sticks

thanks. I needed that.

You wanna talk to me about what's bothering you, user?
