Can some richfag gift me No Man's Sky?

Can some richfag gift me No Man's Sky?

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it's a shit game, go find something better to beg for

Yeah, I'm kinda unsure about it. I think I might end up hating it but at the same time I'm curious about it.

sent ;)

If we beg for something better, will you gift?

Why would you buy it when you can easily pirate it? It is DRM free so

Did you actually do it?

Don't bother. Get subnautica

I'm against piracy. I don't really mind if others do but I prefer not doing that unless there is no other way to get the game I want to try.

Im against piracy too but this game doesn't deserve 60 euros.

That's why I'm begging for it

Don't buy it then. Or wait for the price to lessen.

Why would someone waste 60 euros in buying a game for someone else? If it was a good game I would understand but this shitty indie game isn't worth it.

I refunded it. I was super hyped for this game so. I pirated it from Skidrow with the latest patch and stuff and it's not even worth to play it anyways. It's dull and boring.

OP here. Would someone gift me the new DOOM or Rainbow Six: Siege instead?

Alms oh alms

sent ;)

That's not actually true, I guess

Anyone able to help a Sup Forumsro out and get me the classics?

[email protected]

Get a job hippy

OP here. I've got a job. I simply don't have enough money to buy a game right now.

Bump! Anyone? There is only 2hours left!

Sent.. Youre welcome! ^^

For real?

thanks now I can sell it and buy more crack!


Would have been great if someone had actually gifted something. At least you're having fun

Get a job or a cheaper hobby nigger.

it's complete ass

What about DOOM? Can someone gift it?

can I beg for friends please, don't want your games or whatever, just friendship/conversation whatever..

Steam id is Naotix, feel free to add me


jesus fucking christ stop begging for like 180 bucks of games

sent ;)


Who the fuck is gonna pay 60$ for that, just torrent it if you want it


get subnautica, 20$ and wayyy more fun.
check reviews.


sent ;)