Wake up

>wake up
>see this

Wat do?

Eat Gameboy, fuck cake, sell woman for profit

What is this from?

Smells like Summer still.... fuck.

user you are genius

TV show, Picket fences

>be 36 and still want this.

This kind of thing must have a name.

why yes

>this new

I'd thank the fucking lord.

Oedipus complex


wonder what the fuck these people are doing in my room

That's not her mother user.

just like to point out, imagine the butthurt from the rest of the outside world (not Sup Forums cuz we're fucked) if it was a little girl and a grown man. sexist double standard at its finest.

Where is this from. Who is she?

Picket fences. Lauren Holly.

i play gameboy all day.

She's also the love interest in Dumb and Dumber.

sounds good to me

what about the rookie card?

Thank you!

I would wonder when id wake up from the inception

Thank you!

Jerk off into rookie card.

Yeah. She was Jim Carey's wife at that point.

Jim Cary was a fucking retard for divorcing her

Before your time user.

"Sorry I have a girlfriend, I'll take the Gameboy though"

Considering he got stuck with a whore who has a retarded son, then got cucked by a member of the Funky Bunch, yes.

360 and walk away

change the genders and people would freak (b would love it more tho)




Put the Game Boy and cake in her ass, and move to live within it.
>Somebody knows where the WebM come from?