just how hyped are you by this Annie news, Sup Forums?

it's going to be REVOLUTIONARY

Other urls found in this thread:



it'll be a 7/10

it'll be at least an 8


I really hope she goes even more electronic with it and tours with an epic DJ set where all of the guitar sounds are treated as samples

Kind of like this track she did with Chemical Brothers:

I would honestly be more than okay with this

I want her to do straight up noise rock like on Krokodil and Grot, or maybe she could do a Big Black cover album kek

collab when?

will she ever drop the act?

will we ever see the real her?

>2014: "I still remember going to the CD World and buying The Sensual World when I was sixteen. And the cover, there’s a rose in front of her mouth that has bloomed, she’s got big wide eyes. And I remember, you know, putting it in the shitty car stereo on the way home, and you know, my life was forever changed.”


>2007: "And I also— this may sound really silly— but I just discovered Kate Bush, probably six months ago, and I think she’s so great. I know I’m very late to the party here [laughs], I know this is old news, but I got a Kate Bush record, and I forget— I think “The Dreaming” is on it, though I’m spacing on the name of the record.”


I don't know what record label you're from but you need to fuck off and stop making threads here.

so hyped

would these make for good noise cancelling headphones?


the best musician ever


I wonder how Annie feels about being in the spotlight because of these relationships. Maybe it's kind of a midlife crisis situation and she enjoys the attention.


what do you think annie's character aligment would be?

i'd say neutral evil

I'd say lawful good because she hates trump

Fascist feminist


Damn... I want to confort Cara, she's much better than that middle-aged bitch

Annie Clark x Rachael Yamagata collab when?

B-but she's a lesbian not so good waifu material desu

literally who


My biggest fear.


Lowkey I would love to party with Cara and be her friend and tell her how she didn't need to be with that crazy bitch anymore.

she has wonky eyes wtf

is she trying to go for the David Bowie aesthetic?

More like Thom Yorke. But yeah, her eyes are kind of off, she might have the same thing Thom does. It's only become noticeable recently because of how much more in the news she is.

fucking freak

no wonder she wears these big ass shades

me on the right btw

>Franz Kafka for President

Fucking pleb, everyone knows Metamorphosis was one of the gayest books to read in highschool

dont you just wanna kick her face in?

Annie's annoying as fuck but that's no reason to hurt her.


here's a little multiverse probability I cooked up for Annie

>didn't come from a rich family
>kept her music to herself
>eventually started posting cover videos on youtube (which continues well into her thirties)
>gets a few thousand views at most
>she gets ever so slightly chubby
>doesn't look after her meme hair
>gets a husband
>panders to her youtube fans by doing their request
>sometimes posts originals (like the one she has in this universe) but promptly deletes them because she has low self esteem
>she still lies from time to time

it feels good that there's a universe where this happens.

cool photo
too bad she's a lame

how do I sue her?

yeah she has Ptosis

As long as it isn't as boring as s/t it'll be sure to be good

What a pathetic thing to lie about

>Marry Me era Annie has gone as is never coming back

>he thinks his opinion about anything in highschool matters