ITT: The worst member of an otherwise good band

ITT: The worst member of an otherwise good band

I'll start.



who the fuck is thasts

flea is so annoying

Deakin's solo project was better than Painting With

try again, amigo



>The entire band was united upon the task of keeping Curtis alive.

>implying Ian's lyrics weren't the only thing making them better than other bands like a certain raio


>inb4 Mike Love

get out




I'll say Ian Curtis' melancholic and gloomy lyrical content was what really set them apart from other post-punk bands

you're fucking insane

Definitely this.

And kinda this if he never did interviews. You cannot deny the chemistry between him and the Froosh.


oh fuck off

came here to post this hack

He is the band.

>inb4 Ed O'Brien

Hes coming to my town in a few months how are his shows and will there be a Hate speech against the Jews?

That is the dumbest post itt.

His lyrics were a perfect match for the song compositions, and made them even more memorable.

Perhaps you could have said that faggot hack Morrissey which could be debatable, but Ian Curtis isn't.



Sex Pistols are a swing, or a miss for some... but Sid Vicious is definitely a dumpster fire.

Also, Phil Selway of Radiohead is a useless cunt.



Ar eyou tell ingme that you don'tfind this at least


Dave Matthews

After Sleep Cycle you could make the case that he's the best



I disagree, Bryan Cranston was the best part of Malcolm in the middle.


Not counting the hired hands, though they're probably more talented anyway. Also Michael does a lot on the production side of things which I think puts him above Wayne.

it took him 7 years to make a 30 minute album that is not even consistently great, and has no clearly defined style of it's own and just riffs on mid-period anco instead.


this is objectively a ridiculous answer.

despite this being bait i think he just wrote great songs


Weakest was probably Bernard, but he was still great. Are Joy Division the only band without a weakest link?

its obv robert plant

Holy fuck is this true

Fucking kek


I never really thought about it before. None of them we're any more talented than the others.


Probably true, actually


Best member of an otherwise shitty band

Implying dave grohl wasn't an annoying prick



He's the opposite of charming, he's an ASSHOLE.

Noël Redding

What about that guy from The Mighty Mighty Bosstones that doesn't do anything but dance in stage?

Flea best member of a shitty band, well after Frusciante of course

h-hes pointing at us...


You're not supposed to post the best member of the band.

>John frisciante not having died yet

Mike patton


how do you even manage to look this terrible like jesus fuck



Absolute bollocks

lmao "bad beard"




Limb bizkit would have never been successful without Fred Durst, he's not the most talented but his charisma carried them to their success

He was 52 when this picture was taken (I think)

The answer is of course alcohol and speed abuse btw

Big Boi

what a memer

>And kinda this if he never did interviews. You cannot deny the chemistry between him and the Froosh

Some of their live jams are legendary.

Wayne Coyne has been actively ruining the Flaming Lips for nearly a decade now

And he's not exactly done a good job at it. They don't need to record another Miley album, or another cover of a pre-existing album, or a half-arsed split with some other band

post Rust In Peace era






Phil Collins WAS the band

delet this


Of course, but being an arrogant old prick who refuses to believe he should stick to Republican talk radio warrants 11 more albums.
I'll say Countdown, Youthanasia, and United Abominations (political shenanigans aside) were decent albums, but no Rust In Peace.