Why do haters hate this band so much?

Why do haters hate this band so much?

Cuz they're either lamewad white dads or alt-right virgins who probably voted Trump

Green Day is the music of youth and progress

in their advanced age i think its time to move from pop punk to a psychedelic rock sound

Because you didn't have to live through high school while American Idiot was top of the charts.

cause they're not very good

They ruined punk rock by turning it into stuff you played on the sound system at the mall while teen girls are shopping for pants is why.

god damn, why are they so popular in South America?

Green Day is basically the musical equivalent of an anti trump protester/stefen universe fan

Punk rock hasn't existed since Reagan's first term though.

Because they're basically Hot Topic: The soundtrack.

you must be 18 to be on this website

empirically wrong

>bunch of 45 year olds who live in mansions think they're le edgy punk rawk teenagers

Because reasons.

they wouldn't be haters of they didn't hate
>pop music means putting on a show

>and still wear that ugly early 2000s wardrobe with gelled hair and spiked belts, and literally nobody but soccer moms still listens to them


There are much worse offenders when it comes to bands that took a genre with lots of underground fans mainstream. Much worse.

For all I care, Dookie is not even near my top 20 fav punk albums, but for what it is, whether you call it pop punk or god knows what, it's decent. They just took Bad Religion's formula and made the profitable rounds with it. Good on them.

because they are bad

their complete image overhaul with the release of american idiot rustled my jimmies a bit

it was pretty jarring and reeked of corporate meddling and marketing

Just LOOK at them
Early Green Day was great though


This is an 18+ board

American Idiot [Reprise, 2004]

In case you're wondering what this concept album means, look no further than the cover art--a raised fist clenching a bleeding heart with a grenade pin in it. We live in a visual culture, and although he doesn't outright say it, Billie Joe means that the heart will explode unless he throws it, only it won't because he doesn't have what it takes to pull the trigger. The emotional travails of two clueless punks--one passive and one aggressive, both representations of the auteur--stand in for the sociopolitical content the vague references to Bush, Schwarzenegger, and war (not any war in particular, just war) are thought to indicate. There's no race, no politics, hardly any compassion. Sole rhetorical coup--makes being called a faggot something to aspire to, which in this terrible time, it is. C+

Green Day deserves our respect. They're like the court jester.