Hey Sup Forums, whats the story behind this

Hey Sup Forums, whats the story behind this

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know . Bunp



looks tight af. someone had a good time.




I wonder too.


Puta is Spanish, it means bitch. Apart from that, no fucking idea. Probably cheated on his boyfriend.

>Spanish text on body
Obviously some Mexican drug cartel/gang related shaming

Drug cartels gf cheated on him

Roastie gets punished

*ding ding*

written on her body says "whore"
so she was probally having fun with someone man and got caught... and thats the revenge lol

they had told her to stay on campus


Ding. Ding. Ding.

Puta = whore

Looks like daddy never told her not to play in mud.

Tell your daughters to stay away from Blacks, Spics, dune coons, pineapples, and other backward wogs.

Well "Puta" means "Bitch" in most Latin-American countries so must be some slut that cheated on her boyfriend and he got his revenge

>poor guy on the bed that ran out of viagra


This was prior to her being burned alive in a pile of tires. Do not cheat on el guapo.

I thought it was more like whore. Not in the literal since of having sex for money, but just fucking lots of people. Slut maybe.

Whore tried to steal another whore's man, got jumped by the man's exclusive whore.

It means Prostitute.

I saw a thread about this the other day. Someone in the thread posted that she was a prostitute who was caught fucking some cartel guy by his wife.

The wife got mad and had this done to the woman. Didn't say if anything happened to the cartel guy.


cartel boss had an affair with her, wife didn't happy, wife kidnapped her

you can't be this retarded kid.

>He probably cheated
Kek that's a girl

Puta is whore, but w/e
Probably a guy who really couldn't deal with his cheating GF or a Mexican cartel going soft

She was murdered after this.

That's fucked up, check the "look" on her face. Poor gril.


Life's hard, karma's a bitch. Trust no one, watch your six.

She probably had it coming.

How do you know?

prove it

i'll be honest, that image made me squirm a bit.

because mexico

puta can be used in multiple ways depends of the context...
can mean prostitute, slut, whore, bitch, cunt etc...

its used in portuguese and spanish language

Am mexican

>Ding. Ding. Ding.
>white people

ya my penis squirmed too

google "drug cartel women victims"

Again? Even the exact same text?

I'm so boooooooored!

puta can mean bitch or whore.

In this context, it is whore.

The fuck is that shit? Kill it with fire

I've heard something that this girl is a feminist, participated in lots of feminist shit and some men hated her so they found where she lived and humilliated her

Ma elo

Learn to evidence faggot


>> white people

Yeah don't you just hate that white people built all of western civilization?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

cute as fuck

nerve gas

He kinda has a point though.

Allowing your daughter to associate with blacks, spics, dune coons, pineapples and other backward wogs is simply a bad idea.


Undercover feminist detected

Yeah, the ones centuries before you.

You didn't do shit.

>built it to crumble
>couldn't wait for it to crumble
>destroyed it

awesome scene


That's not a chink, that's a chunk

Why people cant share!

This girl was the local high school cock tease. Several virgin betas got together and did this to her . Afterwards she was released back into the wild; lessons learned and betas no longer virgins. Educational for all parties involved.
PUTA means Pent Up Teen Agression.

>blade not spinning
>pic was meant to be a joke

looks like some edgelords wrote "fucking" all over her

You're an idiot.


News in Mexico pendejo

I'm going to agree with you 100%

I did this to a girl I met off fetlife once. She was super into being degraded, so I drove her out to the middle of a corn field about two miles out of town (I live in the midwest), stripped her naked and fucked her on the hood of my car until she was sore and could barely walk, then smacked her around, shaved off all her hair, and wrote "whore" in permanent marker all over her body and drove off without her.

It was the start of a two year relationship. Good shit.

Well spotted, that man.

Cuándo pasó? No recuerdo haberlo visto en las noticas


So cute :3

>table saw in the background

>put this on your back and i'll run a fucking skill thru it

yeah bud, i'm the idiot. pic was a joke.

I was in that rekt thread too OP.
I'm also interested.
Lets investigate, gang.

I didn't know you could get acne on your penis

>a jpg
>doesn't move

I had the exact same thought as soon as I saw the picture

Are you taking a piss? English m8 or fuck off back to beanland.

who knows, fucking mexican's are crazy and violent people

>taking a piss

Why are you pretending to be British?

>what is saw dust

dude, you really wanna keep doing this?

I need a link cabron.

I saw another thread in this

Someone suggested-" looks like someone puta her in the car"
So I'm going to go with that

he's indian, just doing the needful

No one has a puto link, chingada madre

>dirty hotep nogs
>or mad illegal spics

you decide!

nice fantasy m8

Yeah? Nah.

best fucking movie

English motherfucker, do you speak it? Fucking faggots

perrita is bitch faggot.

really means female puppy, but bitch when referring to a women in mexico.


i hit the lottery 3 times when i was born fuckface. your opinion is important.

It's past 6 and who forgot to take their meds.

The phrase is "taking the piss" you stupid fuck. God damn


>implying that a culturally/geographically specific phrase or vanacular has anything to do with speaking the language.

Can be caused by birth defects... seen few vids on it



>using "kid" as an insult

Apparently you can