DUBS decide what I do with this little bastard i found in my yard

DUBS decide what I do with this little bastard i found in my yard

Let it the fuck go you sick cunt

Go to the store and buy 1 can of the nicest cat food on the shelf, then feed that kitkat

let the fucking thing go you sick minded cunt

Give it lots of love and attention.

kill it

Rolling for this, cats prevent the bubonic plague

put the gun in your mouth and pull the trigger you degenerate scum.

Disarm the human and make him your slave kitty.

Also, you're sick... Even for Sup Forums, this is disgusting...

Feed it, set it free, shoot yourself in the head

Eat it


Turn it into STALE PASTA...faggots

We've seen that pic before.
That is your own beloved little kitty and you have another photo where he's holding the gun on you just for chuckles.

Go attention whore somewhere else.
You're worse than Taylor Swift.


Phew! DUBS

The dubsavior



Oh look it's this shit again from 2014.

Thomas Mcguinness
4838 Tamiami Trail
Charlotte County

Fucking bunch of Moralfags and Cancer shits in here who cant even reverse image search

Gun + Cat.

What are you waiting for, Cletus?


Hallo Deutscher.

Blow your brains out, it'll make a nice meal for the kitty

Leave it alone

OP kill it so all these Sup Forumstards can get blown out over a cat. It's funny how everyone here laughs at seeing a corpse or someone die.
But wants it's a cat it's a capital punishment, all they are, are fury rodents. One less isn't going to hurt anything.

Fuck caturday too

Was soll man da bloß antworten, man wurde enttarnt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Take the gun and cat away from him.
Then tell him not to vote for trump.

kill yourself and have it written in your will that all of your assets will go to the cat

end yourself, newfags


cut the head and put dick in the throat

cut the head and put dick in the throat do a hat for your dick from his head



kill yourself

re roll

There was usually just one of these in a basic bait thread. This site is now to mainstream even people from facebook come here now as their second 9gag. I am afraid this summer will be everlasting. RIP Sup Forums

Yup, this guy is right.
Sup Forums is getting more people from 9gag and some other shitty website just to see memes...

Skin it alive


You reap what you sow Sup Forums.