Who MGTOW here?

Who MGTOW here?

Probably most since we're all bunch of virgins

Betta tested it. shit was so cash

Not me. I have a good girlfriend that isn't a feminist. Her mom was a very good example on what not to be.

Mostly. I still pick up and fuck girls from time to time but I am mostly just sick of women's bullshit and am no longer willing to allow them to have any serious influence over my time or behavior.

Good for you. Unfortunately your going to get an influx of weak cuck men calling you a beta or something stupid even though they are the betas for being dependant on having a women around to boss them.

>getting divorced soon
>she treats me better now that i ignore her and treat her like shit
>constantly offers to take me out to eat
>gets texts at 2am "i want you to fuck me so hard i cant breath"
women make no sense, she used to be batshit crazy and intolelrable
idk women are crazy

You're one of those guys that aklows himself to be subtly manipulated by women because your fear of being alone causes you to be willfully ignorant.

Keep treating her like a cum dumpster and be the boss. That's what all women want. They say that want me to be one way but that's because they're testing your manhood to see if youre actually a shill that will fold. They're biologically programmed to test men in this way.

*they say they want men to treat them one way


Shut up faggot. Go back to breeding with your cousin in your trailer. The world needs more retarded white trash after all.

You got to stay in charge Sup Forumsro. My ex went cock cazy once we got the divorce. She was a great cum dump. She text you middle of night wanting cock tell her to come and get it. Drop your load on her and tell her she needs to go or keep performing.


You realise MGTOW is basically third-wave feminism for men?

But what if you marry a female bro?

the difference is mgtows don't live of gibsmedats and they can earn decent money because of better work skills. Plus, at the end of the day, they don't need opposite sex's attention 24/7, they can buy sex and still be happy. None of which applies to feminazis

yeah imma keep fuckin her. Im 1000% happier not giving a fuck, and she still wants dick so win/win

2nd wave
It's more comparable to political lesbianism.

>choosing to be alone just so he doesn't have to deal with women
just be gay like a sensible person

Hey retards. What possible reason would zionists want to eliminate gentiles? Explain. Whitey is their biggest ally. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to live on a planet where gentiles aren't protecting them from the Muslim hoards.