My girlfriend doesnt believe in evolution Sup Forumsrothers. Besides a 10th grade biology textbook...

My girlfriend doesnt believe in evolution Sup Forumsrothers. Besides a 10th grade biology textbook, whats something her simple mind might be able to understand that I can show her?
>inb4 your dick

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just ask her if shes has the same body she had 10 years ago

that's not evolution though, you dunce

If she is dumb enough to the point of not believing evolution, she might as well believe this shit.

Is it religious based?

I once attended a lecture by some guy at CWRU that was a Catholic that argued against intelligent design and held that evolution as is by scientific consensus.

If it is religious based, I would not mind trying to find the lecture one YouTube, I know it was recorded.

Evolution isn't real you dumbass. Athiest reporting in

Explain how dogs of all different breeds have been created from a common ancestor.

>inb4 selective breeding isn't evolution.


Agreed finally another atheist agree with me that evolution is fake :D

Stop trying to shove your evolution bullshit down her throat. God damn zealous anti religious nuts. Keep believing in your fairy tales some guy in a lab coat made up, i'm sure she doesn't want a part of it.

Thanks Cletus.


Tell her that for you, it is the most plausible way how life we know today came into existence and that you respect her if she doesn't agree because you simply can't prove her that evolution is a thing besides pointing on fossiles that look like modern animals. Then tell her to forget the debate and to suck your cock.

stop spreading your profane misbeliefs you filthy heretic and accept Jesus as your saviour.

Yea she's extremely religious and scoffed at me when I mentioned evolution. I was thinking a good youtube video but she's pretty close minded

I think we can certainly differentiate between artificial and natural selection.

>fairy tale
>arguably the most well-researched scientific theory in history

>you simply can't prove her that evolution is a thing besides pointing on fossiles that look like modern animals

But that's wrong. You can also point at DNA analysis, or embryos of different animals, or drug-resistant bacteria, or different breeds of dogs/cats/whatever the fuck. The evidence that supports the Theory of Evolution is overwhelming.

Bitch doesnt suck dick. Told her she blew me one night when she was drunk lol. At least she fucks.

Why does he have to respect her retarded opinion? Simply agreeing to disagree is enough.

If she's actually close-minded, showing her a factual video isn't going to do shit. Close-minded people aren't interested in facts.

Close minded? Really? Why do i have a feeling that you scoff at her when she mentions Jesus and the Bible. Look i'm not saying that you 100% do, but if you do indeed, then that's a little hypocritical to say she's "close minded". She has her own beliefs and you have yours. Respect both. And don't degrade her by calling her that. If you truly love her than none of that really matters.

Yeah its pretty shit but im trying. One night drunk she went off about how im probably going to hell for being an atheist.

A pretty solid proof is the evolution of whales from a terrestrial animal to an aquatic one. This is backed up by pretty nice finds of archaeologists and the biology of them which has features found only in terrestrial animals (bulla)

You don't have to believe in science, science proves facts, it doesn't matter if you believe in them

I don't scoff off at her, I try to talk to her, but she gets mad when I bring up the subject and she tells me she doesnt want to talk about it. Hell, I even went to church with her because she asked me to see if it opens MY mind up. And no I dont truly love her.

>My girlfriend doesnt believe in evolution Sup Forumsrothers. Besides a 10th grade biology textbook, whats something her simple mind might be able to understand that I can show her?

Why are you with someone you think is stupid? Is your self esteem so low you feel someone smart wouldn't have you? (you would be right to think that)

>Yea she's extremely religious and scoffed at me when I mentioned evolution.
Do her a favor and kill yourself now.

Thats a pretty good idea, Im gonna look into that one.

I've dated pretty smart girls before. I think she's stupid, I don't love her, we havent dated long enough for that, but I care about her. She isn't THAT smart, doesn't mean I don't like her?

The Bible isn't backed up by any evidence, and even the most basic critical thinking skills will bring up numerous discrepencies with the nook's supposedly real account. Evolution is backed up by tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies.

I thought love was only true in fairy tales
Meant for someone else but not for me
Love was out to get me
That's the way it seemed
Disappointment haunted all of my dreams

Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
I'm in love
I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried

I thought love was more or less a giving thing
Seems the more I gave the less I got
What's the use in tryin'
All you get is pain?
When I needed sunshine, I got rain

Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
I'm in love
I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried


Oh, love was out to get me
Now, that's the way it seemed
Disappointment haunted all of my dreams

Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
I'm in love
I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried

Yes, I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
Said, I'm a believer, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (I'm a believer)
Said, I'm a believer, yeah (I'm a believer)
I said, I'm a believer, yeah (I'm a believer)

Why the fuck are you still with her? Are you sure it's not just better to jerk off instead?

>being so autistic that you feel the need to shitpost when you can't muster up anything that would actually contribute to the discussion

Well I didn't plan on staying with her after bootcamp. I leave in a couple weeks. Shes sorta rich so Im just coasting a long until I leave.

Keep in mind that close minded people often simply won't accept facts that prove they're wrong or that some belief they base their ideology in is wrong, that's called cognitive dissonance

Evolution is not a question of believing, so the old "you have your beliefs and I have mine" doesn't apply here.

Gf with idiotic beliefs >>>>>> no gf

Break it into the simple steps.
Don't just be like "If you ain't belive in evolotion, you wack"

Step1: You are the result of your parents DNA, right?
Step2: You are not a perfect copy, you will have something that is different, rigt?
Step3: Certain differences can aid your survival(like thicker fur in cold parts of the world), right?

These three point are simpler to digest one at the time. And once you've done that, you combine them and add a few 1000 generations and you have have success

Thats a pretty good way of describing it. I'll use that example tonight and cite you

That's not really evolution tho, more like recombination

Thats literally microevolution to macroevolution brah

Your dick


I get what you mean, but then again;
How much different is humans breeding the best looking dogs compared to bees choosing to pollinate the more colourful flowers?

(I don't know if that bee thing is actually a thing, but you get my drift)

No, they work exactly the same way.
There are several methods of selection in evolution; the "newest" one is selection by humans and it changes nothing about how evolution works.

not if you take mother/father as an example only, microevolution is about populations

"She's stupid"
"She's close minded"
"I don't love her"

This is what happens when your views/beliefs/values clash with hers. I wonder how she thinks of you and your atheisitic beliefs (Does she think you are close minded as well? Does she not love you because of this conflicting issue at hand? etc). Either the relationship is going to die from conflicting views/stubborn party members. Or you guys are going to learn to respect each other and realize that your beliefs, regardless of what it is, does not bring the other person down in any way. In any way, good luck.

How the fuck is it that some people accept 'microevolution', but absolutely deny 'macroevolutio'?

I get the faggots who is like
>"Herpderp, I never saw a dog give birth to a monkey. Evolution BTFO"
But they are just faggots.

I'm talking about the people who belives small changes in a species can happen, but that this will somehow never happen in a sort of linear evolutionary progress to make big changes.
It's like saying that walking is perfectly possibly as long as you don't walk more than 100 m away from your starting-point


because humans adapting to cold weather and growing out hair is more believable than apes adapting to the world and turning into humans.

She just thinks I am an atheist because I haven't found God yet. She loves me, a lot. I just don't love her. The relationship is going to die because I am going to kill it before I leave

agreeing to disagree is leaving it alone and respecting it though.

Start by accepting the world will always be full of idiots who think they know better

No matter how much fact and reason and logic you can give there will always be people who don't believe you so just accept the way the world is and stop being a tumor

I disagree.

changes definitely happen, but they're really small and if not accompanied by evolutionary pressure over a really long period of time won't have any effect at all.

So in their mind they're right because they don't see a difference in humans for example over a certain period of time (like some thousand years).


Yeah, but like,,,,
if man is 100% and monkey is 0%.
You're fine with 0% evolving into 1%. And 1% into 2 %.
Small changes.
but then:
3-4, 4-5, 5-6.... 97-98, 98-99, 99-100.
And every one of those steps is small. But somehow, despite 1% changes being accepted, repeating it 100 times is not?

Imagine if we lived on a planet with all the different species from 1-99%. So 99 different species.
And they all evolve 1% up, so you have 2-100%.
Then you have the whole evolutionary chain shown to work and that it's possible to go from 1-100%. But again; Going from 1-100% is not belivable?

The fuck m8?

Lol i don't think it works that way. You can't put a scale on something like that in such a way. How do you know that humans adapting to the cold and growing hair isn't already at 99%? And you guys are calling the bible believers fantastical? LMAO

>How do you know that humans adapting to the cold and growing hair isn't already at 99%?
It might be, but why do that matter?

If humans evolved from monkeys

then how come monkeys haven't evolved into humans

I know there is no "100% evolved" in nature. It's a continious thing.

I was thinking in terms of the evolution from our monkey-ish ancestors into modern humans,
Then you can put a number on it.
Not very accurate though, but you could put an estimated number of generation from 0-100%

the chances of 2 4 base pair DNA structures sharing 50 sequences of DNA, by chance, is 4^50. this is already infinitesimally small chance. Now extrapolate that to where the human genome contains 98% of the same DNA sequence of chimpanzees. total bases is something like 3.2 billion. it's statistically impossible for these two genomes to not be related to each other.

Statistically, highly improbable yes.

The thing you have to get across is the timescale involved. People locked into a biblical frame of reference think that the universe was created 6000 years ago. Evolution makes no sense in that timeframe, it makes much more sense that God created everything. Expand the timescale to the correct billions of years, and you'll see that evolution is the ONLY way that live on Earth could occur. Tiny changes in the DNA of organisms over billions of years.

Talk to her about other basic science. Ask her if she thinks the sun revolves around the Earth or vice versa. Obviously, she'll say that the Earth revolves around the sun, everyone knows that. Yet, in the Dark Ages, everyone knew that the Earth was the center of the solar system, if not the universe. It's a simple fact. Evolution is just as obvious to any scientist, so why would anyone believe that the Earth revolves around the sun and not believe that organisms evolve through natural selection? Religious people once thought that no species were truly extinct, because God would never let that happen to one of his creations. Yet we know that species go extinct all the time: the dodo, the passenger pigeon, etc.

>then how come monkeys haven't evolved into humans
They did when humans evolved from tree-dwelling monkeys.

tl;dr it's all speculation. No one knows the numbers, no one even knows it happened or not. So we've come full circle again: A small example of microevolution does not mean or prove anything in terms of macroevolution.

much like religion, evolution can neither be proven nor disproven.

Right on, this user gets it.

what about the monkeys right now.

Are they evolving into humans at a slower rate?

Are gorrillas going to evolve into a genetically stronger human?

Are spider monkey's going to be parkour master humans?

Are howler monkeys going to be opera singers when they evolve into humans?

Why are they evolving into humans slower?

but you're talking about improbabilities with hundreds if not thousands of decimal places. once you go past like .0000000000001, it's so statistically insignificant you throw out the possibility of it being random chance. plus that's only between two discrete species, how do you explain shared DNA, repeated DNA, mitochondrial DNA, SSRs shared between all living species, not to mention the fact that the codon code is discrete and shared between ALL living species with very very few ancient examples, and even those are so minor like stop codons being 1 base pair different.

just saying, statistically its improbable, but then when you account other similarities it's more than improbable, it's just impossible to think these things independently formed the exact same mechanism. at around the same time. in different environments/conditions.

They are not, every species is continuously evolving at a very very slow rate, if you could live for a billion years you would see the progress. The reason you don't see monkeys evolving into humans is because are life spans are but a blimp in the cosmic timeline

Every species of monkey isn't evolving toward humans. They're each evolving to become better suited to their environments. Our ancestors happened to need large brains. Other monkeys, not necessarily.

That doesn't make any sense.

Why did humans evolve faster if we at one point were fellow apes as well.

I can't live for a billion years so how is it logical and even possible for me to see the evolution of species with my own eyes. That defys all logic and reasoning.

Your answer is not valid whatsoever.


but don't worry i'm not going to judge.

^this guy gets it

I hate when there's religious people who think they are right and all atheists are dumb stupid cancers in life just as much as i hate atheists who think they are right and all religious people are dumb stupid cancers in life. The thing is. NOBODY REALLY KNOWS. Just believe what you want and move along [get along]... FFS.

That is simply not possible.

If that method worked there would be no wars

No rascism

No murder, rape, genocide.

We are all doomed.

humans did not evolve from monkeys, we had a common ancestor

>also 98% of our DNA is the same


true dat

>I can't live for a billion years so how is it logical and even possible for me to see the evolution of species with my own eyes. That defys all logic and reasoning

the thing is you dont have to see it in action. you cant in fact, ever. you have to see it by relating genomes of related species to each other. well actually you have to relate species to each other based on genome. the closer a species genome is to another, the closer genetically an organism is to another, and the higher probability that one evolved into another.

this guy is right. the monkey who were in environments which required intellect in order to survive became humans. those were a very special unique group which eventually began to diverge further and further until "humans" reached where we are now. all other monkeys are fairly well suited for their environments and therefor either are not evolving fast enough to be seen, or just dont require evolution to proliferate.

you want to see evolution, or at least natural selection in action? look up speckled moths and the EPA clean air act, before the clean air act was passed something like 90% of all of a specific type of moths were speckled due to high pollution staining trees and giving speckled moths an advantage against predators. After the EPA clean air act was passed, this trend reversed, with the white moths being the majority in just a few decades, while the speckled moths died out due to being picked off by predators

>ignoring the existance of the fossil record

Muh dick


and a mouse is 92% similar to ours. What's your point?

Actually, that's wrong. Evolution can quite easily be disproven, it just hasn't been yet. That's what makes it a scientific theory.

The theory of evolution is backed up by mountains of peer reviewed studies.

We have a common ancestor.

Sounds like you should dump her.
Doesn't suck dick
Very religious
That's three strikes man, you just trying to be miserable your entire life or what ?

You're an idiot and so is the person you're referencing.

Evolution is proven by hundreds of thousands of pieces of evidence which all happen to hold up throughout nearly EVERY field of science independently, and when making predictions across different branches of science.

Oh you mean those fossil records that show a billion dead apes and then a billion dead humans? You'd think somewhere in that vast sea of fossils you'd also have a billion half ape/half human fossils of all varying changes to go along.

Very very rich, decently fun to hangout with. Although she is a slut and a known cheater..

We have examples of numerous early hominids, representing early anscestors and different, died-out branches.

Why would monkeys evolve into humans? And if they somehow did wouldn't the original humans call them something other than human? They are supposedly relatives, not ancestors. According to the theory they've been evolving in a different direction than humans, in ways conducive to surviving in their natural habitats, it isn't like they'd be becoming more like humans by evolutionary processes.

Theyre evolving from a different branch.
They'll never become humans (unless something happens in their evolutionary process or whatever) because they came from a different species that never became more intelligent, etc. etc.

You must be more stupid than her to be with this thing you call a gf.

So basically evolution is proven from a man made science book. Cool. Thanks for wrapping that up. You've now turned me into a believer. Does this sound familiar to you guys? Oh the irony.

Ask her why she doesn't believe in evolution and work from there.

Fossils and DNA faggot.

read more faggot. all of that was already discussed earlier and it proved nothing.

Just because some Sup Forumstards could not explain it does not mean it does not have a good explanation.

You are fucking dense.

>Explain how dogs of all different breeds have been created from a common ancestor.

There is a difference between evolution and natural selection. The different dogs developed from wolves via breeding ( natural selection ). Evolution is developing a mammal from a fish, reptile, or fowl.

How does that happen?