Hey Sup Forumsoys I just went to the post office, ask me anything

Hey Sup Forumsoys I just went to the post office, ask me anything

Why didn't you use email, grandpa?

Did you go to the post office?

I'm awaiting a package young'un, you see before we had 3D printers, we had to ship things we wanted (Like RAM, CPU chips, Dragon Dildo's) through the mail. I guess I havent caught up with the times HEHE



why did you go to the post office?


how was it ?
How many were there?

To get the mail

There was only a letter and it wasn't even for me. I'm really sad tbh.


What kind of stamps did they have?

Why wasn't the mail just delivered to your house?

I live in a close enough proximity tot he post office that they don't offer that service to my neighbourhood.


The stamp on the letter had a picture of the International Space Station and a European Astronaut flying around doing fuck all.


Can we keep the fresh bitches to a minimum age of 21 please?

21 what?


21 years old. Pls & Thx

ok will do

Fuck off. This is my thread now.


Abandon ship mother fucker



this is now a loli thread

Fucking kek.


So how's everyone been doing?


Im good just procrastinating a bit and you?


You cunts are what I love about this place.

Same here. I have a test that I need to turn in by the 28th.



How many cocks can you put in your mouth?


I need to finish learning MATLAB for my calc 3 class that im jumping into on monday




Calc 3 sounds challenging. Good luck with your work.

thank you


