Does Sup Forums support a Palestinian state?

Does Sup Forums support a Palestinian state?

Yes. Fuck the war waging jew bastards.

Fuck no.

Israel captured the west bank in a war lf aggression
Fuck Israel

i support

Good goy


I support the abolishment of all states

sure why not

Considering that Israel is the only elected government in the middle East...nah. Rather have Jews than fucking Muslims ANY day.

not really buy if I had to choose between palestinian state and israel I'd go with the palestinians

can anyone confirm israel is the biggest consumer of ecstacy per head or whatever



yeah, i'm a britfag. the zionists forced the palestinians out of their homes en masse on our watch. i'm also catholic, so feel naturally guilty as fuck about this.

Great idea.

What is Palestine?

even if you abolish all states australia will still be a fantastico island

Yes and no.

Yes, because technically Israel was cut out of Palestine back in the time when Palestine was also owned by another entity, which is unjust and also because the Israelis bomb children with White Phosphorus.

No, because it's been so long, it's essentially turned to Squatter's Rights. And because Palestine spawned Hamas which are a bunch of fucking filthy terrorists using the plight of the everyman to kill and terrorize as they see fit, because "it's for a good cause".

It's also one of the reasons Israel is so militaristic and was pushed to do atrocities against the Palestinians themselves. The situation turned both into monsters, more or less.

Oy veyyyy. That's more like it, goyim


dont worry about anything sweetheart

>Friendly reminder Israel has assassinated several Iranian nuclear scientists
>Friendly reminder Israel funded Hamas
>Friendly reminder Israel is the only Middle Eastern country with nukes, and its leaders have threatened to end the world with them several times
>Friendly reminder Netanyahu stated that 9/11 was good for Israel, and that the USA was "easily moved"
>Friendly reminder Zionists used to carry out terror attacks against the British to gain control of Palestine
>Friendly reminder Israel backstabbed America TWICE during false flag attacks (USS Liberty-Lavon affair) resulting in 200 deaths and injured Americans, to get America involved in a war with Egypt
>Friendly reminder Israel recieves one-third of USA's aid, even though they're the 16th richest country in the world.
>Friendly reminder Israel is the country with the most UN resolutions violation (77 resolutions)
>Friendly reminder Israel doubled the settlements in the West Bank after the Oslo Peace Accords
>Friendly reminder several Israelis were caught dancing and cheering during 9/11
>Friendly reminder Israel hired a spy (Jonathan Pollard) to steal classified documents from the US, gave some to the Soviet Union, and tried to deny it afterwards
>Friendly reminder Israel is the only democracy in the world with a separation wall and "Jewish-only" roads.
>Friendly reminder Israel deliberately targeted a U.N civilian refugee camp in Qana, Lebanon killing 103 men, women and children.
>Friendly reminder Israel allows American Jewish murders to flee to their country in order to escape punishment

Yes I do. Israël takes everything away. Gaza is world's biggest prison and they have all rights to kill jews. Fuck Israël

I love Sup Forums's opinion about the matter.
>kill all muzzies
>deus vult
>fuck islam
and when israel does that:
>muh poor muzzies
>how dare they oppress the poor muzzies
this thread is similar.
I say, in politics, the strong always conquer the weak, and if the palestinians are weak they shall perish, it's history, it's evolution, it's natural - it's progress, and it's always been throughout the human history.
hail the british empire.


related webm summarizes Sup Forums position, it can be applied to most topics.

>n the West Bank after the Oslo Peace Accords
Wasn't that only about gaza and sinai though? Still fuck israeli settlements


>world with a separation wall
Northern Ireland has them in Belfast for protestants and catholics

>african apartheid
its the best fucking thing that happened in whole africa you nigger lover

It's edgy

Friendly reminder that no one gives a fuck about what you say.

Just coming back from a 2-week trip in Israel. This is an incredible country with highly interesting people. Regarding the obsession on aid from U.S., let me tell you that you don't build a culture and a national as strong as Israel's with cash. This country faces definitely lots of challenges and is not always making the right long term decisions but they have done in 70 years what its neighbours were never able in millenia.

This. They have to be so militarized because half their neighbors want them dead.

Would you want to be treated like trash by black people if your country would become 3x better than it is now?

>because half their neighbors want them dead
Rightly so

>No one gives a fuck about facts
Lel, maybe ignorant dumbasses like you don't, because you're too busy sucking kike dick

>You don't build a culture and a national as strong as Israel's with cash
Nah, you steal it instead. :^^^)

>but they have done in 70 years what its neighbours were never able in millenia
what exactly have they accomplished?

No, Because the Palestinian are Muslim, and you know what are we getting from the Muslim... More terrorist! open your eyes world and don't fall with the Muslim propaganda.

fuck palestine

>black people
>make good things
niggers are animals, the only thing they can do is lower house prices because everyone fucking leaves when they come.
Lets be much more realistic and say the chinks are the master race and i'm second class citizen.
i'm now 3 times better, but I can't vote or go to some places.
the blacks in SA had the same situation.
fun fact that most of them want the apartheid back, since their lives were so much better under it.


Oh just building a fully functionning state, world class research & innovation structures, multicultural society (eastern european, arabs, gays, religious groups... in the same cities).

People tend to find Israelis violent. I actually think they hold back much of their power. Just imagine how Palestinians would act if they acquired Israelis military capabilities overnight : they would commit a bloody genocide.

Are you retarded?
If Israel didn't force the Palestinians to flee in the first place, you wouldn't have to worry about them committing terror attacks in your country.


yes ofc. jews should be wiped for its crimes and give the land for Palestinians

hamas is a terrorist organization, israel is more than willing for a 2 state solution but that is impossible as long as hamas remains in power

check yo self before you kek yo self

>Israel recaptured their west bank

Ohh... so, the Palestinian are peaceful people, they just asked to hug the Israelis, go learn some history my friend and don't base on Muslim propaganda hater...

A fictitious group of people primarily comprised of Jordanians and Arabs.

Good goy

Fuck off kike

no, the jews are cowards for not crushing them and keeping them dead.

Obviously they're not gonna be friendly towards the people who surpress them and treat them a second class citizens in their own country The Palestinians wanted to live in peace until the kikes invaded their country and expected them to blindly accept it.

I'm no Jew but I'd rather deal with one of them than a terrorist any day of the week.

>Palestinians are all terrorists
Reminder the American revolution started as a terrorist organization

Dont act like Palestinians are cowards,they fled into Lebanon and decided to fuck up the place


People here don't, because they believe that Palestinians are simple, peace loving Muslims and Jews are war waging retards even though Israel has thrice offered a two-state solution.

Palestine has again and again said they will only accept the complete eradication of all Jews in Israel, but they're sandniggers so they're not good at eradication. The Jews are.

That being said, nuke em both. Both states are savage, Palestinians being overly more so but worse at it.




Nah, the Palestinians are not at all innocent in this conflict, but you can't systematically oppress a group of people, and then don't expect them to rebel. You can't blame the whole civil war on the Palestinians. Israel is just as much to blame for that war, and they were the one to invade Lebanon again in 2006.

I don't give a shit.