Feels thread. Tell me about your shitty lives and what's making you miserable. It's good to talk about your feelings

Feels thread. Tell me about your shitty lives and what's making you miserable. It's good to talk about your feelings.


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Self bump because OP is a twat

I went to my ex Gf funeral about a week ago,
She mentioned me in her suicide letter. and said i was one of the reason she kiled herself
I cant live knowing i could save her by just comforting her..

so how was your day then op?

Jesus man. What did it read exactly? I'm sorry for your loss. Did you still have feelings for her?

I still think of her every moment since her death,
The reason i broke up with her is because she was depressed
My selfish ass didnt wanna deal with it.
So i just left her in her worst time of life,
I cant live knowing i could save her user.
I have been drunk for 5 days straight when it sunk in.
That i killed the only person who ever cared about me

It was alright, been in bed most of the day. This is due to me and a couple of mates had a party last night at one of my mate's house's and I didn't get sleep or come back to mine until 9 am. At first I didn't really want to go but I thought that it would do me good to try and enjoy myself. Mainly because I can't stop thinking about this one girl who I was with for 9 months. It still hurts, I miss her a lot.

try and get her back user, there is always time for the living
Sorry for the holywood quots, im piss drunk

Genuinely almost crying mate. Was she beautiful? How did you first meet?

She's lost all the love in her heart for me. She got over me almost immediately. It's been about a month now since we split up. She's fine while I'm still moping around about her.

She looked like something out of a book, i meet her in may 2007 at a college party, i fell in love with her then and there, she was the best girl i have ever talked to. we couldent keep our hands of eachother, i even went to some of her classes when i had nothing to do.
we used to laugh at the old memories together
Now i cry at them for the most part :|

i hate to say it but, let it hurt you, it wont feel any worse after it has sunk in, it takes time user. i promis

If you feel like sharing some fond memories man go right ahead. It's important that we remember the good times we had with the people we love/loved.

>you have no idea how much this speaks to me annon
>im so sorry
>find purpose in life
>or purpose will find you
>things will get better I promise you
>honor her memory

I just get upset when I think about how she probably never ever thinks about me. Or ever considers me at all.

Only girl I've ever really liked now lives a 20 hour plane journey from me. I've had other girlfriends but she was just perfect.

Tell us more man. We want to hear.

i remeber when we would watch movies or go the the cinema, she always had smarties, dry cookie crips and a coke, it was our running joke,
she told me on our 4-5 date that she had the same type of snacks at the movies or when she watched movies as a child
im gonna get her snack pack as we called it and eat it for the last time untill i join her

Im stucked in a cycle of eat-sleep-shitpost.

Nothing motivates me. And I still can't find my purpose in life. The things I want and want to do.

forgot to add you to the post

What types of films did she like user? Did you have similar hobbies?.


I met her about a year ago. I was in another relationship at the time, but my feelings for that girl faded and we broke up.
>Identity politics
But Erika was there and we got pretty close.
We cuddle 'n shit, kiss a little on some drunken nights.
One night we talk and she says that she COULD sleep with me on the right night
>I fall for her
>She goes to france for a week
>We dont talk cause she dont got wifi
when she comes home she doenst reply to my snapchats as she would earlier
She texts me saying shes out
then she sends a picture of her kissing another guy
i ask if she has been drinking, she hasnt
>my mind does a plottwist
>so numb.webm
She now says she only wants to be friends. and that she wont see me anymore cause she'll be "busy"

>Not sad atm just fucking empty
Shes not a 'slut', so i really got fkn bamboozled

I'm on the opposite side of this, depressed slight drinking problem, meet girl, fall in love depression is the best it had been in years, work on stopping drinking, she starts distancing from me, try to fix it, she leaves me, depression is back and worse than ever, now I sit at home every night with a bottle of whiskey and my handgun debating on whether to end it

How did you get stuck user?

i lost my dick in a motorcycle accident, surgeons had to remove it, all there is left is a sack and a hole i have to keep clean, pissing is messy, i have to sit down when i pee. can't jack off anymore, i've had more wet dreams now because the balls fill up and need to be released, it's half an orgasm because i'll wake up during it usually, and my prostate atleast feels pleasant.

been dickless for 2 years now, it sucks.

We broke up because I really can't handle long distance stuff. I have had a couple of girls since her, but I always find myself sitting thinking about her and how it never will happen and how it could have been so perfect. My current girlfriend is being a bitch and I only have her because I'm so scared of being alone.


Im from Sweden ye fam

We used to watch whatever old classics,
And modern movie as well,
she loved to go fishing, swining ,reading and we always for halloween used to dress up as clint eastwood. that was one of our inside jokes aswell i guess
>her favorit movies was clint eastwood movies

Jesus. I'm confused too. Women are manipulative arseholes. I'm sorry man.

we also bonded over listening to The Whos
We had alot in common user, alot

took a dump once but the shit hit the dry part of the toilet bowl, flushing did nothing

well, I guess a girl I was getting along with doesn't give a shit about me anymore

I'm sorry man. Don't be scared of being alone. Sometimes loneliness is a good way to get over something.

i fucking miss her man, Goddamn im an idiot

I know a girl like that called erika too

>I remember i was like you
>my girlfriend of 2 years died about 2 1/2 years ago
>it was due to a cyst in her head
>she had secluded a surgery and everything
>but wrote a lengthy paper in case anything would ever happen
>unfourtinately something did happen
>she mentioned me alot in said letter, ill type you the bit that always stuck to me
"I know this is hard for most people that know me: my mother, father, brothers, and friends. But this is the hardest for you, know that in life there are unexpected moments in time where feeling this way is like something out of a movie. You made me the happiest person, you understood where no one else would care. I ask of you to continue living. remember me, but dont let my memory stop you annon. because you are the only person that deserves the world."
>I almost killed myself that week. so now I honor her memory, ill never forget her


I can't approach people properly and talk with them cuz im not updated "trends" which is too normie shit and im not interested. Also i can't keep up a conversation.
They only approach me when there is school matters.

Because of not having friends & not having to trust someone with. i got alone and lonely af so i decided to quit school and lock down myself since there's no point of continuing school when you dont have someone to go with. I do have Real friends but we got separated cuz of school and we rarely communicate.

And even i try to go out i lose interestimmediately and go back to internet

Man im pathetic

I'm speechless user. I'm just so sorry for you. I seriously hope you get better.


What happened?.

But i drove her to the edge user, i made her kill her self, if i wasent an asshole, and just maned up when she needed me the most in her life

i'm still waiting, for my chance,
it's been a very long time,
been sitting in a very long line,
people all around me staring at me with their mind,
crime happening,
the police don't even really try,
why would i even bother crying,
cryings for the miserable, people,
with no vision or no sight,
seen me in a vision then your mine,
i'm literally fine,
find and you shall seek well,
the sequel,
the sequel is pre will,
don't get it twisted,
from that far, we came this close,
we clearly missed it,
we nearly hit it,
the fairy tale, is very stale,
hail mary frigid,
don't matter if you get burried with it,
or if you eat berries with it,
it's all a scam to begin with,
you dip shits livin in wonderland,
understand this and you just might understand,
but it's too bad, it's too late,
and it's over man..

Yeah I haven't been doing much for the past few months and I guess thats why the idea of being alone is so bad. I'm starting uni soon so it might be better then ...

I know this feel user
The only girl who I've ever really loved now lives 29 hours by flight away from me and I'll probably never see her again

Honour her memory man. I'm sorry for your loss. She sounded amazing.

I broke up with my gf of almost 10 years, and she killed herself and she mentioned me in her letter,
I could'v saved her but didnt :|

basically in the same situation

Yeah it sucks, hopefully I'll get over it one day

This is possibly the saddest feels thread I've ever done.

you did something you felt was right. but dont let this stop you annon. she loved you alot. and she would want you to continue going on.
>be strong

Thanks :| i will try

Thanks for this thread user. Somewhat i lose some weight that i am currently carrying


Here. OP's favourite song at the moment

>Depressed as fuck
>Always been able to deal with it but sometimes it comes back harder than before
>Last month it came back and hit me like a truck
>Drunk for two weeks straight
>Decide to kill myself that weekend
>Before that, I'll tell my bestfriend/crush about what's going on with me in hopes that it'll get better
>She says she'll always be there for me, but that's all she said, no other emotional support
>Haven't heard from her since that day
>I've never felt this isolated before
>I feel nothing now.

I guess that's better than the constant pain I was in. I'll still probably an hero though, so w/e. Guess people were right about not showing your power level to people you care about.

I had a similar experience, but instead of kissing another guy she just stopped talking to me all of a sudden.

Things will get better, man

Working all day today. Not off until 9. Currently taking a shit and browsing Sup Forums on data. I almost break down when I see couples in here. It's like they're fucking taunting me. I work a lot and never have someone to come home to or be with. I'm living alone and see no reason to continue living.

Are you me?
All coworkers are in a relationship, if not they have plans with other people.
"user, why do you say you don't like going home?"
>Because I come home to nothing
>Because I come home to drink and cry
>Because when I open the door, there will be no one waiting for me
>Because it's there where I might kill myself.

"Haha, dont worry about it"

the most depressing fact in life:

when your alone your depressed and tell yourself its only cause your alone.

you grow older and get a wife and kids and after years you realize that even with a family your lonely and depressed but now you have to keep a mask of happiness .... for them




thanks for the friendly advice

i've stopped taking meds awhile ago and i've noticed myself become gradually more erratic and unhinged, like easily spiraling into anger that goes well beyond what's appropriate. i repress a lot of shit, and people know it. they can pick up on the fact i'm quiet and docile until i explode into a fit of blind rage. most probably think i'm the type genuinely go postal. i'm not. there's more important shit i have to do in life than kill a mass of people i don't know. still, i like the fact people do think that about me. it filters out the people who are genuine enough to get to know me and understand that i can take a joke.

So much shit in this thread that is either not true or just surface level bullshit.

Yeah I hope I do too, it just hurts so bad to try and forget her

>not showing your power level to people you care about.
Did you rant about the Jews? What happened user?

holy fuck dude

try to take it easy on yourself, enjoy the little things each day

get lots of rest

im sorry man

Holy fuck. I thought my life was bad.

Sucks man .. Not sure if I would have the strength to carry on

Fuck man.
Give us some background story. What happened between you two? Why did you break up? What did she say about you in the note exactly?


>So much shit in this thread that is either not true or just surface level bullshit.

Then move on, fuckface. Someone got a gun to your fucking head making you read the thread? Or are you just so stupid you don't have free will?

>mfw i'm all outta love


Apart from the one genuine seeming suicide and the motorcycle dick thing its just people stewing over asinine shit mate. The whole blaming yourself for someones suicide when almost all suicide stems from mental illness is in itself ridiculous. These threads just breed self pity and push you further down the depression hole.

>These threads just breed self pity and push you further down the depression hole.

Yet you're still here. Fucking sad when you don't even have enough sense to leave a thread you don't like.

Im working and I want some toasts but I dont want to mess the kitchen because its clean.
What should I do?

Nah, I just told her everything about my situation. About my depression and that recently I've seriously considered suicide. I think I scared her off, which is fine I guess.


Exactly what I was trying to convey.

I dunno, I was feeling a bit blue earlier tonight. And its only threads like these that cheer me up

>motorcycle dick


Anyone else resonate with this?

Actually i feel pretty decent OP, just lost my job that i hated and im so useless at everything else that im gonna struggle and suffer immensely or probably kill myself so i kind of feel relieved.


We'll always be here for you user

Well. I joined the military about 5 years ago. I joined to be an infantryman with the plan of becoming a reconnaissance-man. Well my recruiter pulled some shady shit in order to look good on him so I didn't get the contract that I signed for and instead got an airwing job. That's not too bad but it fucked up what I wanted to do with my life pretty bad. While I was inCalifornia I stopped talking to my best friend for quite some time because I was dealing with training, getting new experiences away from home, and side jobs I did. Well one day I got the news that he killed himself. This absolutely destroyed me but I tried to lighten the load on myself with some rather dark humor. Most people hated it but one girl, we will call her Haylee, was coping the same way. I traveled back home for the funeral andmet her there again. She was so beautiful, wearing a nice green dress that really brought out her hazel eyes. She walked up to me and was awkward as fuck (actually kinda just slapped me in the face with a piece of ham) and we started talking. We really clicked and I started talking to her every single day. I began to learn about her self harm and began to help her through her problems, making her life better from afar. We talked for about a year and a half and then I went home on leave for a month. She surprised me with a mix tape the second day home and a kiss on the cheek. I began taking her on dates and we decided to get into a relationship but it caused a lot of strain on my cousin who tried to date her but she rejected him. He eventually tried to kill himself by ingested a metric fuckton of pills while we were driving to my place, started seizing so we pulled over and my brother and I tried to get him to puke but couldn't so we punched him in the gut until he did. Long story short it was a happy relationship with her but I got orders overseas and the strain of a long distance relationship was too much for us and we cut it off after about a year.

She was depressed since something happend to her family, and i wanted to break up with her for some while, not really knowing why tho.
But one day after she came home from work i had already packed my shit and moved in with a friend. and told her i cant live with someone who is trying to pull me down with her in her deep depression,
i just got back from a long cry user, sry for the afk
it just hurst talking about someone who would die for you and you just shit on them and thire feelings, i hope to join her and tell her im sorry for what i've done,
I hate myself, gonna drink my self to sleep

OP here.

Thanks for making me feel slightly less shit and I hope this thread made some of you feel slightly less shit too.

I still miss her a lot. And I think I will for a while yet. But at least I know that I'll pretty much always have a group of strangers to mope around with on the internet.

Thanks Anons. You're alright.

i wont be mad if you call me a monster or a faggot for leaving someone while they were at a weak point in theire life,
I could've saved her user, i know i could, just by the letter alone i know she just wanted someone to talk to, cant still understad how it would feel after someone you've been with for almost 10 years not even willing to care or listen to somones problems,we could be together right now and live out our days user,
i fucking hate myself im a monster

I love you adele. we will be together again i promis

My ex fiance posted a post on fb that says.... My ex lives on PSYCHO path.... More like socio path.... But inbreds and technicalities are like an aziotrope, but the opposite... All you can do is seperate them.... Hahahaha

Anybody cares to hear the story of a crippled russki?

We still talked every day and while she found a new man they had their problems, and came to me for help. I tried to keep my distance from that relationship as long as possible but she began getting extremely depressed and harming herself again and all her new guy would do about it is yell at her constantly, about every single thing she did, so I tried talking her through her problems again and of course she would give me the I love you's and I wish you were here instead of so and so. shit like that. I don't think she knew what that did to me but it really brought those feelings back that I had. Hell for a long time we actually talked exactly how we had when we were still in a relationship and it was...disorienting. She has said numerous times that when I come back home for good in a few months she wants to leave him for good but she also continuously says she doesn't think she ever could...just that she wants to. She tells me that she wants to go out on dates with me. She wants to travel with me. She wants to go to social events and parties with me. Hell, that she wants to live with me and has even discussed marriage...Now, there is a lot more to it then all of this, a lot of personal stuff that her and I have both gone through but it almost always comes back to just that...her and me. I have 3 months left overseas and in the military in general so we will see what happens, but right now it's up in the fucking air.

I know this feel....


i want to know, please distract me from life now

My favorite thing to do is take a crap. I've been feeling down alot lately and every time I stop and think what I really want to do in life career? Family? Suicide? only one thing comes to mind: go and empty my bowels.

Ok never tried this before

I lived alone with my mother, then she died of cancer after a year of medical treatments

I completely had to rearrange my life at 19, suddenly ton of papers and of new stuff to care about, it was completely overwhelming

I Left my long term gf because of pressure of those months I can hardly recall, it's like it wasnt even me
I still feel bad about it

Now I'm 21 I've moved back into my old house, filled with memories and problems
Luckily enough I have a shitty job to give me enough money to eat and live decently, but it's a dead end job, one who kills hope, and it takes up most of my time so I cant actually study for university [eurofag here]

I truly feel like I have no good times ahead of me
I was left with tons of debts and with little guidance

Hope I dont fall too hard

I met a girl through Skype friends.
>Edgy emo made up gender
>Fall in love
Promised myself I would never date.
>start dating
After a few months, my personality has changed.
I went from edgy emo weaboo to cynical film critic who hates everyone.
She brings I used to be more cheerful.
She's disgusted with the fact that I like loli.
>argue everyday
>I suggest we just take a break from each other.
>She suggests two weeks.
I think she resents me now.
I don't think she loves me anymore.
>I miss you
I don't want her to leave me but I know she will.

Just by reading that I feel like you're a person that won't give up so easily. Keep it up user.