Just leave him alone fucking p4k

Just leave him alone fucking p4k

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This is 100% understandable. Although I'm kindof awaiting an article with a headline like "PHIL ELVERUM DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE HIS SHOW" or something

dude.. i just wanna chill and be authentic lmao

its not 2003 anymore, phil.

you mean this?

>Phil Elverum Denies Entry To PoCs, Women and LGBTQ+ To His Unbearably White Concert


Will he finally surpass the Hot/Glow/Eerie trilogy?

I understand why he's feeling like that and all but why not just cancel the show then?

hot take: he did with Sauna

i mean that's what he said
fair article

I think it's less "I don't want to do the show" and more "please don't travel across the country to see a show you probably won't get into"

This is smart actually, because more people will click that than "Phil gives update on show"

He's wants to try out some new songs about his recently deceased wife in a small controlled space without a million people showing up to throw a pity party for him

grow up

Some of you guys are alright. Don't come to the show tomorrow.

What do y'all think the new album will sound like? I can't imagine it being any more sonically robust than Dawn, there's just no way he would have had the time.

Nobody has any clue how far the album is from actually being released

Pitchfork is the unequivocal biggest cancer to the world of music today.

They are to music what The Young Turks are to politics.

"very soon" implies this year at least, if not sooner. he could knock out a Dawn style album in a few weeks

>them grays

poor guy...I hope he feels better

haha wow how authentic and emotional

Everyone I've met named Noah has been a dick head.

It won't be another Dawn. Dawn is only so sparse because he didn't have the whole studio to work in in Norway and he said it would feel weird to embellish on songs that originally acoustic only


Those grays are from before his wife died
I wonder what he looks like now


he has finally become Feel Elverum

Fuck shitfork

fucking hell, pitchfork seriously needs to quit with the clickbait and seriously leave phil alone


...They're always right?

can someone fill me in

what happened? who is phil?

have a image of ellen alien

Stay strong, Phil.

she's hot god damn

Yeah she's a goddess, she's in her 40's, she shares ths same longevity as keanu reeves

I wouldn't be surprised if she's an ancient musician traveling through time desu

Phil Elverum is The Microphones/Mount Eerie, his wife, Geneviève Castrée, a Canadian artist, died a few months ago of cancer. He was on a hiatus because of it and just last week he announced he would be playing a very small show at a record store which apparently turned into a huge thing because of p4k and thousands of people want to go, because they think he is never going to play again or because they think they would be "supporting him in his grief" or something. He's just telling fans not to go because the place only holds 50 people or so and it was supposed to be a private "practice" thing for his new material. He will also be touring soon and releasing a new album.

fucking bitchfork

thank you user

what's that picture from?


what does this have to do with anything?


Stardust Crusaders

>band has potential to get buzz underground
>if we get that lucky it is then only a matter of time before those cocks at pitchfork try to profit off of us with no actual tangible compensation
>telling them to fuck off is futile

the internet had the chance to tear down the fucked power structure of the music industry but instead it just removed the option for artists to even avoid it in the first place. if you're good you will be exploited, whether you want to or not.