Hey there...

Hey there, neighbour has a flurescent light in his back garden above a pool table they play pool till 3 or 4 am sometimes and make a huge row, do you lot know any way of making one of these things pop from a distance? Not using a weapon or anything illegal in the UK?


are airsoft guns or bb guns illegal in the uk? high powered paintball guns? slingshots? throwing knives?

Just go there and destroy it. Don't be such a pussy.

Something sharp that you can throw with good aim like a dart?

I have a BB gun, not sure it would be accurate enough at that distance...

Have you tried throwing a stone at it during daylight hours when they are out or even using an old school sling shot. How about a Bb gun, cheap ones are 15 pounds and they will pop a light.

Just move in closer, if they play that late they will be sleeping until noon

just shut your blinds you tool

What fps is it? If you spam it at it or get heavier BBs you can adjust easier

Why don't you f with the pool table instead?

10 off quads :(

I live on a rough estate, and he would retaliate, don't want my family to get into shit, I have already been at war with him for a while

its a walther PPK - holds about 15 shots, which it can fire pretty fast...

The tube is above the table, it would cover it in glass, and i think it would be amusing...

Shit, misread the thread. Thought it was a pool and not a pool table.

Or, just a thought, you could do the mature thing and ask your neighbor to keep a little quieter after certain hours so you can get some rest.

I did this, he basically called me a cunt and took no notice, and said i had "made powerful enemies" he fancies himself as a gangster and pretty gives no fucks..

Look at buzz killington here. I bet you're so much fun you fucking STUPID CUNT. FUCKING KILL YOURSELF YOU BOEING OLD FAGGOT CUNT FOR FUCK WAKE DIEEEEEEE

When you already asked him for that, he's gonna know that it was you when it's destroyed anyways. Might as well just go over there and smash that shit like a man.

I somehow doubt this was his actual response.

If it continues, ask him again. Tell him you'll call the police if he keeps making loud noise after 2200.

How bad of a disturbance are we talking about, anyway?

it only takes a tiny bit of damage to the felt to make it near impossible to play on.

post pics and stuff figgit.

If you can't get a decent bb shooter, try a slingshot. Practice before attempting to break the lights.

Right, I am not lying about what he said, As i said i live on a rough council estate - like I said - and as for noise its a Civil matter in the UK, the police don't care unless they have an ASBO which means reporting him to the council, collecting evidence, the process takes months - and as has been said, I asked him to shut up so he will know it was me..

So i don't know what else to do - Karaoke till 3am - Pool longer people shouting "AWWWW!" and shit when they miss - its horrendously loud and we have a disabled daughter whos bedroom is out the back and the noise keeps her awake most weekends - Believe me I have been and asked him nicely to shut up and he won't

I did have a slingshot but it was in a mates car that caught fire - I might get a new one - using a small stone or something might be less obvious...

Jesus Christ, OP. you're a fucking pussy.

Just call to your neighbours and tell them to cut that shit out. If they don't, call the police for disturbance of the peace. Record them with date and timestamps. If they are council tenants or private tenants, send evidence to their landlord by official solicitor's letter.

Don't be a fucking retard and go smashing up other peoples' property, you stupid cunt.

Do it the right away or forever be a beta pussy.


For maximum trolling replace the neon starter with a broken one.

You're making it sound as if it's almost frontier law out there.

Well, talk to your other neighbors. See if they're as disturbed by the noise as you are. Perhaps a greater number of you can work out a solution. I would not bring up smashing someone's property as a potential solution.

Surely a handful of level-headed adults can handle one punk.

You threaten the council with legal action, you stupid fuck. They'll be evicted as soon as the council thinks there will be financial repercussions.



jesus fuck... they dont use those anymore. most fixtures have ballasts that dont need starters. its 2016 not 1980

Score some pieces of crack, when he is playing again at night call the police and tell them they are playing pool and dealing in drugs, the second before the police arrive throw the pieces of crack and other drug paraphernalia over the fence onto the pool table.

lol I really like this idea

We still use them in Eataly.

Hang a screen or actually get up off your snaggletooth ass and go talk to your neighbor. Holy shit you millennials are worthless retarded cowards.

make a bomb out of the lights when they turn it on their all dead problem solved

go there in the deepest night and turn it 90° until it barely falls out of the sockets.
The next match when they hit the lamp it will fall off and pour some Hg over the table

Pics of daughter.

I see. Well, the first world doesn't use them anymore.

Rolling for potato tits.

So simple. I live in Africa and fluorescent lights are a big no no because they attract and piss off insects. Especially bees, get some bees and release them close to the light or maybe other insects that you can buy at a pet store. If you piss off bees at night they will attack anything moving in the light.

>open the starter
>put a decent firecracker inside with the lunt connected to the opening switch
>wait until pool party starts

>implying all T12 ballasts have vanished off the face of the Earth

wew lad, your participation ribbons need dusting you precious unique entitled and privileged snowflake

Not a bad idea. Order a beekeeper setup and place those hive boxes as close to the noise and light as possible. Props, user.


Are we going ballooning?

>I see. Well, the first world doesn't use them anymore.
I am utterly flabbergastled, how will i ever recover from such offense?

This is actually a good idea, but are there firecrackers shorter than a starter?

Again feeling very thankful to live in a quiet neighborhood with nice white neighbors that are friendly and conscientious

rig up some type of shaking device to the hives, so you can shake them remotely, then when they are making noise next door shake the hives, fuck them bees will just go into all out attack mode if you disturb them at night.

Whenever I find a bee flying around at night I kill the bastard, it makes the others go into attack mode but any bee flying around at night is already in attack mode, if you leave them alone they always end up stinging you if they are flying around a light, they smash into the light and get more and more pissed off.

Some higher level of first world that I"m unaware of. I've seen them everywhere here, still replace them occasionally. I removed them from my kitchen (house built in '96) so I could have LED tube lights instead of fluorescent lamps

EMP nuke

Sorry for poor English, but why you not just wait until daylight, and pull the plug to drain the pool?

firecracker is a dumb idea, you need to empty the powder from inside the firecracker until the starter is full and epoxy glue the end cap back on. Then it is guaranteed to blow and do a lot of damage provided you glued the end cap on with epoxy, if you dont glue the end cap on with good epoxy then it could just make a phut and puff of smoke. Good epoxy is half the strength of steel, normal crap glue is like a 10th of the strength.

Yes, this is a great idea and the parts for it are readily available at any supermarket. There are tons of YouTube videos on how to build a small fission or fusion device just for this purpose. You can even build them so that it directs the EMP at only their house, and it won't affect your house.

Good thinking user ツ

Better solution: if the neon lights are turned on automatically at nighttime, plug in a small DC engine (e.g. The big vibration-creating ones you find in DualShock controllers, the smaler ones or the ones which are built into phones) to shake the hive automatically.

>pull the plug to drain the pool

Pool tables usually don't use water

bridge the load coil and enjoy the fireworks with the tube connected directly to line voltage.

Where is the plug??

Firecrackers aren't my idea, but 's

Nope. Inverse square law means it would fry your own shit before doing anything to something as robust as that light.

>still playing pool on a table that uses water

Use yer mind

>not playing pool on a table that uses water

Corner drains, center drains. Call all your shots, NO CHEATING, it makes a splash, fun for the whole family at 3am

they play outside? In the UK?

Just call the police, its a functional country

Pics or it never.... fucking.... happened

Have you considered murder?

>its a functional country
except when it isn't

Yeah they built a wooden roof off the end of the house, its under there...

top kek

I'm thinking at 3am those thoughts have crept into his mind

Also as i have said, its a civil matter - police don't care

If you squirt water on it it will bust just throw a water ball on at it or squirt it with a hose

>Just call the police, its a functional country

The country is fine, it's getting down to the task of actual living that sort of sucks at times

If you do shoot it, make sure it's from a side that they don't track it back to you.

they will care when you tell them you're going over there with a shotgun because they won't do anything

Forgot to tag op

>throw a water ball on at it or squirt it with a hose

his neighbor will kick his ass, and his families ass if he figures that OP did it. He's in a tight spot that sucks.

I think you should start finding other ways to prank and fuck with him.

Wait... What

>they will care when you tell them you're going over there with a shotgun

This is the UK, so they'll just come take his shotgun and apprehend him for such a threat.

Take a picture of the theater of operations, I need to see this pool table.

I doubt they will it could have been rain or something blew up in there idk

his neighbor is swimming on the pool table late late at night, and it bothers him, didn't you read it?

When they aren't around open up the fixture and add a price of wire to connect the blue and red wires coming from the ballast, don't use a wire nut or anything, just strip a bit of the jacket so that the coper is revealed and wrap the wire that you are adding around the exposed bits.

This! We cannot plan this without some photos

I agree. Tonight, b/ might be your personal army. And pissing off Britshit is always fun.

Give us their names and adress. We will handle it smoothly.

Pics or it's not happening.

If he's already there, and has removed the long cover, why not just remove the long sections of wire inside the fixture

seconded. UK fucking sucks

just take the queues and balls and you have a playing pause of some days
repeat for learning effect

Fill a balloon with white latex paint.
Toss balloon on pool table.
Party over.

Yeah take a picture from my house then Doxx him - giving myself away - I am NOT that stupid! :D

Can second this. In the UK we don't have many choices. We can complain to authorities who don't give a fuck (which people like OP's neighbour realise), ask them nicely to stop being dicks (which OP tried and didn't work) or deal with them ourselves and have the police arrest US for it.

Move out to the country, find a small village... rent is cheap cos hardly anyone wants to live so remote but there's far less dickheads which makes it worthwhile.

Give us their names and adress. We will handle it smoothly.

I've seen so many of these backfire, where the personal army request ends up being an effort to get the OP in big trouble

approach with caution

>but there's far less dickheads

less nearby resources, so it's a tradeoff

No man, we are not going to give a Sup Forumsrother away. We'll just make sure they are reported as sexual offender.

There is no fun in doxing little chavs.

Change their ballast for one of a higher voltage. It will keep blowing up their light and they'll go nuts to find the problem.

>No man, we are not going to give a Sup Forumsrother away.

It's a coin toss as to whether or not a Sup Forumsro will help or ensure you get fucked royally

Nah you're ok, would rather handle it myself, don't want to get anyone else into trouble..

Lots of nearby places to go exploring though. If you like the outdoors it's a win-win situation.

Also some pathetic edgy white knight will tell your neighbor who posted his info to be doxxed on the 4chinz. Sup Forums acts tough but is full of cringey beta fucks.

>for not existing things
You know what? OC time.