Sup Forums hating on dadrock

>Sup Forums hating on dadrock
>jealous because your dad has had sex and you haven't

There is literally nothing wrong with 70's rock, dismissing it as 'dadrock' is just your Oedipus complex manifest where you resent your father out of sexual jealousy

But my dads favorite band is the Grateful Dead and I really like them.

>your dad has had sex

Go back to sleep Dad
Just because you don't get Death Grips doesn't mean Journey's better

>someone had sex with your mother

oh sorry
*you're dad has had sex

Pic related is my wallpaper and my dad introduced me to springsteen


What is the best Dadrock band, and why is it Rush?

nope you actually fucked it up here, it was right in the original post

this made me h*rny

nirvana is the best dadrock

That is a lot of projection...

wrong, it's deep purple

>implying rocks can be dads

By that logic, just because you don't get Journey doesn't mean Death Grips is better

Is dadrock subjective? Because my dad listens to like Faust and the Red Krayola and shit. Is that dadrock now to me, or is it still stuff like Bachman-Turner Overdrive?

not every old time rock band is dad rock, you dingus, only the lamest ones.

Damn, my dad was born when harry truman was president music

You remind me of that one TNG episode where Data has a dream and he goes to see Sigmund Freud on the Holodeck. That makes me think; how do they manage to program a hologram who is able to diagnose the mental problems in the style of a long-dead doctor? Is he just bullshitting based on stereotypes?

you know user, sometimes I almost wonder if the holodeck was an obviously idea

wrong, I am the product of immaculate conception.