How do you rank The Big Four of Grunge?

How do you rank The Big Four of Grunge?
Here is my objective opinion

Alice In Chains > Soundgarden >>>>>>>>>> Nirvana >>>>>> horseshit >>>>>>>> Pearl Jam

Other urls found in this thread:

Alice in Chains>Stone Tempe Pilots>Soundgarden>Nirvana>Pearl Jam

Pretty much correct

Nirvana > Soundgarden > Alice in Chains > Pearl Jam

If you disagree with this you are objectively a pleb.

Mudhoney >>> the big four


Pearl Jam was named after the semen paste they coated their instruments in.

Nirvana>>who the hell cares

can we all agree pearl jam is #4?

Ultra pleb

Interesting. How did that coating affect the timbre of their instruments?

Temple of the Dog > Nirvana = Alice In Chains > Soundgarden > Stone Temple Pilots > Pearl Jam

For me it's Soundgarden > Alice In Chains > Pearl Jam > Nirvana.

I love them all though and there were some other great non big four bands in the mix too.

go listen to Pearl Jam

Reminder that Pearl Jam's Ten,Vs., and Vitalogy are all good ass albums and disagreeing with this is ultimate pleb.

TAD>all other "Grunge"

Pearl Jam is just ballad driven arena hard rock for pussy faggots. There is nothing grungy or menacing in their sound. Name just one song from them that's like Slaves & Bulldozers, Junkhead or Milk It. Just try.

Bleach is the best grunge album


Lmao this is the most contrarian bullshit image I have ever seen

Are you fucking deaf or just retarded?

Britpop >>>> grunge

Ok kid

Nirvana > Oasis >>>>>>>>>> everything else > Blur

Ten [Epic, 1991]

in life, abuse justifies melodrama. in music, riffs work even better ("Once", "Even Flow") *

Vs. [Epic, 1993] *bomb*

Vitalogy [Epic, 1994]

Eddie Vedder's struggles with stardom have a concreteness missing from more mythic epics of resistance. But it isn't his MTV boycott or TicketMaster stand that make his third album his best--it's his need to live up to Kurt's musical example and expiate Kurt's mythic pain. Three or four of these songs are faster and riffier than anything else in P. Jam's book, token experiments like "Bugs" are genuinely weird, and in an era of compulsory irony his sincerity is something like a relief--a Kurtlike relief at that. A-

AIC>Soundgarden>STP>Nirvana>Pearl Jam not that i dislike any of them, but I've never thought about this and put them in the order of how much I've listened to them electively from most to least

absolutely this

>"Big four"
>no Mudhoney

>in utero
>not grunge
what the fuck is it then?

Dirt [Columbia, 1992]

Crunch, crunch, crunch. Riff, riff, riff. Far harder, louder, and more metallic than Soundgarden will ever be. The price of all this power is that it's also stupider, the sound of hopeless craving. This is a junkie album, take it or leave it--"Junkhead" isn't ironic and probably isn't fictional either. As I sit here looking at my books and degrees (well, degree), I somehow doubt that if I, err, "opened" my mind as resident sickman Layne Staley suggests, that I'd be doing as "well" as him, err, the narrator of the song. I'll wait for my own man, thank you very much. B-

Jar of Flies [Columbia, 1994] :(

Melvins>all grunge bands combined

my housemate loves nirvana but says 'he can't listen to AiC'.

I got mad and bought him dirt on vinyl. Which is superior to any nirvana album

Mudhoney > AIC > Soundgarden > Nirvana > Pearl Jam

Core [Atlantic, 1993]

Once you've learned to distinguish them from the Stoned Tempo Pirates, Stolen Pesto Pinenuts, The Grey-Templed Prelates, Pearl Jam, Wishbone Ash, and Temple of the Dog, you may decide that they're a halfway decent hard rock act. Unfortunately, once they're done setting you up with their best power chords, you realize that the title is "Sex Type Thing" and it's attached to a rape threat. The band claims this is intended ironically, sort of like "Naked Sunday"'s sarcastic handshake with authority. But ironic critique loses its teeth when the will to sex still powers your power chords. And if that's the excuse critics, as well as MTV listeners, have reason to suspect, then the whole band should catch AIDS and die. B-

Purple [Atlantic, 1994] *bomb*

No. 4 [Atlantic, 1999] :(

If that's what grunge is, grunge must be garbage.

in terms of grunge music itself, it's pretty great

but let's not forget the fact that it's the most contradictory bullshit ever
>"fuck MTV and these corrupt record labels, underground music is true music"
>sold out to major record labels
>wouldn't have survived if it weren't for MTV

Jesus christ, why do you guys have such a hate boner for Pearl Jam? They're derivative as hell, but they have some good songs.

Either way this is correct.

`>And if that's the excuse critics, as well as MTV listeners, have reason to suspect, then the whole band should catch AIDS and die

I gotta give him credit, no P4k reviewer would ever say this.

Mud honey > Green River > The U-Men > Melvins

I personally don't hate Pearl Jam at all, they're just my least favorite of the others. Temple of the Dog includes all of Pearl Jam (besides Vedder) and they're one of my favorites.

Mr. epp is the best grunge band

"We turned down Guns'N'Roses. That would have been a big waste of time. As expected, the alternative movement is attracting bandwagoners. I don't know about Soundgarden, we've hung out with them before and they seem like great guys, but then there's other bands like Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains that are obvious corporate puppets. Many of these guys were involved in the hairspray/cockrock scene for years, and now decide to stop washing their hair, don flannel, and fly up to Seattle from Los Angeles to get a record deal and act as if they've lived here their entire lives. It's very insulting to me."

It's not so much I hate Pearl Jam, they're just my least favorite of the bunch. Sure, they've got a swathe of good tracks, just like the other four have swathes of bad tracks.

It really doesn't matter. They're all so damn different.

>caring about what a dead loser has to say

what an autismo

Sure this dude was hypocrital as hell. Fucking cuckfaggot.

Now time for a good 90s band.

Ham Fisted [Island, 1995]
brighter than Bleach, less fly than Incesticide ("Chicago Fanphair '93," "Grrrlfriend") ***

As Good as Dead [Island, 1996]
Quintessential exponents of what the cynics at Spin call scrunge, these two young guys from Illinois are a study in the uses and limits of originality. After their debut proved only that singer-guitarist-bassist-headman Scott Lucas and drummer-dynamo Joe Daniels were to the bash-roil-howl born, they figured out enough about riffs and hooks to transform sound into song, and now evoke a tragic Seattle trio who shall remain nameless. I wish Pearl Jam, whose leader stars in the title song, packed such isometric power--that sense of tremendous force bravely exerted against implacable reality--and I say the exercise makes all of us stronger. Even if it develops further, which is about as unlikely as it having gotten this far, it will never replace the original. But these days we need any reassurance the music machine can cough up. A-

Pack Up the Cats [Island, 1998]
At first I was just glad to ascertain they weren't a fluke. Now I think they've gone and made themselves the straight rock album of the year. Their idea of roots Husker Du, their idea of avant-garde also Husker Du, they attack the 100-bpm four-four with a singleness of purpose unknown to rap-fearing new metalists, ska-loving old hardcorists, and indie adventurers adrift on the great unknown. They're not true believers, writing early and often about just how far straight rock can't take you. They address an audience they swear is still there. And they have something to prove, even if it's only that a duo from the same Illinois town that produced the Shoes can make more noise than a pumpkins-smashing factory. A-

literally who

On Avery Island [Merge, 1996] :(

In The Aeroplane Over The Sea [Merge, 1998] :(

babies first noise rock

Alternative rock with elements of noise rock

>any noise elements at all

>but then there's other bands like Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains that are obvious corporate puppets.

What did Nirvana do that was any different than those bands? I love how he only leaves out Soundgarden because he "hung out with them". Surely he would have called them out too if that wasn't the case.

And the ultimate irony is that PJ were the least "corporate" of them all but that faggot wouldn't know that since he blew his brains out before they stopped making videos and fought ticketmaster.

What a miserable cunt

Melvins > Mudhoney > Tad > Green River > Nirvana > Screaming Trees > Soundgarden > Alice In Chains > Pearl Jam > Stone Temple Pilots

Soundgarden > Nirvana > Alice in Chains > Pearl Jam

The Jesus Lizard = GOAT

WTF, I hate Cobain now.

Alice in Chains formed in Seattle in 1987, the same year as Nirvana.
Stone Gossard and Jeff Ament used to play in Green River and then Mother Love Bone since at least the mid 80s.
Every member of those bands except Eddie Vedder either was born or grew up in the Washington state.
Vedder himself never sang in a hair metal band in his younger years.

grunge was such a shit trend. seattle isn't even cold or terrible

>Scentless Apprentice
>Milk It
>not noise rock

You are retard. It's not as raw as Big Black or Boredoms, but still noise rock.

and Nirvana was better than all of them

im sure thats fake but no one in nirvana was from seattle either

Soundgarden was there before all of them too. Wasn't Cobain a fan of Green River and Mudhoney though?

the sonics > grunge

you forgot Radio Friendly Unit Shifter

check this out

kurt was a little bitch that loved to complain about posers and fame while acting like a huge poser at the same time

Friendly reminder Kurt Cobain was murdered, had he got to record more albums nobody would be arguing that Nirvana isn't the best "grunge" band.

Post your favourite song by each band

Shame In You
Serve the Servants
>Pearl Jam
Off He Goes
Zero Chance

if he made more albums people would probably hate them cuz they were not like the early stuff as per usual

What about gallons of rubbing alcohol flowing through the strip

oh yeah of course, I really wish the entire album had been tracks like these

Great choices, the AIC and Soundgarden ones particularly. Aside from Serve the Servants those are some of those bands' sadder songs too. I love all these bands so it's difficult for me to choose but I'll try anyway.

Searching With My Good Eye Closed
>Alice In Chains
>Pearl Jam
Pennyroyal Tea

Rusty Cage is usually my go-to Soundgarden choice but there's something so smooth about Searching that's always made it a favorite of mine.

Alice In Chains > Soundgarden > Pearl Jam >>>>>>>>>> Nirvana

This is how I feel desu

>Alice in Chains formed in Seattle in 1987, the same year as Nirvana.
Kurt is not wrong that AIC started life as a hair metal band. After they went grunge, people in the Seattle scene used to call them Kindergarden because they were seen as a wannabe Soundgarden.

My personal rating: AIC > Soundgarden = Screaming Trees > Nirvana >>>> STP > Pearl Jam

Didn't care for Tad or Mudhoney.

>After they went grunge, people in the Seattle scene used to call them Kindergarden because they were seen as a wannabe Soundgarden.
Never heard that before but that's funny.

Overall, I would say Nirvana > AIC > Soundgarden > Pearl Jam, but there's something all of them had that made them unique.

Nirvana had Kurt who understood pop song structures better than any of them and wrote the best lyrics, which imo made him the best at crafting songs of all the big 4 primary songwriters. AIC were the heaviest of all of them and could create way darker soundscapes than the rest with that crunchy downtuned guitar sound. Soundgarden were probably the most technically proficient musicians of the bunch and had the best use of virtuoso soloing. Pearl Jam had - wait, no, Pearl Jam were actually just complete shit.

>Stone Tempe Pilots

First off, learn how to spell Temple.

Second, they aren't one of the Big Four.

Nirvana > Pearl Jam > Alice In Chains > Soundgarden

Nothing wrong with any of them (not sure why a lot of you faggots hate Pearl Jam).

Literally zero people with an IQ above 10 consider Hole to be Grunge.

ITT: idiots that think grunge is a music genre...

Why not

Because the Big Four had a major impact on mainstream music.

Other Grunge bands (Melvins, Mudhoney, Tad, etc.) had a major impact on underground music.

Hole is Courtney leeching off of Kurt's success.

Truly is better than that commercial shit

Not the first album

Pretty on the Inside [Caroline, 1991]

"Nightmare on Gurl Street", or "Beyond the Valley of the Sonic Youth" ("Teenage Whore," "Clouds") ***

Live Through This [DGC, 1994]

Punk aesthetic or no punk aesthetic, Courtney Love's songs wouldn't be compromised and might be deepened by steeper momentum and more articulate guitar noise. But they prevail anyway. Their focus is sexual exploitation, and not just by the media, evil straights, and male predators of every cultural orientation. She's also exploited by Courtney Love, and not only does she know it, she thinks about it. These are the confessions of a self-made feminist bimbo--of the girl who wanted the most cake. Just because she's a phony, whatever that means, doesn't mean the world isn't out to deny her her props. A

Ask for It [Caroline, 1995]

well before "Live Through This", her _outtakes_ have it going on ("Pale Blue Eyes," "Over the Edge") ***

Celebrity Skin [Geffen, 1998]

Better punk than actress, better actress than popster ("Celebrity Skin," "Awful"). **

Nobody's Daughter [Mercury, 2010]

Most people don't like her, and actually, I don't either. So I can't claim you owe it to yourself to enjoy Courtney Love's much-delayed first-album-since-2004. Nor even that these songs cast a revealing light of her scabrous persona--beyond "Pacific Coast Highway" ("I'm overwhelmed and undersexed") and "Never Go Hungry" ("I don't care what I have to pretend"), they're typical wails of punk-schooled rage from "Skinny Little Bitch" to "Letter to God." Thing is, I can use some new punk rage in my life, and unless you're a fan of Goldman Sachs and BP Petroleum, so can you. What's more, better it come from a 45-year-old woman who knows how to throw her weight around than from the zitty newbies and tattooed road dogs who churn most of it out these days. I know--for her, BP Petroleum is just something else to pretend about. But the emotion fueling her pretense is cathartic nevertheless. A-

only one album of nirvana, and alice in chains are grunge. Soundgarden maybe but it was more hard rock with metal riffs shit

Layne staely is an underrated vocalist.
Kurt was a one of kind arteest
Pearl jam is for like 90's bros, i had an english teacher who was really into them that one time tried to rap in front of the class lol.
Sound garden are like on hit wonder tier

Its funny how like chuck berry and little richard, and jerry lee lewis are all still alive but like every 90's rock guy is dead

>he doesn't like Stone Temple Pilos

>Its funny how like chuck berry and little richard, and jerry lee lewis are all still alive but like every 90's rock guy is dead

Forgetting all the '50s guys who died young like Elvis, Buddy Holly, and Bobby Darrin?

well maybe buddy holy would still be alive if his plane didnt crash.

Anyways, the 90's were fucking great, it was this one of kind moment were alt rock became mainstream.
After that everything went full corporate, like backstreet boys nsync crap.
When you think about it, grunge was a fucking anomaly that the record labels have clearly prevented from ever happening again.

You know, it would be like car seat headrest beating beyonce in the charts or some shit

>When you think about it, grunge was a fucking anomaly that the record labels have clearly prevented from ever happening again

There were "out of the blue" rock movements ever since the beginning in '50s, for whatever reason grunge was the last time it happened.

The alternative era if anything killed off the whole idea of being a loud, bombastic rock star who sings about kicking ass and boning slutty chicks. Hip-hop quickly assumed over that role.

no, after grunge came nu metal, than emo, than indie, now millennials dropped the torch of rock and listen to EDM, the worst manifestation of electronic music known to man.
There is still a lot great rock and metal bands out there but the music press serves their corporate masters by promoting mediocrity and poptamism

And hip hop is about faggots caring about fashion and having internt beef, and being a sad boy

Just to set the record straight, during the height of grunge, Top 40 radio play was dominated by Mariah Carey and Janet Jackson. Most alternative bands only had 1-2 token radio hits.

>now millennials dropped the torch of rock and listen to EDM, the worst manifestation of electronic music known to man

The young rappers out now like Drake and Kendrick Lamar are also pussies with no edge to them.

Nirvana > Soundgarden > Alice in Chains > Pearl Jam

PJ's not bad tho

I know, people say rap took the masculinity, but rap is way past its gangsta rap days, its in its hipster alt rock, weird faggot days.

EDM has the masculinity now, its about partying and taking drugs and hanging out with dumb sluts.

Rock music is in its perfection days, its ignored and taught of as uncool by hipster faggots, there has actually been a lot innovation in metal with shit like post metal and blackgaze, and all that hispter metal shit p4k jerks off to.
Rock music is shit like tame impla and alabama shakes now.
electronic music is a corporate abomination

As some of you may know, lately we've been having trouble with so-called alternative bands. "Alternative"...that's not a word I find myself using very often. Like someone who leads an alternative lifestyle. All I know is that back when GNR first started, ain't no fucking radio station wanted to play our shit. Ain't no fucking radio station wanted to play Metallica. I say we have the largest alternative crowd in the world here tonight, don't you agree? So as of now, the only thing that word means to me is a fucking junkie like Kurt Cobain and Nirvana who leads a junkie life. And if you have a kid, you should probably go to prison. The thing about these alternative bands is that most of them don't even like you, or want you to like them. They prefer it on the outside. And Kurt Cobain, he's too good and he's too cool to bring his rock-and-roll to you.

I literally do not understand how anyone could like Alice in Chains.
I haven't heard anything remotely noteworthy from them. I'm talking not even a guitar flourish, or a vocal tick, or a standout lyric. It's just really bad buttrock.

None of these bands are 'hard' btw. These are all pop bands through and through. So, Nirvana wrote the best pop songs, Pearl Jam next, so on and so on.

Nirvana > Pearl Jam > STP > Soundgarden > Alice in Chains