Embarrassing Music Confessions

>My favorite Radiohead album is HTTT
>I think AnCo is generally mediocre
>I use apple earbuds for all of my listening and don't care about mp3 quality
>I prefer good kid to TPAB
>Poon Patrol 2 is easily in my 2016 top 5
>I used to be super in to Linkin Park

Please share.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I used to use Beats heaphones on my turntable until they broke, now I just use speakers instead
>Pink Floyd is actually pretty good in all their eras
>I bought the $64 newspaper edition of king of limbs

Those last 2 aren't very embarrassing, honestly

Apple earbuds are actually pretty decent sounding desu. I mean, for a set of free earbuds, they sound better than some headphones I've spent money on

>I still keep up with the opinions of Pitchfork and Fantano

>I download albums, then still listen to them on YouTube
>I think Dragonforce is deep
>I've probably spent more time listening to folk metal than folk
>I listen to bluegrass primarily for the style, despite a lot of it being super samey
>I simultaneously shit on blues for all sounding the same
>I sometimes talk to strangers on the internet about music "only I" care about based on slight hunches they might like it, and almost always get one sentence replies
>I go on Sup Forums

>tfw you can never ungive your $64 to radiohead

Was there a 2nd Poon Patrol album?


>I think people should be allowed to listen to what they want and the whole "patrician/pleb" thing is all in your mind

I know Fantano often has no clue what he's talking about but...h-he's just entertaining to watch...

I've barely ever listened to Radiohead. Leddit's insane love for it has turned me off.

Which I know is dumb, but whateva

I regularly listened to nightcore as a teen.

>Pablo Honey was a really good album
>I still listen to Linkin Park and other nu metal bands sometimes because their songs are really catchy
>I thoroughly enjoy all the popular Pink Floyd albums that the contrarians say are shit
>The Beatles are alright, not bad but not that good
>I take great pride and great pride in updating my RYM ratings constantly and really enjoy judging and giving albums ratings, which is part of the reason that I even bother to listen to so many albums all the time
>I have more albums rated a 4/5 or above on RYM than all the others combined
>I listen to youtube versions of songs and albums
>I use $10 headphones for those Youtube mp3s
>I haven't even listened to 1000 albums yet
>I don't like most of the threads on Sup Forums but I keep coming back for some strange reason

In high school, I wrote a piece about a well-known punk hero of mine for my friend's pop culture blog. It made some judgements about him, despite being positive, and definitely fell into the "fanboy" category to some extent. Years later, we ended up touring together, and I still don't know if he's read the article. It's currently on Page 2 of Google if you search his name.

>I love 21 Pilots
>I've """"""""""quit""""""""""""" Sup Forums at least 10 times
>I used to think nu-metal was the shit
>I used to be a "Wrong Generation" type and even browsed reddit for a while

>I find ambient and drone music boring.

>I have a Crosley turntable
>I think nu metal gets WAY too much hate (except for Papa Roach, they're faggots)
> I have a MBV tattoo
> I like PiL more than Sex Pistols
> I think TPAB is 7/10 at best

Nothing to be ashamed of

give a hint?

>Blackstar was my first Bowie album
>I used to listen to Yung Lean and BONES ironically but now I like the former and I'm obsessed with the latter.
>I listen to Vaporwave and Future Funk unironically
>Post isn't my favourite Bjork album, its tied with Debut.
>Mount Eerie > The Glow Pt. 2

>I'm musically talented with a piano and guitar and I think i'm decent at composing, I want to create music that will impress the people I went to high-school with but I have shit vocals for singing and rapping.
>Also can't use FLstudio, I don't work so I don't have decent equipment or software to create music.

>I listen to most of my albums off youtube
>I don't scrobble anymore, and haven't in a while
Not even embarrassed, I have no shame in either of those things.

Good kid over TPAB shouldn't be embarrassing. I think both albums are pretty great but I also think Good kid is better

I think pic related is a thoroughly decent concert film.

>Demon Days is in my top 5 favorite albums
>I listen to Rush unironically

>I don't scrobble anymore, and haven't in a while
why would this be embarrassing?

>I don't see the point of Neil Peart's drumming

recently retired from music

because Sup Forums used to be autistic about scrobbling, not sure if that's relevant anymore though.

>I discovered Radiohead by watching a South Park episode

Far worse places to discover them desu.

>First, I thought that Pink Floyd was the pinnacle of music. Then I thought King Crimson was.
>I don't like Industrial even though I like lots of post-Industrial genres
>I don't like straightforward punk but love post-punk
>I use chink earbuds and a mobo soundcard because I'm poor
>When I'm lazy, I listen to albums on YT
>I unironically believe that popular music was better in the mid-to-late 20th century
>I can only play the guitar
>The only places I download music from are rutracker, soulseek, and random blogspots when I can't find them elsewhere

I discovered them on Sup Forums, that's far more embarrassing.

They didn't caricature thom's fucked eye

I unironically think vaporwave is the best and most important genre of music this decade
vaporwave will be listened, talked about, and studied for hundreds of years from now

>I know more about Coldplay than any other band/musician

>I discovered Radiohead by watching a South Park episode

I discovered The Cure in a South Park episode. Disintegration has been in my top 5 for a while now

>I unironically love Gorillaz, everything
>I think that new Modest Mouse is better than old Modest Mouse
>I genuinely like some country, real country, like Townes van Zandt and shit
>new age spacey music/spacey Krautrock/weird moog shit are my collective jams
>I unironically like Sandinista! more than any other clash album
>I dislike albums based on cover art sometimes

What's embarrassing about HTTT? It's also my favorite.

You're not missing out on much imo. Very bland music.

My first experience with The Cure was 4:13 Dream, which I turned off almost immediately. Would've wrote the band off for good but then I heard Jack Off Jill's cover of Lovesong and gave the band a second chance with Disintegration. Needless to say, that went over much better, but these days I can even find some things to like about 4:13 Dream. It just wasn't representative of what I thought the band was gonna be at first.

Anything post-Disintegration isn't worth listening to imo

I wouldn't call them bland. Radiohead is very much a conglomerate of their influences and have a talent for taking said influences and distilling them into digestible pop form. It's overkill to call them the best band in the world or anything but they straddle the line between accessibility and, for lack of a better word, "experimentalism". I wouldn't say it's overkill to say they're one of the best entry level bands in the world.

>>I used to think nu-metal was the shit
you used to be right.

I dunno, Wish is a pretty great pop album and Bloodflowers was a nice little return to moody form for the band. I do like all their albums to some extent or another though, even the other post-Disintegration albums.

That episode was prob my favorite tbqhwy.

Lacuna Coil is still unironically one of my favorite bands, with Comalies being my all-time favorite album. I own all of their major releases in one form or another and, to my knowledge, have heard every song they've ever released, even the early death/doom demos that somehow didn't make the jump into their professional career.

Bloodflowers is good. Then again that's the album thats the album that got me into them when it came out.

Honestly agree desu

Out Of This World and Where The Birds Always Sing are two of their best songs IMO.

I agree with the former but not the latter. People can listen to what they want, but some music is inherently more intellectually stimulating and complex.

>Blackstar was my first Bowie album

Not him but same here. It's also my only one.

Can you recommend me some spacey krautrock

>I've been to a death cab for cutie concert

I got into classical music because of Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

Im huge into Eminem
I secretly like some normie pop

>listened to approximately 1000 records and I think TPAB is the best album ever released
>i want to get into lowercase but I don't wanna look like a weird fag
>TKOL is massively underrated
>BP is pretty alright
>my family owns a Steinway & Sons grand piano, i Never cares about learning how to play piano tho

Wtf is lowercase

>wtf is google
Glad winter break is over soon.


>I like PiL more than Sex Pistols

What is embarrassing about that?

>Unironcally thinks Buyer's Market is genius


Im 100% sure i know the answer but youre lying cause the piece isnt on the second page

anco is my favorite band of all time

i got into really hip and obscure Sup Forums odd shit in my teens, then got into pleb-y thrash metal in my twenties

i own four copies of To The Extreme by Vanilla Ice.

i don't own any copy of To The Extreme by Vanilla Ice.

i own every copy of To The Extreme by Vanilla Ice.

>Let There Be More Light is one of Pink Floyd's best songs
>Franz Ferdinand got better as they went on, not worse
>I genuinely don't have the patience/attention span to listen to an album all the way through while giving it my undivided attention unless I'm somewhere without Internet.

Scrobbling is a waste of time.

>Implying there's something wrong with unironically enjoying Gorillaz

>bought and still using bose headphones
>never bought any album
>early The Flaming Lips were at their best
>Pink Floyd didn't make a decent album after AHM
>HTTT and In Rainbows are worst Radiohead albums
>TMR and Rock Bottom are not that interesting after few listens
>TPAB is mediocre
>Animal Collective went downhill after Here Comes the Indian
>the only good DG album was Exmilitary

The Beatles are boring
I don't like Neutral Milk Hotel and honestly believe that they're a meme on this board
I like MCR and some LP
I like 21 Pilots
I used to be a this gen sux dude, but who hasn't. Kinda sucks I'll never see Cobain, young AIC, young Soundgarden, young Wu or young PJ live though.
Randiohead feels boring

Are there people who listened to more than 1000 albums? They don't remember stuff about albums then, since they are just listening to new albums all the time.

I don't like Colplay myself, but I think the hate that they are getting from Sup Forums is a tad too much

>I download albums, then still listen to them on YouTube

are you actually retarded

>I don't know what the majority of the abbreviations in this thread stand for

i fap to lil peep every day

>I used to love power metal, now I just like some albums
>I unironically listen to vaporwave
>can't get into Radiohead, I just don't like them

>when people think their favourite band is important enough to be abbreviated

>>I love 21 Pilots


I know you probably won't, but please listen to some classic Bowie at some point, Ziggy is a good place to start

>Black Eyed Peas is good
>I watched One Piece's scene where Merry is burned away and after that I listened 10 times in the row 'The End' by Linkin park in full angst
>I'm autistic on Blixa Bargeld, seen his wife naked for example
>I've used Skullcandy headphones
>I've never cried on any music
>Nicki Minaj's 'Anaconda' is catchy

i havent been able to stop listening to dashboard confessionals for over a decade now

>>I have more albums rated a 4/5 or above on RYM than all the others combined
>>I listen to youtube versions of songs and albums
>>I use $10 headphones for those Youtube mp3s
>>I haven't even listened to 1000 albums yet
This is me.

>never been to an actual concert

Sandinista could've been a goat album if it had been shorter but I still like it.

>Magnificent Seven
>Charlie don't surf
>Somebody got murdered
>The call up
>Hitsville Uk

>>I'm autistic on Blixa Bargeld

jesus me too

i genuinely think autists of a specific kind are drawn to this guy for some reason

Mah nigga. I love everything about him. He's a qt ;_; and his wife seems nice too. Not to speak about his daughter!

>> I have a MBV tattoo

You know I've been thinking about one too. What did you get?

>I prefer good kid to TPAB
>I use apple airbuds for all of my listening

Me too user. But only because over-ear headphones fucked up my hair.

those are embarrassing but not in the ways you think they are

should've been
>I like Radiohead
>I think it's embarrassing to not like AnCo
headphones one wasn't that bad
>I enjoy Retards Attempting Poetry
>I enjoy Retards Attempting Poetry
>I'm ashamed of my past music taste

>>listened to approximately 1000 records and I think TPAB is the best album ever released

this board is so bizzare, it's like i'm on facebook or something

>listened to approximately 1000 records and I think TPAB is the best album ever released
>my family owns a Steinway & Sons grand piano, i Never cares about learning how to play piano tho

You fucking disgust me.

>>I use apple earbuds for all of my listening and don't care about mp3 quality
>>I prefer good kid to TPAB
i agree
GKMC is better for sure
i only use earbuds when i go out because if i wear over ears i look like an autist

Gkmc is better than TPAB in my opinion, and one can easily make that case. It's not embarassing.

>Listen to music off youtube most of the time
>Laptop speakers broke a couple of weeks ago, now listening to music on my phone using spotify premium

I support you. I love Demon Days

>I think Blond is Frank Ocean trying too hard to up the standards he set on Channel Orange, and it's overrated because some people are in denial and refuse to believe that it's not really worth the wait

he's best dad. i don't want to sperg all over the thread so is there anywhere else i can hit you up for rare blixas?

A confession doesn't count if it's a fact.