Why are men nowadays so insecure?

Why are men nowadays so insecure?

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This plus multiculturalism.

Sup Forums

I really wanna answer that, but.. I'm not quite... sure.

Because they've been hamstrung by the PC Police to believe that men are inferior. Meanwhile, it was men that DECIDED to allow women's rights and suffrage. We're all ducked, now.

>it's other people's fault that I'm scared shitless in public

Because they were raised by emotionally abusive, parasitic professional sluts.
Praise the welfare state and denigration of male influence.

>We're all ducked, now.
too insecure, to write "fucked" on the internet, eh?

abandon all hope.

get in here


No just feminism. Cultures that aren't Western tend to be more masculine. The idea that different cultures affect masculinity is ridiculous.

jesus christ guys, could you faggots be any more victimized.

"Why are men so insecure nowadays"

Illiterate faggot.

I'm not really insecure because frankly I dont give a fuck if I die alone or not but tbh can you blame the insecure guys?

>tfw a girl can post that she's lonely online and immediately have 20 dudes asking her out

Feminism is institutionalized by men just as much as women. Don't think of feminism as purely a female movement. It's more abstract than that. It's a generally softening. It's passivism towards the weakest and stupidest. Because of that, a lot of men in this generation have grown up with no skills and ambitions because they were taught that to succeed, you just have to meet the minimum. It's lame to over-achieve because it creates a hierarchy, and that's threatening to women in a world where they have to compete with men.

Constant stream of Hollywood shit and pornography giving everyone unrealistic standards.

You see another culture as a threat, being hostile towards others implies insecurity .

>Pointing out why others behave implies you behave the same as well.

Nah it don't work that way. I have no skin in the game so I don't give two fucks about what people think of me.

Everyone is insecure. Fear keeps people buying.

>John won't fuck me if I don't wear this eyeliner.
>This underwear will make me really sexy for 10 seconds before it gets ripped off.

The only reason you're noticing 'men these days' is because of increased pressure in advertising. They already mugged women off to the max, time for guys to pay up.

>If I get this fake tan I look like that guido cunt on TV so Sadie will fuck me.
>I need to moisturise my skin cause girls are all sensitive and shit.

Maybe I'm a cynical cunt, but that's what it feels like to me.

This, men need to get over the abuse and start aggressively dominating women again.

you mean "internalized", and no.. it's not. Feminism haven't been round long enough for you to fall prey to it, let alone affect society on a whole yet, and in the end it can't. Not enough momentum, not radical enough.
>I have no skin in the game
MGTOW eh? Turning necessity into a virtue on the daily.
feminist shill detected

Where the fuck did you get that information. It's the exact opposite.

this user is right..

in the end, it's fucking capitalism and nothing but. We're all being duped and we're paying to be duped.

It's been like that for fucking years, though. Doug Stanhope did a routine on this shit like 15 years ago.