Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

Someone used to post about this game back in '07. That person remembers what many do not, that there were about 400 people from here all in a group working together. I'm here today in honor of that person to remind those who used to play that there have been quite a few updates including a new map, crafting, trading and more undead skills.
I also want to show it to new people to see if we can all work together. The whole premise of the game is it's a survival/horror MMO set in a quarantined city filled with vampires and zombies. You choose to play as a human/vampire/zombie in this city and fight for survival. In terns of gameplay its very similar to urban dead except faster paced, and to give you fair warning, there is an ap system, if you dont like that then it might not be for you.. Anyways give it a shot and if you do come back and log into an old acount there will be a button under the movement map that says Go to Serling.


Other urls found in this thread:


Gonna bump with some guides for new players

lazarix serum can revive the dead

Lol that game sucks ass




for pc?
my phone cant hold then more then like 300 mb right now and my comp isnt in my possesion anymore

Map of the city
you can also find it here

Hell Rising is for any platform you want to use so if you want to use your pc then you can

Its for anything really. The devs have tried to make it so that all platforms are on equal footing.

Also going to post the free-running map. Humans have a skill called rooftop run where you can jump to adjacent buildings.

bumping with porn.
Post usernames here if you want me to add you to my group. There's no bind, you can leave and join another whenever you want.



Can't believe no Sup Forumstard didn't take harambe


sent you an invite to the group




how the fuck do i do captcha
even humans cant read that shit holy fuck


captcha seems pretty stock to me

do i space the words?
audio doesnt work either

yeah space the words. It doesn't matter if you get it wrong, i think the settings are still the same but it just comes up with a different one. Screenshot it?



got it working
now what m8y?

now just choose what class you want to start as and log in

I've invited you to the group. now you get supplies and level up.

take a look at the map

u the outcasts?


ah nvm

the outcasts?




lol we are the only ones

ik man. Dw, more will come! Over the next few days i intend to do alot of this. WE WILL BE GREAT AGAIN

but we accept all races
also, at least i have my don don









what the girl? I have no idea mate










ill bump ur thread. couldnt get into the game tho. good luck op

Whaaa nuuuu

y not?

