Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:






@ senpai

No i haven't slept at all since you left


Alright, was too rushed to type "Calamity-masu'd"

Miho claimed

Yeah I'm definitely gonna look deeper into this
she was a good soldier
yup that one works real fine

It's time to run, because joint pain is for pussies.


Why aren't you JASON him then?

Wasn't aware that was something you were particularly in to.
>Loli rattles

Oops, wrong image.

I said a hip hop,
The hippie, the hippie,
To the hip, hip hop, and you don't stop, a rock it
To the bang bang boogie, say, up jump the boogie,
To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat.
Now, what you hear is not a test - I'm rappin' to the beat,
And me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet.
See, I am Wonder Mike, and I'd like to say hello,
To the black, to the white, the red and the brown,
The purple and yellow. But first, I gotta
Bang bang, the boogie to the boogie,
Say up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie,
Let's rock, you don't stop,
Rock the rhythm that'll make your body rock.
Well so far you've heard my voice but I brought two friends along,
And the next on the mic is my man Hank,
C'mon, Hank, sing that song!

Hank wuz ded do

See you in three minutes.

If odds, mindless twitch viewing
If evens, pointless warframe grind
dubs and I shit post here all night with you guys

Jesus, that is one hell of a case of insomnia...



>Hugs loli

Yeah it's a problem

Gonna talk to my doctor about it and see if they can do anything about it at all


So how you been lately?

that's not a line, that's an arrow

Hi Miho. What's up?

Technically, it's a ray.


Odds are you'll just get some kind of sleeping pills out of it, unless there's some other underlying cause.

I don't claim any of them.

is that the real kneesocks?

Penny Claim~

Personally, I prefer someone else that is a-MEI-zing. Of course, the fandom is all D. VAided on the subject.

Nothing much. Just sitting around lurking discord.


Probably the former

Unless there's some repressed memories in my head from long ago that I forgot about

Carlos, I swear to fucking god.

Nothing. Halfway took a nap on accident.

I suppose it's not terribly obvious, but I'm not sure your waifu should be an embodiment of your preferences either.
That seems like cheating. She's still a person of sorts, after all.
At minimum it's pretty lewd.

Ye, my nieces name.

hey guys
im really bad at multi tasking
ill try to contribute this thread a bit more

I never understood how repressed memories worked to be honest. Just confuses me how the brain can forcibly make you forget something.

Naps are nice wish i could take one.

still here

I want both puh pies

so what are you doing
>I love this pic I wanna be tatsumi bad

QOTT: Do you ever delete pics from your waifu folder?


It gives MIHOpe that you get a nap.

Duplicates or very unappealing pictures

Duplicates. I'm ready for your hate.

Rad :>
>Only if I find a better image or I just don't like the image.

Only if they very much unsettle me, otherwise, no.


Yeah there's some shit that i forgot happened but remembered them quite some time later

But yeah, they're weird

Anyways, how'd you sleep, senpie?


Yeah, my waifu isn't quite a reflection of what i like appearence-wise.
Not to imply i dislike how she looks, but if it were up to me, she'd look a little older. Especially body wise. I like small breasts, but not so much -that- small.
>Non-existent most the time rattles
Why don't you?

forced as fuck

If the file is corrupted or contains a virus I place it in a usb drive and put it away

Its 830. And there a beach party outside so everything is loud.

>not even dubs

Stupid frog poster.

Not too good actually. I didn't get a lot of sleep, and it wasn't a very deep sleep either, so I'm still feeling tired. Hopefully I'll wake up a bit more before work.

Duplicates or lower quality stuff if I find the better version.

Hey penny what have you been up to?
Hey tomoko
Still playing rust?
Kneesocks, is it truly you?
>Legend says you're dead

Those are some D. VA-lish words, right there.

Am I dead yet?

Aww I'm sorry

I hope you have a good day today though and wake up more

not the best I've ever been
playing league and drinking on the side
>from lurker to bumper

Why would I hate you? It can be hard to keep track of duplicates in a big folder.

That's how it works for me too, I think I should review my folder and clean up my least liked ones.

I just overwrite it without the embedded file when this happens.

Ahhh i see. That's a bummer. Oh well.

Sorry to hear, just remember you're a beautiful person and you have a heart of gold

I went to a party
>But it was lame
Now I'm home with K, she's playin Pokemon Emerald and I'm playing some "Madness: Project Nexus", its one of those madness games with the men with the cross face.
How bout you? :>

What said. And I cleaned them out last night.

It's must be a BEACH to hear all that noise.

Thanks Cat, I'm going to try. Just gunna listen to some music for now, and maybe try to get some air flowing in this room.

I am legend, a poor one at that.
My job has been horridly taxing, Im unemployed right now though.
Youll see me more often now, I suppose

Seems a fair bit too simple

Nigger bear

I wish I was drinking my dad wont let me though kek


Alright. Have fun with that, senpie

Should also have thoughts of you finally giving me the succ

One of the down sides of living at the beach. The other is when people think they can park in your yard.

Never heard of that before. It must have been unBEARable.



nobody claiming husbandos?


that one was better

Сука Блять


Not often, no.

Hey akame sorry for peacing out once more
>Not the best I've been
Did I miss something you okay?
I gotta be honest gen 3 is probably one of my least favourite
Never heard of any of that shit care to explain a bit more?
I'm watching some league of legends since I can't play
Oh shit that sucks, what happened?
Its gonna be alright, you looking for something else?
Hey queen, sorry for bailing
How you doing?

How big is your yard? Would it be a good idea to charge people to park there?

A shift-del might work too if you don't want to salvage the picture.

I continue to not pet the cat

Ah yeah i could certainly understand that sucking.


One day Cat, one day~


>im pretty autistic for just copying and replying filenames while leaving no substance for further conversation -Sachii-.png

Hey I actually write them out
Checkmate filenames

thanks you're someone I'm always looking forward to talking to on here and it might seem silly but you make my day better
I don't drink much around them but they always leave for the weekend
No nothing special bad happened. glad you're still around


>Can't play
Rip You
Madness was a little series of videos or games (can't remember which came first) but its hyper violent, guys with circle heads, long bodies, and floaty hands/feet and crosses for faces
>Its fun though.
I love Gen 3 too cause Sableye.