Find a flaw

>Find a flaw

Protip: you can't. Carter is literally perfect.


Wow, great to see a nice bit of bush.

I have to give it to you, I can't see any flaws. Maybe she looks like she would be a bit sarcastic.

Or I bet she would purposely not remind me to take out the trash, just so she could scold me later for not bringing out the trash. Like the problem with her is not actually anything to do with trash, it's some resentment she has towards me. I dunno man, sometimes I think the relationship ain't gonna work

Her formerly perfect nipples now have scars.


-tits could be more perky
- stomach area could be more lean

>piercied nips
>wide hips but no thighs

7/10 at best

long face, unattractive nose, beady eyes that are very close together, small tits, small hips, bad posture.

She looks like a fucking square, mate.

>shoulders wider than hips
>small tits

>pierced nipples
>some stupid tattoo
>shave that bush

Fail triforce tattoo

Isn't that a harry potter tattoo? the deathly hallows

>Find a flaw
She's a prostitute

She looks good, what makes her attractive are her spasms and facial expression when getting fucked in the ass.

No I the line goes straight down on

Pass...muffin top forming, waist too wide.

>find a flaw
she has a pussy

>find a flaw
I can't

>nipple bars
>receding hairline
>distended pussy
>too skinny
>face too long
>receding hair line
>crooked nose
>buck teeth
>dumb tattoo
>gross matted looking bush
>hairs ends are fried, indicating she dyes her hair too much
>stretch marks on tits
>hole in belly button indicating the usuall presence of skanky belly button ring

all that before she opens her mouth

Flaws :

>Unable to bench 70kg
>Unable to squat 150kg
>Unable to dead 200kg

is she even trying?


Flaw: Dies not know what a razor is apparently...