
What does Sup Forumssic think of Japanese Jazz
Best albums?
Best artists?

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Rip :(

I don't know nothin bout that, but this is A jazz thread and I wanna bumpit.

It's Herbie Time, boys.


fuck off herbie shill

Hey man I bumped the thread. Give me SOME credit here.

Ok Drake Lewis

I love Japanese Jazz, I'm particularly fond of this group:

Unfortunately it's impossible to find any of their shit. I listen to a lot of Jizue too, Shiori is a great album.

Why do you keep saying my damn name?

Yeah, i love jizue, the stuff u linked is awesome too!

I love you Herbie-poster

its OP approved!

Thanks guys
You guys make that asshole who keeps doxxing me worth it :)

Hey man. its all good, i like seeing what other people like in terms of music. You definitely have some tastes that i like!

Thanks, Earl.

What's your favorite Herbie album?

Does sexy daddy fusion count

Head Hunters, fav song being Sly
Second runner up would prolly be Mwandishi, fav song being You'll Know When You Get There

Good choices. Mwandishi was definitely my favorite of the trilogy.

You hear all of Herbie yet or do ya still got some stuff to go?

Do you need Jirori by any chance? I can u/l it to mega if you want

Those are the only ones I've listened too other than Maiden Voyage, Man-Child, and Mr.Hands.

Jirori? You mean Shiori? If so I have it already, but thank you user

Yeah mb. Brain farted hard there

Mr. Hands is so fucking good.

If you like his funk stuff definitely try out Thrust and Fat Albert and (maybe) Sunlight. If nothing else do the closing track to Sunlight because that's by far one of his best songs.

Inventions and Dimensions and Empyrean Isles are my personal favorites of his early years. The former has a lot of samba percussion so if you dig that you'll dig the album.

Okay! Thanks for the Info! I've been needing to listen to him some more, but cant find any more albums of his.

Topic channels are your friend.


All of his albums can be found right here.

Ah! thanks.

No problem, buddy. Happy trails.

(May start a H.H.G. soon)

Non-english song titles in my music library trigger my autism desu