Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums.

Ask a Trans Girl anything.

how much longer until you free the earth of your autism?

dont forget to stream your inevitable suicide

How often do you think about killing yourslef

what kind of music do you like? is it hard finding clothes that fight right?

When did your parents realize they fucked up?


lol just kill yourself already

how does it feel when you are near a knife and still have yo dick?

you're not a girl.


OP you're not a trans girl. you're a retard

Those spaceman robot glasses look pretty sweet. Take a picture wearing them. That'd be pretty sweet.

Have you considered doing the best thing for yourself, and checking into a mental institution to receive treatment for your mental illness?
Or are you going to ride the oppression train, pretending your delusion isn't an illness until the inevitable outcome of suicide?

Do you think good fucked up with you?

Can we see your vagina?

male to female or vicea versa

Have you ever been in a loving relationship?

just genuinely curious

I can never keep this straight. What does Trans Girl mean? Were you born with a boys body but identify female or born a girl but identify male?

Are you going to killurself any time soon????

one things for sure that rebel flag tablecloth means you probably need to move away quickly

atleast a good 50 years

About twice a year

I like classic rock, not at all lol

Not replying. Today OP is a faggot in many different ways.

They havent yet

It makes my panties wet

Im gonna live through it all happily until i get my head curbed in



really? not even underwear? that shits tough sometimes...you've got a really cute frame, though. so that makes it easier.


I identify as female but i was born with male gentalia (kinky ikr)

>Ask a Trans Girl anything.
>Trans Girl

Do you mind being referee as a trap?

I never saw a trans girl irl. Do your kind stay inside all day? I want to diddle with one of you.

We blend in too well lol

I dont really mind it, but than again nothing really does

How much cum has been deposited in your guts so far?

How can I find one then?

ive have fucked a few good times Sup Forumsro you dont know what your missing

I see! Thanks :). Are you going to change the male bits to girl bits? What's the process like and in the mean time do you take it up the butt? If you get them changed would you be able to take a dick like a real girl? (I don't know how it works)

A small amount for the lucky men who have lol

The lgbt friendly parts of town i would assume, or try the internet

Here in 4chanland, we are about trans equality.

Tits or gtfo

Can you post more pics? I like to jerk off before going to bed

will you cut yo dick off?

> Trans girl
As if a trans was worthy of being defined by he or she.

It's just trans and you're an it.

Congratulations on being the first person to make that observation.

Do you like getting your dick sucked?

I too am train
Train life is hard
All the best

Got pics of said lucky men depositing the aforementioned cum?

why are you such an abomination??

In due time i would love too! alas for the moment the price is too deep for me to afford. Its amazing recieving anal i would have to say lol, im sure any other trans girl would agree, After srs i would assume you would be able too, depending how long your skin can stretch before as in penis size usually tells you. but in sure theres ways around that

In the future i plan on it, yes

It's hard being stuck on those tracks, isn't it? No freedom. Can't make your own decisions.

I like trains.

Choo choo.

Maybeee lol, i think i like anal better though ;3

I'd rather stick my dick in a tub of cream cheese

Nope :(

I dont think im that bad m8 ive seen absolute gorillas of trans women

Were you ever raped?

I see! so basically the bigger the dick you have now the bigger the dick you can take later? Do most post op girls just keep taking it up the ass or switch to dick that fit in their peengina?

>Literally just a faggot

how much has your father/uncle touched you in the past?


That is unfortunate.

How old are you btw?

And yes, receiving anal is amazing with the right cock.

Correct :) , I would like to think that they switch from anal to oral

define "right cock" for you?

i have like a 5 incher, kinda sad about it.

Nope :)


Put those sun glasses on please. Those look pretty cool

It's what the people want op. Do it now.

Do people discriminate you in your everyday life?

have you ever thought about jumping in front of a train?

I only masturbate watching trans porn.

I've never been a massive fan of length. There has to be girth. I love the feeling of being stretched.

Your would be perfect for fast, hard fucking. And oral. The bigger the cock, the gentler the sex becomes. I mean, I've taken 3/4 of a 10" THICK cock but I was over it in 10 mins. It gets too intense. Don't be sad about your 5 incher. Unless we're talking micropenis, all cocks can be fun.

Im bot gay but i want to fuck the shit out of u 23 male here

I look scary in them lololol

youre an embarrassment to the human race

youll never be a girl, so you should probably just grow up

Not really but ive thought of laying under the tracks for the thrill (Would never do though lol)

Thanks, and as far as i know i agree that ill never be a biological girl but to go through all the surgery in the future is close enough for me to feel complete in my life

cool when do you start

As soon as im financially secure enough to afford it >_

Go back to tumblr. You aren't a women. Read a 10th grade biology book moron.



Ive actually never visited tumblr lol ive always been a Sup Forums girl keke


do you like niggers OP?

Go back to tumblr

Not at all, they make my pure aryan blood shiver everytime i see one walking down the street

Is a mentally man that thinks he's a woman
>If you're going to discriminate then admit you're a man and see the shrink

Those are dope. Thanks for taking a pic


You're a man, man.


Np :)

Does your dick work. And why do you smell like smegma encrusted turds?

What can i say, i am alittle deep in the rabbit hole ;) were all mad here

Yes it works, i actually smell like almond butter atm lol