Name our band

Name our band

Do Not Resucitate



Turkey kid

7 neckbeards and a special snowflake

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong

Ayy lmao

The Unfuckables.

Vanned 7 and vangalioso

Old Sup Forums in retirement

Same dude

Holy guy

Pete and the Neets

Ballz Deep

"Scary Face and the Niggers"

Ladies please...

Social awkwardness

The MurFTones

We All Had Dreams

Jared and the pedophiles.


When Is Seinfeld On?


The AA+ team

crippling depression

That was the first thing I noticed too, like wtf

The gloryholes

The Kissless And the Beast

Bundle of sticks


The depression expression

The Circle Jerkles


Down With the Syndrome

Captain fuckface and the 7 rapists

silicone rally

Suicide Squad

our parents once loved us

White Guilt featuring Shovel Face and Token Black Guy

the autistic 8

Mario, Luigi and the downs bros.


The chek'd, rekt, and kek'd

Can someone please tell me what condition does he have, or is it shooped?

he did a marijuana
