/b what's the best rpg game

/b what's the best rpg game

Other urls found in this thread:


>what's the best role playing game game
>role playing game game
>game game

Oh snap! Got em grammar police

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G song


i mean probably dungeons and dragons if you're a purist

if you're a new generation faggot and meant "vidya gaem" then i'd say Zelda : Majora's Mask

if you're talking about MMO's then the obvious answer is obviously WoW

be more specific OP it'll take you places in life

for action-rpg im going to say dark souls (the first one)

2 and 3 are fun too, don't let the "pro" gamers tell you otherwise

Kingdom hearts (1 or 1.5)

My nigga

No man's sky

south park: the stick of truth

bahamut lagoon

If you're talking cRPGs, I'd say Planescape Torment for fantasy and Fallout for SF.


shadowrun's pretty dope, if you have a good DM

Ah she has like 200 pics she can have her own thread but here's one more

Too quick. Needs dlc


Undertale of course

Second life?

Cool, can you give me a name or source?

Source is my gf

Red dead redemption

morrowind or oblivion of course get your head outta the dirt

My knigga. Ever play Treasure of the Rudra, too?

Earth bound

Source faggot

Gf faggot

Always wanted to run a Shadowrun game. Played the SNES game and really liked it thematically. Not too familiar with the tabletop mechanics, though.

Not going to let a bro fap? Smh

Not that guy but Surlent's campaign was legendary. There are more recent english translations that were great for SNES:
Treasure Hunter G
Dragon Warrior 3, 5, 6 (ones with good graphics)

I'm dead ass serious


Dark souls, the game that what difficulty it has is derived directly from clunky shitty controls and a shitty camera. Shit is overhyped as 'hard'. Best thing it has going for it is an amazingly deep and subtle storyline.

Cute fag

Action RPG goes to Dragon's Dogma
Turn based is a toss up for me between EarthBound and Chrono Trigger
TRPG goes to Valkyria Chronicles
Dragon's Crown gets an honorable mention since it's more of a beat 'em up with RPG elements

Mother 3

You have thoroughly and unquestionably proven your intellectual superiority.


Op what is her name or link to her archive I need those

not op, found a few of these a while back, not his gf

There's no archive

Ha why do you find it hard to believe she is

I dont care either way, could be, maybe hes dumped pics of her before

>Best role playing game game

For an MMO, World of Warcraft, if you want something F2P however, get Lord of the Rings Online.

For action RPG, get Dark Souls.

For action RPG for casuls, get Skyrim.

For tabletop, Dungeons and Dragons.

Seriously OP, you need to be more specific.

Legit average girl

give Returns/Dragonfall a shot. Returns is good until a twist in the story that felt pretty stupid, Dragonfall is a lot better.

Actually, the game isn't that hard, and who said the controls and camera were bad? It's overhyped as hard by bad gamers like Polygon, and cucks who want an easy mode.

FALLOUT 4!!! Jk im not an autistic 14 year old.

I never understood complaints about the camera until they fucked it up in Dark Souls 3. Dark Souls 1 is still my favorite of the series, and I enjoyed 2 a lot more than most people it seems.

is lotr online still a thing? Any good? Tried all the other free mmo's and meh.

This guy knows what's up

I don't know, I just know I used to play it, and I liked it until I got into action games more. It's basically WoW, but free, and with Hobbits. I suggest the hunter/archer class, the fucker can teleport with later game spells, which is super fucking handy.


Dump your gf in a thread plz or imgur

Why she's an average ass girl I'll show one more pic

>posts pictures which have been around the internet for years
>"is my gf"
literally kill you're selfe OP

I agree with this guy

Hah ya just because there's pictures of her doesn't make it any less true moron

>dump your gf in a thread plz or imgur
>dump your gf in a thread
>dump your gf

Average girls are the best. Got and nudes?


You're a gr8 guy

dating is the best rpg, women take a lot of xp and skills

Any webm?

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no one said witcher 3? that game is a masterpiece.

Over rated crap
elite dangerous is where it's at
>galactic sandbox, Constant updates, in-depth story


Sweet lord more/sauce

One of the best games in recent years. Playing it again now

If you're asking seriously, in my opinion, Disgaea. If you want to show more tits, show more tits. Help a Sup Forumsro fill a folder.

found more of the chick xD

Tfw you can dump thousands of hours into this series and still not have everything




Holy fuck, yes. More plz?

Why are you guys so interested anyway

She reminds me of my ex-girlfriends best friend, who I hated, and its giving me rage wood

To be fair, it could be taken as what is the best rocket-propelled grenade without the extra 'game'

What was her name

Chrono Trigger is probably the best RPG of that era. I also loved FF3. Nostoglic sure, but I still play those games from time to time today. They beat the shit out of present day Final Fantasy or JRPGs

No tits, or ass. No answer



Her name was Kristin

Dungeons and dragons


some vids of her. but privated mostly :/ amateurarchiver.com/members/1542/uploaded_videos/ anyone know how to get them?

Fuck off



You friend request me for access so I can deny it

What do u want to see of her


oh your jjson?

Minecraft, obviously

>pic related


Keep posting more I love this chick