Any tips for getting over panic attacks?

Any tips for getting over panic attacks?

a gun


I've found that guns work.

Just keep making it through a few seconds and remind yourself that none of your panic attacks in the past have ever lasted. Also look into seeing a doctor for medication.

I have a huge problem to breathing exercises help a lot like holding out a finger and blowing like a candle or breathing in the mouth and out the nose sometimes it helps me to feel my pulse and just tell me self I need to calm the fuck down before someone notices

1. Identify triggers
2. Breathing techniques
3. Find someone you can talk to about it
3. Try both legal and illegal substances

Stop being a giant pussy and get therapy for whatever trauma fucked u up in the first place

meditation, specifically mindfulness of breath


SSRIs. Seriously.
Lexapro had no side effects for me and was very effective... for like 6 years. But it was a good 6 years!

dont panic.

Eveytime u have one stick index finger of left hand into anus and massage prostate vigorously

Don't be a faggot.

sup op, had tons of these...heres the best thing:

- know that you can't come to harm from a panic attack even if it feels like you're gonna die, you can't

- your brain is dumb, fool it...figure out something to distract you from the panic feeling. so for me it was playing a vidya on my phone that pissed me off so badly, the anger distracted me.

- dont forget to breath but dont concentrate on it

- put yourself in a social situation, being around others makes it less worse

I exercise as soon as it comes on. Usually I just skip rope on my balcony, run or go to the gym. Do it until the dread is gone.

Just came of lexapro and fuck it made me realize what a crazy person I truly am.

Cup hands and breath into your exhaled breath.

Tap feet, L R L R, tap hands on knees in time, something to stimulate both cortexes.

Also you'll distract yourself when your getting wrked up if you hold a piece of ice.

Talk toy our doctor. Ask about Hydroxyzine. Its similar to xanax in terms of helping with the panic attack, but functions more like benedryl in the body. Its also not addictive like Xanax.

I think you just have to wait em out

and just have to deal with people that think you're faking it or retarded or something the best you can

start working out

I know this is weird but CBD oil. I tried some the other day while I was freaking the fuck out and I was fine in like ten mins. It blew my mind. Its kind of expensive though. But it's better for you than all those benzos and ssris.

CBD oil is great, but yeah it's expensive as fuck. just wait a few years

order phenibut from the internet, its legal and russian astronauts are given it during flights to ease their nerves in space

If you're having a panic attack phenibut is useless, it takes so fucking long to start working

This helped me many times

It's all about breathing. Seriously, I was pissed as fuck when a therapist suggested that, and it took me years to delve into a solution I thought was basically the same as "get over it." it's not, if you can slow your breathing and concentrate on it, you can overcome any side effects of panic. Do it as best you can. Keep in mind everything you're experiencing is passing. Let it pass.

If you can get 30-50 bucks it's definitely worth it though. That shit is wonderful. You don't get high or anything but I have horrible social anxiety and I was talking to people at work like everything was fine. It also stopped a few panic attacks way better than xanax ever did. It's like I'm just normal without anxiety instead of falling asleep and forgetting things.

Go to your doctor and get some celexa or paxil, shit works.

Then what happened?

Look into diaphragmatic breathing. Once you have that down, try meditating periodically too.

Lifting weights helps as well.

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Focus on taking a good couple deep breaths, let it empty your head and it'll slow your heart down a bit


any tips for helping somebody through a panic attack?

this shit started for me like 4 years ago, I dont know what to do


Girlfriend has them all the time, and I have no idea what to do.

I do t know if this will help. A few years ago I woke up tied to a hospital bed. For some unknown reason I had gone into a coma for two months. I was freaking out. My girlfriend whispered to me calm down, play the game, you won't get out until you play the game they want you to play. Now whoever I'm in a stressful situation, I remind myself to play the game they want you to play or else you can't move forward


This might sound dumb but I was once told to lick your lips and then breath through your mouth (any of the many breathing exercises, diaphragm, counting, etc). I've had awful panic attacks but as you grow and practice controlling and isolating them over time you'll gain more control and as gay as the "techniques" sound they will evolve into basically second nature and you will be fine. It's all about identifying one coming on and just taking control. It's scary shit, nothing worst then feeling so hopeless but all these tips seem great see what works best for you. I personally never got much help from talking to any professionals and as far as meds go unless your crippled with attacks for hours at a time I wouldn't go that route, a lot of people myself included will end up leaning on the benzos crutch far too much and then you've got a whole new can of worms opened speaking that your brain GABA shit can be altered and take MONTHS to ever balance out after benzos abuse. Just anecdotal advice good luck.

My girlfriend has them too... I look at her and I get naked and rum her vagina. She resists at first... then she lets me munch on some puss and give her a great fuck.

Problem solved 100% of the time

I haven't had one in forever. Not sure if I cured myself or just have been successful in avoiding situations that trigger them. I release anxiety by snapping my fingers and saying stupid things like "today is Saturday".

Expose yourself to the stressful or fearful situation incrementally, until the point where full exposure no longer sends panic signals to the brain. Do it slowly over a period of time.

Sorry, but you do have to be uncomfortable to overcome this. Once the body's "fight or flight" kicks in, if you persist it will realise there is no danger and you will overcome it. But you do have to expose yourself to the stimuli.

I'd suggest talking it over with a psychologist and make a plan to take action.

Isn't that a guy?

Head in between knees..?

And use breathing techniques

Know yourself

You sound like a wizard

eating better in general can greatly help anxiety/panic attacks... the amount of cortisol found in processed foods cause stress levels in body to be high causing the attacks, switch to a healthier diet first and formost if you're acctually serious about getting rid of them.

he lost all his hair and his dick fell off

Valium works for some

Haha I never thought of it that way. Thanks. Next time I snap my fingers I'll think of myself as a wizard and it will help. Sometimes I just need something to take me away from what's freaking me out to focus on instead. One time my face went super white and I lost my vision. For years I was afraid of it happening again.

Ice is cold and distracts your mind to something else. Suggestion in group to someone in a manic episode like when they felt uncontrolled / hyper and thought it might be helpful.

Also, nice trips.