Artist name has an exclamation mark in it

>Artist name has an exclamation mark in it


>genre name has an exclamation point in it

>band name is a common word
>self-titled album
>one song on album, also self-titled
>impossible to search for on Soulseek

>Band name is just exclamation points

>hating on based Jeb!

>impossible to search for on Soulseek

More like
>only version of the album is less than 320 kbps


>No vowels

I'd take that over nothing

I'd say the worst is when the only version belongs to a snob with locked downloads.

>locked downloads

why the fuck do people do this?

God I hate those fuckers

show off my rare music collection

>writes in their user info that they'll add you to their user list if you ask nicely
>ask nicely
>no response for over 3 months

>band's name has the word "Live" in it
>cannot search for live performances

>only version of an album on Soulseek is .flac
>download speed is 9 kps

>try to download flac
>guy's upload speed is slow so you're stuck downloading at 9 kbps
>guy bans you for taking up his download slots even though his internet speed is the problem


>its a 'stuck in queue for a download for 3 days and your place actually gets further' episode
yes, i was sharing albums

fuck soulseek. hope PTH becomes again


This happened to me with something a few months ago. It took several weeks for it to finally download. I wasn't sure what was going on but maybe it's because I wasn't sharing anything.

>only one version of album on Soulseek
>320 kbps, great!
>download speed well above normal, mah nigga!
>user leaves when final song is 90% finished downloading
>never online again
>m f w

Some users give priority to their user list.

>studio album contains a cover song

>album title has punctuation in it that makes it impossible to use as the filename

>album not listed on RYM

>album only available digitally

>album has a wikipedia article
>it's just the tracklist with no history

Album released in thin paper sleeve

Perhaps you should start a thread about your plebeian opinion


>band doesn't exist

How the fuck do I join PTH?

>tfw starting to listen too much obscure music


>artist name is just a string of emojis

Add MP3 or FLAC and then look for it on torrent sites.

Search the title of a track on a different album and hope the guy has the whole discography which is not uncommon.

That's three bitch what u gonna do huh?

too explicit

They have one song I legitimately enjoy a whole bunch

>album name is in ascii


whatever I wanna do, gooosh, it's cool now

Literally what is wrong with you

>artist name is a number

>band has two drummers

>band name is a word
>you're supposed to pronounce it like a completely different word

did you literally copied my unsuccessful Sup Forums thread to make a successful Sup Forums thread ?

lil throatwobblermangrove


>bands/artists name has "we are"/"I am" in the name
>name has "young" or "beach" as a prefix
>bands name or songtitles are just long ass sentences
>no vowels just consonants now
>japanese characters
>Simpsons Reference
>Changing the Letters in Names of famous people
>Random dates/numbers

did i forget anything?

>album name is really fucking long or just totally incoherent

I'm looking at you, Bomb the Music Industry.

>all tracks are untitled
>official album is untitled
>third reich and nazi references/theme

>Band doesn't know how to capitalize

>tracklist is alphabetical

>Sup Forums doesnt name my band

stop this


That's actually really good.

>artist name has an emoji in it

Verb The Noun

>band name / album titles / song titles are all lowercase
>and the band name is a common word on top of that
listening to this artist is frustrating

spooky ghost and the still alive friends

this is the worst



Neu! is probably the only time this worked well

>album cover is just one solid color

It's nouns right

>its called "the [color] album"

>that fucking nose
every time, soflo