I'm depressed as fuck. Give me a reason to live...

I'm depressed as fuck. Give me a reason to live. I'm a grad student in biophysics and I might discover something some day. Single as fuck and idk how to meet chicks.
>smart (130-140 iq)

Go on Sup Forums I'll wait.

Do steroids and go to the gym and find employment as a bartender in a popular bar or club

If you have aspergers then you are fucked, you better work on becoming near physically perfect and surrounded by women

I've done the tough mudder so I'm fairly in shape. Idk what to do at this point.


Women are stupid and petty and are only concerned with the surface. Just focus on your work and craft. Fuck them.

I agree with this fellow 4Channer. Buy Fallout 4. Even if you didn't preorder you can still buy the DLC.

Make money, woman will now surround you.

Women are stupid but I want companionship. Honestly this is much more than I expected out of Sup Forums, ty for helping me live another day, regardless of how shitty it is.

Fallout 4 is literally coming out for VR next year. Even if you doubt VR, aren't you excited to see what it's like in 5 years?

I don't give ten shits about fallout. If you're trying to bait I don't give a fuck. Give me a reason to live.

If you're so smart how come you can't think of a reason yourself, brainiac

>ten shits
Do you give at least two?

Not trying to derail thread, but I really need people to talk to. I'm legitimately contemplating suicide at this point. My only drive to live is playing Kingdom Hearts 3 when it comes out. Because those games are the only ones I've played where I can just forget everything and enjoy. I feel completely worthless and incompetent compared to my college roommate, who's essentially a better, cooler, smarter, more motivated version of me. I have no idea what I want to do with my life, I have no talents to speak of. My family loves me, but they're extremely religious and I don't know how to tell them I don't want to be apart of that church, because doing so would brake my mother's heart. I could never do that to the one person who has always believed in me.

Someone please help me

become an hero on stream for us. you'll go down as an internet legend for the rest of eternity.

Hey bro I know what it's like to feel incompetent compared to a roommate and what it's like to deal with people who expect shit out of you. My advice would be to trust in what you love doing and just do it. If it's art be a shitty artist for a while. If you love it you'll eventually succeed. I believe in you.

explain biophysics to us. i'm too lazy to look it up. just the outline would be fine.

Biophysics is the physics of life sciences. Like, asking questions like how DNA works and why life exists the way it does on earth

No. Fallout 4 sucks and you know it.

I love kingdom hearts! I remember beating the first one in 6th grade shit was dope. I have to get the sequels again since someone stole my PS4 and all my PS3/PS4 games, gaming PC, and some other electronics that I'll never get back. Don't feel like you have to measure up to your roommate because you don't he's no better than you are. You can do anything you want to do in life I know you can. Stay positive, I'm 26 and have no clue what I'm going to do in life. No job, little money, no vehicle. Shit gets better bro I promise.

Yep, I know a game sucks and continue to play it. Spot on. I've been figured out.

You probably need reasons to live because you're such a fucking asshole to people around you that no one wants to give you any love or attention because you will just shit on them to be an asshole. Kill yourself faggot. No one will show love or feel sorrow for you

Bump because I'm close to suicide.

isn't that biochemistry? also, have you ever actually SEEN a carboxyl terminus?

u mad ?

The story is bethesda trash, but the gameplay is undeniably good. Shit ton of content compared to other games

u a depressed faggot?

No, people don't want to give me attention because I have serious personality flaws. Many ppl love me. Try harder.

>be an artist
>if you love it youll eventually succeed
You probably just ruined 3-5 people's lifes with that dumb ass comment

The gameplay is trash but that's not what I want to talk about in my thread. Meet me on Sup Forums if live thru this if you wanna talk abt this.

Thanks for giving a damn user. I'm just not sure if any of this is worth it you know? I mean there's a chance it could get better, but what if it doesn't? I just never have the balls to approach people and try to make friends. I'm 19, but I've never had a girl be interested in me. I think if I had somone that truly cared for me as much as I did for them I'd be alright. But right now I just feel alone and depressed. I don't think I can talk to any of my friends about this because theyd just think less of me.

No I didn't. If people really try they can have unique art. The skill level don't matter. If they want validation from faggots like you they need soul searching.

My issue is I kind of want to do game design, but my roommate(also a game design major) is a better leader, artist, coder, and designer than I'll ever be. Every time I feel motivated, I just feel like he's judging my work and how shit it is.

If you can't talk about your feelings with ur friends you have shitty friends. That being said you're only 19 which means a bunch since I'm 23 so you have a lot of time to make ur self better.

Then those are not your friends, those are just people you know user, a friend is a close person, everything changes, and normal woman are pretty lineal, as long as you have money and be a decent human they will go after you

No that's not biochem. Biochem is more to do with the reaction itself instead of the physics of how the reaction takes place

>focus more on discovering stuff
>Discover something
>Tell girls you discovered some cool science shit

Or just skip to the last two steps and pick girls who will have zero clue what you're talking about but find the fact that you're using words they don't understand erotic.


enough said

everything else is irrelevant

you need to kill yourself. Your existence does nothing but threaten to further taint our gene pool

>says he's smart
>mentions iq


You should ask him for some pointers or tips. You're technically an artist. There's no wrong or right way to create in my opinion. Have you let him know how you feel? Maybe you two could tag team some stuff together?

hookers and blow all the way

If these aren't my friends then I guess I don't have any friends.

Dude is a biophysics grad student.

And what do you contribute?

thats an incredibly retarded thing to say
so what if we claim that there is a result of 2+2, proving that its 4, would that then make it invalid??

for OP
study psychology, and then when you have a decent amount of psychology input in your brain, get some real LSD

also cut japanese shit out of your life, its a selfdestructive path

lol that's what I thought.

That wouldn't be a good idea. He's a nice guy for the most part, but he's definitely falls into the "I'm always right" mindset. The fucking issue is he is always right for the most part. I don't work well with people like that.

when i had an iq test it came out 138 and i'm as big as a failure as it gets

Any tips on how to get into grad school?

Jew 26 IQ 128
Failure at life. College degree worked one job got fired unemployed collecting muh unemployment benefits welfare ;(

Haha I hate people like that too. You shouldn't feel bad or feel like you have to measure up to a person like that. At the end of the day he feels worse than you do right now. You've got a lot going for you bro, seriously. I wish I could design stuff and code but I'd probably go crazy trying. Don't second guess yourself :)

IQ 139
1.70 m (5'7")
Probably not autistic
Kissless virgin loser here, no female friends, can't be bothered to even talk to women.
Pussy isn't everything fam don't kill yourself because you can't have any, just focus on other stuff instead.

Do shrooms for depression. Shit makes you reconnect with earth and you lose your ego. You come out of your trip understanding you journey in life a lot better. Because of your newfound outlook on life and overall positive attitude you will begin to exhibit principles related to the law of attraction. As a result women will find you attractive and will soon have a litter of bitches that wanna be with you.

>Pussy isn't everything
What the fuck would you know?

Also, IQ of 139, why are you browsing Sup Forums then you dickhead?

What else is there to focus on user. Everything is a pathetic sham of people pretending to care for other people. We all pretend to be happy when really we're all just searching for something REAL. Something to actually care for, to love unequivocally. But no one find it, because it doesn't exist. Only shards and fragments. Which is why people drown their sorrows in booze, drugs, porn, sex, video games, movies, and television. Theyd love to drown in something, anything other than their own lonely, unhappy thoughts.

If he feels worse than me than I'm surprised he hasn't hung himself yet

Dude that's not a very high IQ. lol. If your parents read to you as a kid you're gonna have at least a 130. Plus IQ is like dick size. Usually people that talk about it are the people that worry about it.

I thought like 135 and above was considered "genius" level, but that's totally true about the dick size comparison

i'll help you discover something right now, user. there is no point. you're welcome Sup Forumsro.

You know this dude got his IQ score from a pop up ad. Come on bro.

lmao, I done one of them and got 84


I got 280 with this popup.
OP show your face, maybe we can tell you why you don't get chicks.

It's like a video game bro. Keep taking it til you can beat it. Get a new high score and then come to Sup Forums and tell everyone how you're depressed and can't get chicks but you have a high IQ. Ha ha ha.

Lol fuckin a.

I been training, gotta break 3 digits
Then at least I'll have an excuse to why chicks dont like me, and it wont have noting to do with all my personality flaws

First you should get interested in your own life. Try something new about once a day, face your fears and start getting to know some people. By having quite some self-confidence and the awareness that your life is heading towards something big, you might get more attractive as well.

How smart can OP be? He's asking for girl advice here of all places. The only fucking thing he's a genius at is casting out some quality Bait. Perhaps some would call him a Master Baiter.

This advice is stale. I already told him to take shrooms for the same shit.