Drawthread where did this gift come from edition

Drawthread where did this gift come from edition

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peep is dǝad


She literally just closed that box, don't magically reopen it

from a couple threads ago requested this.

it was build with pillows instead of sand ... but its the same idea. i think so
thx user

Holy shit, that was 100,000 posts ago. Also, taking requests.

Counter UAV, ready for deployment.


>Alright, what'd I miss?
This... gift thing?

Taking requests.

ReReReRequesting Yukiteru & Yuno holding hands like this for their stargazing! Thanks in advance! Please!


I don't do anime autism.

shit, someone rescue her

Noooooo Lina, we have to help her!!!

From last bread, still taking requests.

draw an owl

Requesting something cute with Julie

No more blushing and lewd lina?

Requesting something with a sharpie in pooper.

savage berserk style warrior
with a lemon for a head

thank you very much!

Draw panda pls


Idn, I have no idea wheres mundy ;c

Meer the witch in a cute dress flying on her broom with a little cat on it too.

...kinda like kikis delivery service now that I think about it.

Taking requests to this big guy.

finally the twirl some user requested

still taking requests

I found a giant hammer, I have to help

W-what about user?


Forgot image. Taking requests to this big guy.

I want to be disappointed in this, but I can't

Pls draw it but with bane mask

Back to /r/.

>Light bondage and spanking.

I just realized I said big guy, didn't I.

I'm here but I dunno, I got what I need to have some fun, aye?

sry ... what?

Are you doing requests?

Was it part of your plan?


Sweet jesus. Did you free hand this or did you use a reference?

Butt hole?


>I guess I actually meant very light

But this is still hot, thank you

I also can't be mad at that face

I just wanted more legs

Dude, I've seen you in the last like 12 threads, I think you're awesome, but I also think even cartoon dogs need sleep. Take care doggobro.

I'm still here bby~

Sharpie in pooper please

You can fuck off nigger

It's a setting that never got to happen...
Which left me disappointed.

Sorry you feel that way.

but plz
sharpie in pooper is my life

That was a request.

I used a reference pic. Although i aint a very artistic person and cant draw references that well, so imagination kicks in.

Can I have a do-over? I think I wasted that request

Im trying to draw my user helping I just suck at drawing


Best of my abilities. Still open for requests.

Wait!!! What are you gonna do with those p-photos? Give them to me!

w-wah? werent u asking about mundy?

.................................... ;w;

and I like that music!


The bondage one?

Anyone taking requests? If so, D.Va in whatever pose or setting would be great

Can you draw it lifting weights please?

...yes, and?

A lot of quality for a voluntary drawing.

I'm sorry for you, not that you're let down because of anime, but because you involve yourself with such filth.

Nah, I was bondage, you did good

Don't give up hope!!!!! Anons help Lina!!!

The fire rises

Absorb it into your vagina!

Nah, I'm the user who requested a request kek

If you want a serious request, can you do a sharpie in a sharpie's pooper, in a pooper of a human made of sharpies?

My seriously serious request is heavy bondage, if that's your version of light bondage.

You want someone to draw this or are you trying to tell us something?

>inb4 hurr it's a drawfag

But I'm falling asleep ad cant draw more fetuses, sorry for the inconvenience. feel free to continue and do as you wish.

probably nothing, i have to leave.Have a nice one.

Least it's better than his next one called Big Order.
With what filth? I'm sorry yet again that you feel that way.

No, I was asking about you being all shy, embarrassed and lewd.

anyone want me to step in and draw?

I can't believe how long I've been unconscious in a swivel chair

I want to draw birds for some reason. Lots and lots of birds. My mouth taste like pennies

Hello, how is thread?

Yes. Draw me a soda waifu pls

I misread pennies as penises.

I sleep late and wake up early, so I'm always on.
I'm gonna jack it, that's what I'm gonna do.
>give them to me!

There I'll end it on a positive note for you


okay, have something with legs
hope it makes you happy user

>not sleeping in swivel chairs

it is very nice

>Requesting the girl in this comic doing something lewd
something lewd she did it

What's up? Any requests?



Anons are awesome!!
Thats a bit craycray!!
Aww, thanks buddy!
O-oohhh! s-sowwy
Pretty please? ;w; gib it ?

What happened when I was gone? Let's do something new and original, no chinese cartoons.

Can you color this ?!

anyone drawing anthro stuff in here?

I can try, no guarantees though because I don't have a transparent image.

Why is this so good



...I just want to see some sexy lina butt... those pics last thread were so fucking hot... ;-;

I understand, no worries I just wanted to see what your character looked like if it was colored

Add generic dudebro tanktop

I've never seen Harry Potter clap sarcastically.
Which movie?