>Music to listen to when eating lunch alone in the bathroom at school



That's nasty

I have no friends. Would rather be alone than feel depressed as people see I have no friends and mock me in the cafeteria

>music to listen to while fucking a model who may or may not have bleached her asshole

>music to listen to while vacuuming

jesus christ. I'm assuming you're in high school? Things will get better if you go to college, unless you're an actual crazy fuck


I am in college now.

The routine was the same at highschool and elementary.

Now sometimes I sneak outside and cry behind the forrest or parking lot if the bathroom is in use. I am not crazy. Im just terribly anxious and nobody talks to me. I feel like I dont fit in. I wear all black and dont cut my hair. All I do is post on Sup Forums in class.

>things will get better if you go to college
Confirmed lie, college is just high school the sequel.

>being this neurotypical

>an actual crazy fuck

>Actually believing all that

True. Now people Apparently talk behind my back more though and start rumors that Im a freak psycho whos retarded and someone once came in the bathroom yelling my name and claiming theyre gonna video tape me while im in there everyday.

I used to go to the library everyday but all the weird autists were there and eventually people made even more fun of me and whenever I came people stared so I stopped going to the library.

comment applies true story or not

Ah man. Are you on any meds or anything? Are you seeking help in any way? You probably should dude
Nah not really. I'm way less socially active in college than I was in high school but the people I hang with are all way more into the shit I'm into. Smaller group of friends but far more meaningful
Man I get extremely anxious and depressed all the time but I either work through it or get stupid fucked up to the point I can deal with things. Not ideal in any way but it's working for now until I have to actually face my issues

Just call him autistic you fucking snob

I wish it wasnt true...my life is pretty sad.

I almost feel like a mute now. My only friend is myself.

This is why the only time I will ever go outside is to go to work. People are just evil and cruel.

Dude there's poo in the air, you can't be eating in there.

Not on meds...too nervous to tell my mother how depressed and anxious I am. I dont want to be labeled a crazy person. I just hold all the pain inside and listen to sad music while browsing here wishing my life was better...hell at least normies are happy.

You have a smaller grouper friends but the judgement is on a way higher scale, you feel it more in college, it's more vivid and larger.

In high school I ate lunch in the janitor room while listening to nine inch nails

Yeah. I cant even work though dude.

I tried working as a dishwasher for a week and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. The staff was so mean and belitting. I was horribly nervous and awkward while running around trying to keep up as they yelled for me to hurry up. Also had to be a waiter...you can guess how that went.

Yeah I'm sort of on the same boat-ish but I'm just way more put together about it (sorry man). I'm just not sure what's wrong with me for sure yet. Be it ADHD, anxiety, or depression. I'm a sophomore so I'm feeling it out for another year before I make any big moves.
Idk about that, I guess it depends on your school really or how far you look into things. I'd say judgement is on a far smaller scale out in the open. I'm sure people make all sorts of judgments in their head and probably at a greater degree but I don't let that get to me, I do the same thing. People are far more accepting face to face at least.

Dude, people are just gonna pick on you. You don't seem to be making an effort to be the weirdo but if you don't cut your hair and wear all black thats obvi gonna happen. Just, get a haircut, buy a t shirt with some blue on it, maybe join a club or something. sit next too and talk to someone in one of your classes. Go lift weights instead of crying in the parking lot. You gotta make a bit of an effort for this kind of thing and for some people it comes naturally but for you it clearly doesn't so if you want some change you gotta put in a little something. I don't know why I'm giving you honest advice. I just got feels because you remind me of my younger self. Get better man. The more you talk to people, the easier it gets. I'm nearly fucking normalfag now even though I changed schools multiple times when I was younger because I got bullied so hard because I was just a social outcast. I have a girlfriend of 15 months, I'm happier than ever. I really believe you can do this shit too man. Ah fuck this post is so fucking stupid fuck it whatever I'm posting it anyway

How the heck am I supposed to make friends though?! Like...its so awkward. I dont know amyone and have nothing in common with these loud preppy normie jerks. And if I say hi, they brush me off and dont care.

do things

>be a normie

who said this was good advice?

Well thanks I guess...how do you survive though? How do you keep it together?

Well...thanks for the advice i guess. I know Im coming off as a pussy but this shit just sucks and its hard to be happy and normal when you constantly feel people judging you and not giving you a chance...hair and clothing wise you may be right. I will try and get a trim but clothing is tough cause I have no sense of fashion. And how did you change and get a girl? I just want the pain to end. Ive thought about leaving it all but cant cause i love my mom. And maybe this is gay and corny but reading shitposts and threads here gives me a bit of distraction and joy.

This I can relate to.

Like what? Im not into sports, chess or anything outside of obscure music and weird dark movies. I wish I were some jock normie but pretending to be that way after years is just fake and pathetic...theyll just roast me harder.

Whatever dude, I just meant I'm not a complete social outcast and I have a few friends is all. And if being a normie is what it takes for me to overcome my depression than so be it, that's what I had to do.

I'm in fucking engineering anyway so the majority of my faculty is more incompetent than me

Yeah but you make it sound like making friends is easy.

Its not. Ive tried for 9 years. The closest to a friend was a guy I said hi to a few times and once tried talking to about the office before he had to go and I never saw him around again. Like its not fucking easy dude. Like 98 percent if these fucks are nothing like me and already have friends. People mostly either feel bad, bully or ignore me

jesus dude, you want to live life or not?

Obscure music and weird dark movies are cool to a lot of people. I know its a useless degree but a lot of people in art faculties are really into that shit so maybe try and talk to some people from there. Idk, join a club. I know this is gonna sound stupid as fuck but someone started a metal club at my uni and I went and actually met some really nice cool people. For my girlfriend idk, we hung out in the same friend group and I just asked her out one day. I know the feel of people constantly judging you so well and I honestly feel for you. But people will judge you, you kind of have to rise above that. I find that no matter how many people think your a weird fucker if you have at least a few people who are your friends than its ok. Idk. try the club idea maybe.

It's hard for people to live life when they don't know how.

Haha shit man I don't even know the answer to that. I don't take things too seriously. Try to see the humor in absolutely every aspect of life. I've been through some fucked up shit so I don't let too much get to me. Get fucked up a lot. Have a bunch of meaningless sex with girls to give yourself temporary morale boosts. Try to get a core group of friends together you can fall back on. Make sure your family ties are real strong. Live your fucking life how you want to dude. You're here once man, don't wallow away in pity during your youth. If it's as bad as you're saying seek help immediately, seriously.



I can't tell if it's a joke, but do people really eat their lunch in the bathrooms? Like do people actually get that lonely?

I have considered that but its tough to get to courage to just show up randomly when nobody knows me besides being a weird quiet dude. But maybe I will try...

Look, I appreciate the sentiment but its not that easy dude. Im scared to approach a girl...sex is a whole other world. Ive tried to start up convos but i can tell its just awkward and not pleasant. And so many are taken.

Friend wise same thing. I cant just magically get tons if friends. Its like im invisible.

Ive never even been invited to a birthday party dude.

Yup. Pretty sad shit but I once heard of a kid who did it everyday.

Shit man. Alright, yeah I guess we're on a whole different level then. I really don't know what to tell you. What university do you go to if you don't mind me asking? If on the off chance we go to the same one I'll be you're fucking friend man, that's a promise

If you're in the same location for over a year, making friends is really not hard, jesus. I move every 3 months, so I have this problem because i have to break into established social circles.

I look down upon people who stay in one place and think they're the shit because they've established a circle. But when I was last stationary, in high school, I definitely was able to find a cool group of 8 or so friends, girls and boys.

You realize that there's responsibilities that come with friends though right? You have to get up in the morning and be "out there". If you're the guy that spends all day in your room, your group of friends are gonna slowly disappear, because you're not DOING anything with them. They're gonna invite you to shit, and you have to invite them to shit. Your house has to be open, like theirs. You have to have their back like they have yours

College is a more alienating high school.



I have moved actually a few times but it doesnt matter. Getting groups of friends isnt something easy. At least not for me. I must be unlucky. I have been told I look hard to approach apparently...

Like i said, friends is an active process. If you're hard to approach, then you do the approaching

Alright well you're nearly 1,000 miles north from me, but hey my parents have been seriously considering emigrating to canada for a while now so I guess we'll just see. Stay strong my dude.

Damn... Well thanks for the thought I guess

I always want to but the few times I got the courage to approach I became a stammering awkward sweating mess and people either ignored me or walked away

Try tinder. I've honestly gotten two serious relationships out of it in college

It's not that they get lonely, it's in fear of others. I did it once or twice in highschool when my anxiety was at an all time high and I just wanted to disappear for a bit but it was cold and raining outside.


howd you overcome it nigger?


>you want to live life or not?
next level memes, desu

I did it once in freshman year in High School, then I realized I was being a weirdo and never did it again.

jesus christ dude

>people on Sup Forums are actually fucking crazy


>howd you overcome it

I graduated highschool and no longer had to eat lunch and spend time around 1000 people.

You should have seen the thread where everyone confesses the worst thing they have ever done in life. Many did some fucked up shit.
By the way, welcome to Sup Forums.

>thinks not going to college is a cool thing

>I have a girlfriend of 15 months
get out pedo scum

Go to concerts or Arthaus cinemas and try to get in touch with some of the people there.

>tfw used to be a weirdo and have no friends
>tfw trying to be normal for years now, but instead of being weird i never talk and am extremely socially anxious
>tfw still no friends

Kek, I bet you're entirely self absorbed but still pity yourself a victim

well, show us the face

>tfw no face

i did the same thing a couple times in 8th grade (except i didnt eat there ew). I just sat there on my phone.


this is what folk punk was made for

I'm going to explain something very clearly, and you need to integrate it into your being even if it's uncomfortable to change routines:

Other people don't give a fraction of the fucks you think they might about you. Everyone is so in their goddamn head with their own neuroses, that you can just confidently act however you want and they're only gonna be concerned with how YOU perceive THEM. Especially now that you're hitting adult age. The game done changed.

neurotypical is literally the opposite of autistic you fucking retard

Fucking hell, how long before you just shoot up your college and end yourself?

that's fucking gross

What? I never said anything about college or it not being cool. I'm in university now, but as soon as my class is over I go home. I know I'm not cool, and pretty much every choice I make could be considered uncool or lame. But I don't like social attention and prefer to be alone.



>tfw I only have a few friends that I'm not at all close with
>tfw I'm to lazy to meet new people but I don't mind being alone anymore
Feels good desu

id just eat lunch fast then sit on the toilet for the rest of lunch

take it slow work on one thing at a time. cut your hair and nails, shower every day. buy normie cloths that fit correctly and smile occasionally. you don't have to be social, but stop out-casting yourself.

Wrong album OP.

Seriously, Off Top just sounds like music you'd play to go shoot up a school.


im a fucking walking astronaut battle bots and cattle prods hassle tassle asimov


Well fuck
I mean, I just don't know what to say

same except I ate on the roof. I bet they don't even let kids outside the cafeteria without permission or something

not really, nobody really cares about you in college.you might be alone but no one's gonna be making fun of you for it

@OP and other troubled people, therapy/meds really can help, but either way stay strong, you're not alone, etc.
you can look for online communities, not just for hobbies like music, but also for anxiety/depression/loneliness

glad u made it user :')

this but unironically
I just didn't eat and stayed in the library lol


>nu-Sup Forums

Op here, cant stop laughing dude.

Chicken here, cant stop kekking.

do you do any drugs? otherwise do that
ignore all other advice, its garbage just do drugs

it's okay you'll stop by Monday just in time to cry like a beta faggot at lunch again

Never done them, my new chum.


Not OP here, can't stop laughing