Does anyone know of any interesting .onion websites?

Does anyone know of any interesting .onion websites?
not looking for child porn or shit like that, come on guys haha

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>come on guys haha

Hey yeah no cp guys

>ITT we prove that mods are asleep and post cp


what's actually on the dark net aside from drugs?

>implying that you don't want cp

Weapons, CP... Hacking shit, lots of chans and discussion sites. Did I miss anything?

Satan trips check

Hitman sites, redroom sites, ocult shit. Idk if they are legit

>Come on guys haha

is there any way to stick to the hacking / chan shit without bumping into the other shit?


Nah, they're prolly all scams. I've only ever seen one redroom vid. Occult ones and ones dedicated to weird hobbies are all over the place tho

It's very hard to bump into something you don't wanna see, it doesn't quite work that way

so what ARE you looking for, user?

Go to bed Esteban

OP here, I am looking for interesting stuff, chans and discussions, just interesting stuff aye

I'm a Cyber security and a programmer in college fam ! I'll explain what it is, it's a place where the worlds most popular crimes happen without even the people knowing it. Child porn, Drugs, Hackers, Human traficking, cannibals, rapists, terrorist and some horror shit like selling people's souls trapped in a container, illegal things that are haunted. It's scary fam never ever visit that shit. There's FBI hidden agents surfing on the deep web to catch criminals who purchase illegal shit from there. So no dark web pls, I'm a college student who does it for a purpose cuz I'm a Cyber Specialist and a Programmer.

"not looking for child porn or shit like that, come on guys haha"

"come on guys haha"


only have cheesy ones sorry

Im interested
please share XD

>not lookin for child porn
>only two types of people get onion routers
>CP seekers
>and LIARS


mm no


Drugs... Drugs... And DRUGS!

type nudist gym on google if you want CP.

I guess three

junkies love onions

Loved this as a teenager, still do even if its edgy shit.

>come on guys haha

>I'm a cyber security

Is the prefamulated amulite tube that connect the tribble pipe on the "up" end of the grammies in order to create a base pair of electrical signals that then travel through the Internet tubes to their destination okay? I've been having some spotty internet lately and I was wondering if that was the cause. Pls help mr cyber security.

So what if I forgot to add a specialist at the end or whatever the fuck u shit. Lmao