/21p/ general

Sup Forums BTFO edition

Reading 2016: youtube.com/watch?v=UYxjExAefj4
Instgram pics of the cuties: instagram.com/twentyonepilots/


Other urls found in this thread:


bump ;)

friendly reminder that 21p is an infinitely inferior version of eyedea and abilities

Just listened to their two singles so I could be up-to-date with the freshest memes. It was OK.

According to Google, this is the most-searched for musicians by people who support each candidate:

Hillary Clinton

1.) Taylor Swift
2.) Beyoncé
3.) Mariah Carey
4.) Selena Gomez
5.) Nicki Minaj

Donald Trump
1.) Twenty One Pilots
2.) Meghan Trainor
3.) Blake Shelton
4.) Luke Bryan
5.) Justin Beiber

are they /our guys/ ?

Go back Sup Forumscuck we don't fetishize a manchild in the white house like you do.

but did they too burn every bridge over these troubled waters? do they no longer hide behind their personality disorders?

>friendly reminder that Death grips is an infinitely inferior version of 21p


literally who

>knows 21p but has never listened to by the throat
this board has truly gone to shit



i fucking love this band they are like the jesus and mary chain but for the twenty 1st century
up to date!

no one on Sup Forums will ever like twenty one pilots, just give up

only person i know who likes this shit is some moron who i hope dies from aids or terminal cancer


I just looooooooove 21 savage

daily reminder

I like them, shut up

21 pilots succs.

Congrats,you normal fag

why are they so cute ?

Stop this shit. It's like comparing gospels. It's all the voice of God working through man.

Are you a 13yo girll?

this but regional at best is the best of their albums

>implying you wouldnt suck his cock until your jaw fell off

or twink chaser ;)



I used to work at food lion and they'd play "stressed out" a couple times a day. I saw this old man walking down an isle singing that song. I was pretty suprised.

they appeal to a lot of people

just like hitler

Most people hated him outside of Germany user...


emo and original fag #56183271

The same way people outside of US hates twenty one pilots


What do you think of Josh's taste Sup Forums?

pretty good desu