Chile and Chileans

What is their fucking problem ? Why can't they release anything worthwile ?

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Thats wrong tho

Ive only heard los jaivas but theyre pretty good so youre already wrong


>daily bolivian butthurt thread

Because the country has a relatively small population and isn't really that relevant in the world. This answers evey "why is [country] so devoid of talent" thread.

Because the new scene are just copycats who make their own shitty versions of jangle pop acts. Nothing new.

"New Chilean music" is fucking trash. That doesn't mean there aren't some great Chilean bands though.

They have though.

Check out Composiciones para guitarra [1957-1960] by Violeta Parra which is probably the first ever "avant-folk" album.

At least we are better than every other latin american country except Brazil when it comes to non traditional music.

You're an obnoxious piece of shit. I hope you're aware of that.

fome qliao la wea

Stop harassing me!

jfsldkjf weon y la wea asdgfd

Don't forget Ricardo

jjajaja la wea wea csm la wea xd la wea


b-but the greatest electronic artist of this century is chilean

yo hablo espanol yo pollo es muy grande puto maricon

>Composiciones para guitarra [1957-1960]
lmao, just realized that that album was released by the record label "wea".


wtf this is a real language? This looks like someone just typed random letters on the keyboard



either Nicolas Jaar or Ricardo Villalobos

No, he's shit.

I have heard good things about Jaar, but Villalobos is meh.

That's how chileans behave on the internet and irl too. Their language is pretty much shitposting.

do you even magma-influenced techno

You should check out jaar hes p good

Not the best electronic artist of this generation(thatd be my boy d lop) but quite good

Check out nymphs

im pretty sure there's one argentinian and one chilean trying to force this 'meme' here. they should get permabanned, annoying cunts.

reconcha su mare pajero weon qliao xddd

>No, he's shit

Are you being a contrarian? what villalobos have you listened to?

Alcachofa. Just average micro-house/techno.

Sure, he has been on my backlog. Eventually I will.

Okay, now that sounds pretty cool. Will listen to it in a few minutes.

t. mexicuck spotted

ke wea chucha e tu mare! xdxd

El típico rockero chileno/The typical chilean rockhead

>Perro viva el rock weon la kago led zepelin gans n rouses el regeton vale callampa perro perro vamoh a tomarno unas escudos en la tocata de tributo a pin floid perro papa salu por el rock viejo perro el rock es mi vida perro elmano

I'm chilean btw

I'm guessing you're from Argentina?


Why are Spanish speaking people so weird

loco lo que vos the hace falta es UNA VELA

better than fucking colombia desu

Chilean is the best shitposting language so we have something good

>chilean Electronic music discussion
>no mention of ESDLCP or Aguilas Paralelas

Es el mestizaje maligno que me hincha el pecho de orgullo.
Also do you even have a badass qt pop singer like her?

Forgot based pic.

Chilean here
this is 100% truth
also people here is pleb as fuck, they only care about reggaeton/ cumbia and Dadrock/indie shit
anyway if you wanna live in southamerica (of course you don't) this is the best place, the rest of southamerica is even worse


Chilean music is garbage, I really love this record tho

Good album, wish I could find a good quality rip

People everywhere are pleb as fuck, user.

Los Bunkers is one of the few bands that made it

I'm an American born to Chilean immigrant. Once I hit an age and started getting curious about South American culture, I started checking out various bands. Someone please explain this:

Why are South American countries like Brazil and Chile so into thrash and black metal, but SO FUCKING BAD at making it?

I'll take my answer off the air.

Best chilean artist

31 Minutos and Nicolas Jaar are the only good things that have come from Chile

wow, that's great, i've done some things in guitar that sounds like that and i don't even know about chilean folk

You have to go back.

>31 Minutos
i lived in santiago from 2000-2004, i was just a kid.

it was the first time we were allowed to just sit and watch tv. and there it was

31 minutos. it hit me hard. like the rest of kids television would never catch up. like a legend.

a legend i'll never be able to share.

you gotta be kiddin me kid
they are absolute garbage

No, they are bad.



No idea.

Actually, Chileans are free to go to the USA anytime, no visas needed (or something like that). Further proof Chile is the superior latin american country.

Except Jaar was born in the USA and 31 minutos is meh (but I still like them).

Go to bed, moonshake

Doubt it. Some interpretations on there are "anti" versions of traditional songs. How exactly are they "anti"? I'm not sure, but something like completely decomposing the rhythm, structure, and chord structure of those traditional songs.


Avant-Math shut the fuck up you pathetic piece of shit.

Stop following me!

as a chilean i agree, los tres and los prisioneros make my ears bleed but that being said, as with any small country there's a few remarkable artists, like electrodomesticos are pretty good, congelador, salvaje decibel and portavoz, matias aguayo, villalobos, follakzoid i guess, holydrug couple and that kind of stuff

What makes you think you need your name to be seen with every post?

Who cares? Hopefully they will be exterminated soon by their natural enemies the earthquakes

te interesa rock progressivo chileno ?
>y que no sea los jaivas

Good (but fuck, why does every chilean band have to use so many radio samplies with socio-political commentary? fuck them)



>holydrug couple
Bad. The copy of the copy. I was listening to them right now but still enjoying them though. Very comfy.

Why do you care on the first place? Stop being a newfag and lurk more.

We have mastered them by now. When the Final Earthquake takes over the whole world, only the superior chilean race wil be able to survive.

Akineton Retard es mejor prog.

that reminds me, mar de robles are pretty good, and almost completely forgotten

Not everyone can be Perú

>Why do you care on the first place?
Because when you make annoying posts it hurts to see your name yet again

>Stop being a newfag and lurk more.
kek ok kid


>Because when you make annoying posts it hurts to see your name yet again
I guess this confirms
>Stop being a newfag and lurk more.
Stop being so annoying already.

ugh, you're right i guess but i mean compared to the rest of chilean music, they at least can stand alongside stuff from other places, even usa or uk, taking into account that even there 90% of music is shit

are you (motherfucker) implying peruvian music is the best thig to have graced your ears?

You're fucking welcome

Their s/t album is a masterpiece
People just hate on them because they were too popular at their time


>I'm an ignorant faggot
Fixed it for you


Don't mind me, just posting some great Chilean albums
Feel free to shit on them

people hate them cause they fucking suck

think again
obviously not



well the only kind of metal Chile is capable of is old school death metal
is somehow acceptable

The fuck is this crap

amigo please stop you're embarassing yourself and everyone in here

Just some folk fun
>it's too popular therefore it's bad
I like how you chose that particular post to shit on it

>Why are South American countries like Brazil and Chile so into thrash and black metal, but SO FUCKING BAD at making it?

Are you serious? Chile and Brazil where PIONEERS in South American extreme metal. Of course the productios is raw as fuck most of the time but that's because 80's metalheads didn't have shit and had to produce music with really few resourses.

nah man, i like plenty of popular stuff like javiera mena or alex anwandter, as in i can stand them but los tres, they're just shit and brought nothing new to music and no one will remember them in a 100 years, probably

If there's a Chilean band that anyone will remember in 100 years, that's Los Tres.
>javiera mena
>alex anwandter
Bailar y Llorar is literally the only good thing he's ever done

i believe you're thinking about noche de brujas and americo there, but screenshot this, no one will care about them, and teleradio, it's the same thing, they copied someone else and said hey if i sing spanish then it will be new! i'm a fucking genius

Tai cagao de la mente wom, ta bien que no te gusten los tres, pero de verdad creis que no aportaron nada a la musica y nadie los va a recordar?


hermano, valen callampa, nada mas, aceptalo, good chat, have fun
>Implying this isn't the best album ever made

Solido argumento mi negro

They tried to release an acid bomb on Bjork's face once, if that counts

El user a quien respondes tiene razon, negro.