
Other urls found in this thread:

>liking music aimed at adult men
>liking music aimed at teenage girls

hmm yahh I made my choice lol


pristin? more like twice can't sing



yezinigger won't reply to you if you post gaypop
that automatically makes posting gaypop better

Is it lovelyz time already

early is fine when its a cute girl
(and everyone saves memes for minutes)


early thread again you retards

long war 2 hype


>liking music at all


give me your lewdest lewda

joy noo

best alien

Chaeyoung is so ugly that when she's next to Mina her ugliness affects my eyes and Mina looks ugly too, but I know it's only an illusion, Mina is the best twice.

Stop making early treads

best i got

i wish i could like chorong more, but she's such a hit and miss

a real qt pie at times and sometimes she just seems meh. maybe she's not aging too well..

So you don't like kpop? Why post here then?

adult men and teenage girls are the most culturally similar demographics that exist


which one of you is this

mina is the second ugliest

Most girl group songs cap out at 8/10. Male groups have more 10/10 songs. But you're gay if you don't deny this fact.

He's obviously staring at the MC

I thought we dealt with you gaypoppers in the last thread



>nobody hates Luda
haha yasss

can someone explain the preview meme to me please? i really don't get it

it takes like 5 seconds to xfer pics out of the camera and batch add your logo

>kpg has THIS MANY gaypoppers
i thought girls don't exist on Sup Forums lol

>thinking a manface is unnatractive

does anyone know the source for this CUTE bona?
i dont think anyone has webm'd this yet

(ignore the moonspeak)


They would be a cute couple 2bh.
At least it's an attractive guy, I hate it when pretty kpops date ugly gaypops.


you can't hate this face, it's impossible

but then they can't sell the photobook

they're all gays and they keep inviting their friends from OH

loool just because you call yourself a girl doesn't make it so user

you can hade her messed up ear though

Mostly it's because they edit the photos. They whitewash the everloving fuck out of the tanner idols


they send previews while the show is still on, not when they are sitting in front of their computers


goddamn criminal if you ask me

i have >10k in camera equipment, how easy is it to get invited to tistory and follow girl groups around korea?


OH is the best place for gaypop it's like a safe space for faggots i wonder why they keep coming here

ESL much?
And don't be delusional, they're all fags.


3 more months



a lot of them do (that arinaring fuck is the perfect example) but even the guys who put up unedited starter lense crap do previews

ayyy lmao


luda is so cute but unsexy at the same time
i dont know how to feel about her


dasom scrolling through sulli's instagram like

This is my waifu

their site got hacked a while back and they all migrated here, a few of them stuck around unfortunately

kpg is your new employer, now get out there

what did she mean by this?

>why do people keep discussing anime with males in it on Sup Forums? They just want attention
>why do people keep discussing video games with males in it on Sup Forums? They just want attention
What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you butthurt lesbians who get mad at any mention of men or something?


stay safe mexicanons

you mean 2 right? her bday is march 9, 2001 (don't ask me why i know that)

i would let this alien experiment on me if you catch my drift.

love exy!

She is not crying. Shopped




They're close friends though.

pretty sure they're just both wondering when the mc is gonna shut the hell up so they can stop freezing to death

ok which groups should i stan first? (besides ioi obv)

you too ese

>I love lesbians, feminism, being a massive dyke, etc.
>/kpg/ is perfect for me



this is the best purepop song i've ever heard. even better than lovelyz' how to be a pretty girl


I actually hate mamamoo thanks you rent boy

why do you keep giving them attention then?

get funny shots like this i guess if youre not gonna follow the ioidols around

wtf are slug and yeri doing while others attend shows regularly?

she's rapidly becoming one of my favs

You guys do understand that not all of Sup Forums is Sup Forums right?

tinkerbell and muah were better though

90% of boy goups are designed to appeal to females
why bother watching fruityass faggots singing about a girl they like when there are all these cute girl goups with positive & upbeat lyrics

i'm going for cheek peeks honestly, that's where the real money's at


>hating mamamoo

u wot m8 chorong is defo the cutest kpop in her age range


>Sup Forums boogeyman