
What headphones do you have Sup Forums I have the sennheiser hd600

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pistons v3
and future shure iems 425

Bowers and Wilkins P7
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Sennheiser Momentum 2


Fidelio X2

>windows ten

>Tube amp
What can you expect from someone that buys consumer level memephones?

whats wrong with tube amp?

Nothing. If you like the way it sounds then fine

>the way it sounds

Grado SR80

Increase in distortion that gradually builds as the vacuum tube goes bad and eventually needing replacement.

There's a reason solid state replaced them

This ugly pair because it's not like I ever go outside.

I listen to music, play games, and don't care about my privacy, why shouldn't I use 10?

I tested several brands and priceranges of headphones, I liked these the best. Tube amp also has SS in it, it was cheap & makes some songs sound better for me.
But whatever makes you feel superior bruh. I don't need to prove anything.
What do you use?

My man

Are the anime girls supposed to convey your points better?

I use a fiio 17 that I bought from a friend for $25. He said it was broken and wouldn't turn on but actually it suffered from chink grade batteries and software that would turn off the amp if the battery was dead. I simply took out the battery and now it runs. I didn't need the amp, I just needed that built in dac because my laptop caused audible distortion. I do feel superior.

They mostly show my superficial mood or how I'd like others to see me

These arrived yesterday, my first good pair of headphones.

Nice deal. What kind of headphones?>I do feel superior
Good for you. Though I must admit I also like to feel that way. I'm quite proud of my speaker setup myself.

Superlux 668B
Best headphones under $30 you can get

Having bought the amp I still felt headaches from wearing headphones. I concluded that there were three reasons
1. Uncomfortable headband
2. Too much treble
3. Too much bass
I set out to find a headphone that would match the criteria of what I wanted
1. Comfortable
2. Only slight boost in bass if any
3. Rolled off treble
I looked through graphs of measured headphone frequency response and found a cheap one that looked right
I found the xpt100 for $75

Having worn these for a year and a half I can say that the only thing I dislike about them is their cheap chinkshit heavy cables that must connect to both sides of the headphone and break under their own weight. Fuck these cables

got them for christmas after asking for another pair of headphones

I got very lucky; they aren't complete shit, but I wish they had a regular cord to use when the battery is dead. Overall I wouldn't have bought them myself nor would I buy them again but I'm not mad and the music sounds pretty good


Teufel Airy